PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hi. Tried posting on this thread previously but either got missed or ignored due to lack of research (think it was my naivety) :) Done alot more homework but would really like to know your thoughts on following: 50gal fowlr a week or two away from fish.

Small cuc: 2 cleaner shrimp, 3-4snails,3-4 small hermits
Blue/green chromis or yellow tail damsel (luv the damsel but will it be too aggressive for some of others?)
Ocellaris clown
Royal gramma
Bicolor blenny
Flame angelfish

Would really like your thoughts on firefish compatibility with others, particularly angelfish & also am I overloaded?

Thank you very much for your advice :)

Hi. Tried posting on this thread previously but either got missed or ignored due to lack of research (think it was my naivety) :) Done alot more homework but would really like to know your thoughts on following: 50gal fowlr a week or two away from fish.

I never ignore except with people that want to argue. On the other hand, I DO screw up and this happens more during page changes when I get confused as to who I have answered. So very sorry, it was not intentional. On the other hand, those that have clearly done research, usually get a deeper answer from me.

Small cuc: 2 cleaner shrimp, 3-4snails,3-4 small hermits

I normally recommend various snail types and no hermits. Probably more snails than you have planned

Blue/green chromis or yellow tail damsel (luv the damsel but will it be too aggressive for some of others?)

Damsels (and chromis IS a damsel) can be very territorial. I normally recommend against them

Ocellaris clown Will eventually become female and more aggressive. But with no male, no bonding, no mating, and somewhat less territorial

Firefish I always recommend adding firefish very early on in the tank build up as they can then establish themselves. Normally, they are shy when being added to tanks with fish who may have established territories

Royal gramma These can be semi aggressive. Would you consider one of the possum wrasses instead? Does not have the brilliant coloration but a fascinating fish with similar reclusiveness
Bicolor blenny
Flame angelfish I like this fish but remember it is not reef safe virtually always

Would really like your thoughts on firefish compatibility with others, particularly angelfish & also am I overloaded?

No, bioload is fine

Thank you very much for your advice :)

My pleasure for sure

Hi Steve, so now that my tank is up and running I of course have different ideas for my stocking list. I would very much like your opinion on my new list! :-)

2-Occ B&W Clowns - Already in tank..

1-Starry Blennie

1- Anthias - this one is the biggest ? would it do all right alone? Species?

I think thats it for now... this may be all I can get to get along in a 40B tank..
Hi Steve, so now that my tank is up and running I of course have different ideas for my stocking list. I would very much like your opinion on my new list! :-)

2-Occ B&W Clowns - Already in tank..

1-Starry Blennie

1- Anthias - this one is the biggest ? would it do all right alone? Species?

Normally I would recommend 75 gallons for one, 125 gallons or larger for a "group". They do ok alone, but I am unsure if a 40 is marginal or inadequate. I would suggest Carberryi or Resplendant for a species.

I think thats it for now... this may be all I can get to get along in a 40B tank..
HELP with Caribbean inhabitants for 24g Nano almost ready to go...

HELP with Caribbean inhabitants for 24g Nano almost ready to go...

(Also posted under Seahorses thread)

Hello reef peeps, my name's Greg. I am excited to jump back into the hobby after a long hiatus. For most of my life I've traveled all the time, or moved (or had really really bad source water), or other lame excuses that I couldn't do a reef / saltwater tank justice. I did manage all the saltwater and freshwater tanks for the biology dept back in college so I consider myself intermediate. I have a planted little 6g Fluval Edge w/ some SE Asian freshwater species (green-eyed rasboras) that has been a great, low-maintenance success.

