Fish Purchase Questions
Fish Purchase Questions
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I was hoping to get some advice on adding the following (hopefully all) fish to my established 90G reef (currently only livestock is a cleaner shrimp and lps/softies):
1st Wave: 1 purple firefish, 1 black cap basslet, 1 bi-colour blenny
2nd Wave: 1 flame angel, 1 black nox (midnight) angel
3rd Wave: 1 yellow tang, 1 kole tang
4th Wave: 1 maroon clown
Hope to hear back!
Fish Purchase Questions
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I was hoping to get some advice on adding the following (hopefully all) fish to my established 90G reef (currently only livestock is a cleaner shrimp and lps/softies):
1st Wave: 1 purple firefish, 1 black cap basslet, 1 bi-colour blenny
2nd Wave: 1 flame angel, 1 black nox (midnight) angel
3rd Wave: 1 yellow tang, 1 kole tang
4th Wave: 1 maroon clown
Hope to hear back!