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I've been offered a pyjama wrasse, should I take it?

I've got a 180 litre tank (with 60 litre sump) with,
lawnmower blenny
rusty angel
coral beauty
bangaii cardinal
2 clownfish
and a purple fire fish

Also corals and a few crabs.
Cool, Sounds like a plan. Can you have more than oner conch?

What about any of the other gobeys. Any issues?

In your sized aquarium, at most two. Non-sand sifting gobies should be no issue. If paired with pistol shrimp, who move sand constantly, you might have to block their access to sand sitting corals.
I've been offered a pyjama wrasse, should I take it?

I've got a 180 litre tank (with 60 litre sump) with,
lawnmower blenny
rusty angel
coral beauty
bangaii cardinal
2 clownfish
and a purple fire fish

Also corals and a few crabs.

A roll of the dice. I would not, especially in your sized tank
I have still been thinking about my stocking list. The tank will be a 90 gallon with a 30 gallon sump and at least a 5 gallon refugium. I also will be running a skimmer rated for at least 2x the water volume. It will be a mixed reef featuring SPS/LPS coral with some softies and inverts. Here's what I have come up with:

Red mandarin
2 true percula clowns
Diamond Watchman goby
Starry blenny
2 red firefish
Black Nox Angelfish
Orange stripe prawn goby/w pistol shrimp
5 blue/green reef chromis
I have still been thinking about my stocking list. The tank will be a 90 gallon with a 30 gallon sump and at least a 5 gallon refugium. I also will be running a skimmer rated for at least 2x the water volume. It will be a mixed reef featuring SPS/LPS coral with some softies and inverts. Here's what I have come up with:

Red mandarin should be added when tank exceeds 7 months maturity
2 true percula clowns
Diamond Watchman goby I am not sure if the two gobies will coexist
Starry blenny
2 red firefish must be a male and female
Black Nox Angelfish no angel is reef safe, especially with meaty LPS
Orange stripe prawn goby/w pistol shrimp
5 blue/green reef chromis they will, over time, reduce their number to one or at most two
How about this list then?

Red mandarin, after 7 months
2 true percula clowns
Diamond Watchman goby
Starry blenny
2 red firefish mated pair
2 Scissortail dartfish, pair
3 Schooling bannerfish
Well, i am working on my potential fish list. If you could give me the ups and downs that would be great. We have a 180 gallon with a 55 gal ref.
We currently have 2 small ocellaris clown fish.
I am hoping to add 7 small yellow tangs, all at the same time to minimize territorial behavior.
If possible i would like to add some other tang to the mixture, i am thinking one or two blue hippos. Would this be possible or should i throw this plan out the window?lol

Did my post get missed?:(
Well, i am working on my potential fish list. If you could give me the ups and downs that would be great. We have a 180 gallon with a 55 gal ref.
We currently have 2 small ocellaris clown fish.
I am hoping to add 7 small yellow tangs, all at the same time to minimize territorial behavior.
If possible i would like to add some other tang to the mixture, i am thinking one or two blue hippos. Would this be possible or should i throw this plan out the window?lol

Yes, so sorry, I did miss this one. Occasionally when the questions come in bunches, because of the serial nature of the board, I miss one.

The easy question is that I do not recommend any Hepatus tangs in a six foot tank. The RC recommendation of a 240 gallon tank (8 feet) is pretty aggressive. These tangs grow quickly and are swimmers. They can also be hyper aggressive if they feel cramped.

The question of 7 yellow tangs as the only fish in your tank is more difficult. In a 10 foot tank, I would say yes, in an 8 foot tank, possibly, but in a six foot tank, I do not think so.

Again, sorry about missing your questions.

question i have a 220 with a lemon peel dwarf angel(yellow) and am wanting to add a yellow tang(s). my question is i know the tangs can be aggressive towards fish same color and similar shaped as them. is this safe to do or no
question i have a 220 with a lemon peel dwarf angel(yellow) and am wanting to add a yellow tang(s). my question is i know the tangs can be aggressive towards fish same color and similar shaped as them. is this safe to do or no

If the order were reversed, it would not work. As it is it will. Always add the most aggressive fish last.
I'm back! haha. Considering that you've answered around 50 posts or so you might not recall me. Here's my list again.
2 firefish Male and female - to be first fish
1 male and female yellow watchman goby - added second (can I add their pistols with them? do the pistols need to be quarantined too or no?)
1-2 Pistol shrimp
1 orange back fairy wrasse
1 possum wrasse (probably white banded)
and 1 mandarin - 7-8 months after setup

My questions concern the possum wrasse mostly I guess. I googled around and read, but I seem to be only able to find three possum wrasses? Tanka's pygmy wrasse, White banded and yellow banded. Is the pink streak wrasse a possum? Are Wetmorella the only possum wrasse? And lastly, I read that they eat copepods and amphipods too, will he compete with my future mandarin or will a properly established tank support them both? My refugium is planned to be 13 gallons, for my 75g tank.
Sorry if this doesn't really fit in the thread, if it doesn't fit enough to be answered, point me in the right direction please :)
I'm back!