1. I'm going w/ a Caribbean Ecoregion. Any suggestions on livestock are much appreciated, preferably livestock that can be obtained captive-bred or is abundant enough to collect sustainably. I was planning on seahorses / pipefish (see below for tank details) but want them to be captive-raised and from the Caribbean and I think Dwarfs are too small for this tank. Are there larger suitable seahorse species? If there is not a good fit for these species in my tank, then I'll go w/ other Caribbean fish species as recommended. I'm big on small critters like arrow crabs, shrimp, small specialized fish, etc and might not jump to many sps corals in this tank and wait and do sps on a bigger tank at home.
2. Depending on #1, what suggestions for substrate? I'm planning on aragonite, but maybe not the best for seahorses?. I do have a whole bucket of calcium sand that came w/the tank so it's not a big deal since nothing's in there yet.
3. Any other questions / comments / complaints are welcome. I am getting back into this so the technology now is a lot different than 15y ago"¦

Goals / Background : Always a good idea to define the end goals of a project first, and here are mine. I put my questions first so you don't get bored reading this manifesto"¦ :
1. The Tank as it Exists Now: I am working with a 24g JBJ NanoCube bought off of Craigs List for $150. Total impulse buy but it got me back into the hobby. There were no lights so I purchased a 24W x 2 light kit from AH Supply (they were an awesome vendor in terms of support) after first considering LEDs. There was no skimmer so I bought an Aquatic Life 115 (having some trouble getting that dialed in but working on that). If I did it all over again I'd probably save $ by buying new, anyway"¦ I also purchased a filter media basket from InTank with (from top to bottom) blue&white floss/ Chemi-Pure/ Purigen. The circ pump was not great so I put in a Hydor 1200 (300gph). Some other people at work were in a rush to get liverock so I have about 24 "“ 28lbs of cultured liverock from Live Rock Ranch out of the Florida Keys. Right now the only animals are about 8 blue-leg hermit crabs and 8 turbo-snails to keep the live rock clean. I do not have substrate yet as I wanted to make sure if a bunch of detritus was falling off the live rock I could suck it up. Surprisingly little has come off the rock and the tank seems to be doing really well. I had the live rock air-expressed overnight to a local airport straight from the culture off in the keys and it came w/ fan worms, a few little anemones, etc. so it was mainly alive and didn't need much cycling as far as I can tell. Too bad the airline left it out on the runway in 45F or it would have been really loaded w/ stuff. I am taking a water sample now to a lfs now until my water test kit comes in the mail"¦
2. I was planning to do a seahorse / pipefish tank"¦ However, I want to keep this tank to Caribbean only and I'm only familiar w/ dwarf seahorses. Apparently my setup may be too big for dwarfs after going through a lot of the forums. Are there any larger Caribbean seahorse / pipefish species that would work in this setup? One other benefit of my company is we have an in-house bioassay lab with an daily supply of RO water, brine shrimp, algae cultures, copepods, small fish, algae cultures, and all sorts of other goodies to feed picky feeders which is why I was thinking seahorses. Also, the flow in the tank is not too crazy, so I thought it might work...
3. Again, I'd like the tank corals / fish inhabitants to be from one area (ecoregion). That seems hard to stick w/ all the stuff going around. My plan is to get the live rock and fishes to be collected from the source in a sustainable fashion; either cultured out on the reef on artificial materials or from a reputable source. I'm not sure on exact species yet other than what comes in on the liverock but I was going to go off of some of Michael Paletta's suggestions in the New Aquarium, (and ask the forum).
4. The CFL light source seemed to be the easiest thing to put in the lid in the short term and the light seems to be really good. I may need to add a fan (already purchased) if temperature becomes an issue. I consider myself very good at electronics, timers and soldering so I am drawn to the challenge of adding LEDs in the future if need-be. For now, compact fluorescents seemed to be the easiest solution however so I went w/ that (see Questions). I could move cfls down to a sump in the future"¦.
5. I am tempted to add a refugium. Anyone that can direct me to some ways to add a refugium would be appreciated. I could put the seahorses in there"¦

