I'm back!
From the movie "Independence Day?
haha. Considering that you've answered around 50 posts or so you might not recall me.
I get confused with all these configurations so thanks for reminding me (although I do remember you)
Here's my list again.
2 firefish Male and female - to be first fish
1 male and female yellow watchman goby - added second (can I add their pistols with them? do the pistols need to be quarantined too or no?)
No quarantine for pistol shrimp but make sure you match SG (using a refractometer) by drip acclimation. You can add them concurrently or after the gobies.
1-2 Pistol shrimp
1 orange back fairy wrasse
1 possum wrasse (probably white banded)
and 1 mandarin - 7-8 months after setup
My questions concern the possum wrasse mostly I guess. I googled around and read, but I seem to be only able to find three possum wrasses?
I only know of three, but there may be four
Tanka's pygmy wrasse, White banded and yellow banded. Is the pink streak wrasse a possum? Are Wetmorella the only possum wrasse?
And lastly, I read that they eat copepods and amphipods too, will he compete with my future mandarin or will a properly established tank support them both?
Should be no problem
My refugium is planned to be 13 gallons, for my 75g tank.
Sorry if this doesn't really fit in the thread, if it doesn't fit enough to be answered, point me in the right direction please