From the movie "Independence Day?

haha. Considering that you've answered around 50 posts or so you might not recall me.

I get confused with all these configurations so thanks for reminding me (although I do remember you)

Here's my list again.
2 firefish Male and female - to be first fish
1 male and female yellow watchman goby - added second (can I add their pistols with them? do the pistols need to be quarantined too or no?)

No quarantine for pistol shrimp but make sure you match SG (using a refractometer) by drip acclimation. You can add them concurrently or after the gobies.

1-2 Pistol shrimp
1 orange back fairy wrasse
1 possum wrasse (probably white banded)
and 1 mandarin - 7-8 months after setup

My questions concern the possum wrasse mostly I guess. I googled around and read, but I seem to be only able to find three possum wrasses?

I only know of three, but there may be four

Tanka's pygmy wrasse, White banded and yellow banded. Is the pink streak wrasse a possum? Are Wetmorella the only possum wrasse?


And lastly, I read that they eat copepods and amphipods too, will he compete with my future mandarin or will a properly established tank support them both?

Should be no problem

My refugium is planned to be 13 gallons, for my 75g tank.
Sorry if this doesn't really fit in the thread, if it doesn't fit enough to be answered, point me in the right direction please :)
Thank you so very much Steve! I think my list is settled so I might be done on your thread, but no promises! It will feel like forever through all the quarantine before I finally get to observe the pygmy wrasse and the mandarin, but the day will come!
Thank you so very much Steve! I think my list is settled so I might be done on your thread, but no promises! It will feel like forever through all the quarantine before I finally get to observe the pygmy wrasse and the mandarin, but the day will come!

I am always glad to help you. Remember, nothing good ever happens quickly in this hobby!
Looking for some advice on my next fish if at all possible.

I have a 24 gal nano with lps and zoas.
2 Ocellaris Clowns
Yasha Shrimp Goby
Green Mandarin

Would my tank be able to handle another fish in its bioload? I do have a HOB skimmer and my water quality is my top priority ( ph-8.2, Alk 9, Calc 420 ppm, Amm 0, Trite 0, Trate under 10).

Any suggestions for what I could add?
220gal, 75 gal sump half of which is a refugium. vertex 280 skimmer, vertex media reactor running rowaphos and carbon, reeflo dart hybrid pump, 2 ATI T5s 75 mixed LEDs. 150lbs live rock

Current inhabitants:
Lots of different types of snail and small hermits, 2 saddle back (fire) clowns, 3 peppermint shrimp, 2 Fighting Conch, 1 Red Mithrax Crab, 1 Porcelain Crab, 1 Blue Sand Sifting Star, 1 Nudibranch Lettuce

Corals: Mushrooms, Zoas, 2 hammer, 2 torch, 2 frog spawn, 1 Pink Pulsing Xenia, 1 Feather Pink Xenia, 1 Purple Acropora

Wishlist: 1 blond naso tang, 1 achilles tang, 1 powder blue tang, yellow watchman golby>pistol shrimp pair, pair of black and white clowns, 1 flame angel, fire shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp.

I am willing to get rid of the saddle back clowns for the black and whites.
What is the max number of fish I should add?
What are some other good choices to go along with this group that I have picked, or the substitions that need to be made?
First, this is my setup:

75g tank, 25g sump, refugium w/chaeto, 2x 1050gph powerheads, 80 pounds live rock, 2 inch sand bed, protein skimmer.

I currently have a bunch of various snails (nassarius, nerite, trochus, cerith), a florida fighting conch, 3 peppermint shrimp, and an urchin. I have a few softies already and plan to add more softies/LPS in this tank.

I currently have 2 percula clowns.

I am looking to add in this order (each line would be purchased/added at the same time):

2x carpenter flasher wrasse (1 male 1 female)
2x red head solon fairy wrasse
1x diamond watchman goby
1x orchid dottyback, 1x sunrise dottyback (tank bred)
1x banggai cardinal (tank bred), 1x orange lined cardinalfish

How does that look? Is this amount of fish ok for my setup/size?
Looking for some advice on my next fish if at all possible.

I have a 24 gal nano with lps and zoas.
2 Ocellaris Clowns
Yasha Shrimp Goby
Green Mandarin

Would my tank be able to handle another fish in its bioload? I do have a HOB skimmer and my water quality is my top priority ( ph-8.2, Alk 9, Calc 420 ppm, Amm 0, Trite 0, Trate under 10).

Any suggestions for what I could add?

We do not normally offer recommendations but will be happy to provide information on fish stocking compatibility both with each other and with the environment you are providing. The two clownfish, once sexually mature, will own that sized tank and make it difficult for any water column fish. Also, maintaining a mandarin in your sized tank will be very, very difficult.
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