About me: I work as an environmental consultant / diver with admittedly one of the coolest job descriptions around. Basically Jacques Cousteau in freshwater. I work primarily in freshwater river systems in the Midwest diving for endangered species-related issues and completing the associated paperwork. We dive using helmets, communications and underwater video to the surface from a dive boat, etc. My specialty is endangered freshwater mussels (unionids). I haven't done too much marine work under contract (just for fun) but I hope someday we get some more opportunities there. That's why I like saltwater "“ it's not the same stuff I see going to work. I do have a bit of an aversion to these online forums because it's hard to find good advice until you get to know everyone"¦ So here we go"¦ I am going to post this to both seahorse thread and new to the hobby thread since my questions are both reef and seahorse depending on which way I go w/ this. I tried posting to "œnew to the hobby" once and didn't get any help, probably user error in the way I posted.
(Also posted under Seahorses thread)

Hello reef peeps, my name's Greg. I am excited to jump back into the hobby after a long hiatus. - - - Edited

Great post Greg, but this particular thread is about fish compatibility with each other and with the environment provided. Unfortunately, I cannot really add value to a seahorses/pipefish thread. I simply am not knowledgeable in this area. I have spent thousand of hours under water, but little in the Caribbean
I never ignore except with people that want to argue. On the other hand, I DO screw up and this happens more during page changes when I get confused as to who I have answered. So very sorry, it was not intentional. On the other hand, those that have clearly done research, usually get a deeper answer from me.

Small cuc: 2 cleaner shrimp, 3-4snails,3-4 small hermits

I normally recommend various snail types and no hermits. Probably more snails than you have planned

Blue/green chromis or yellow tail damsel (luv the damsel but will it be too aggressive for some of others?)

Damsels (and chromis IS a damsel) can be very territorial. I normally recommend against them

Ocellaris clown Will eventually become female and more aggressive. But with no male, no bonding, no mating, and somewhat less territorial

Firefish I always recommend adding firefish very early on in the tank build up as they can then establish themselves. Normally, they are shy when being added to tanks with fish who may have established territories

Royal gramma These can be semi aggressive. Would you consider one of the possum wrasses instead? Does not have the brilliant coloration but a fascinating fish with similar reclusiveness
Bicolor blenny
Flame angelfish I like this fish but remember it is not reef safe virtually always

I can imagine! Thanks for your time :)

Was actually meant to say 5-6 snails (3-4 was crabs :hmm2:) but probably need more. Don't want to starve any initially. Are my fish/shrimp really in danger from blue leg dwarf hermit? I know about danger to snails but thought it was pretty slim if you provide empty shells for growth. When I see hermits are opportunistic feeders I kind of took that as they might grab a sick fish, not a healthy one, but then I guess thats just as bad.

Yeah, I thought Chromis were less aggressive (to other species at least) but will rethink this one.

Will the ocellaris be happy enough on its own or do they need to be in pairs to flourish, in which case I will remove from list. Tough one as my nephew is desperate on a 'Nemo' :lmao:

Fish were in order of being added. Reason damsel & clown were 1st was due to their hardiness (and my lack of experience) but is this going to be a problem for firefish?

Will look into possum wrasse.. also very nice fish!

Yeah I dont plan on having corals but then things do change so out of interest how do you find other dwarf angels do with coral. For example I really like bicolor angel & coral beauty and it may be wiser to choose something that is reef compatible in case things change in future.

Sorry for round two of questions but thanks again :)

Well, i am working on my potential fish list. If you could give me the ups and downs that would be great. We have a 180 gallon with a 55 gal ref.
We currently have 2 small ocellaris clown fish.
I am hoping to add 7 small yellow tangs, all at the same time to minimize territorial behavior.
If possible i would like to add some other tang to the mixture, i am thinking one or two blue hippos. Would this be possible or should i throw this plan out the window?lol
Tweaking My list

Tweaking My list

I have

Pair of Ocellaris Clowns
Dispar Anthia
corris wrasse
pair of green chromis

I had a diamond goby that did not last long at all. Some said it wad because I have aragonite... Either way, I am having second thoughts about the aragonite getting dumped on my corals. Looking for another suggestion for a gobey. Possible a yellow watchman gobey, signal gobey or a tangoroa gobey...
Howdy, I would really love to get an opinion on the following potential stock list for an inexperienced reefer. I am still a way off from filling my tank but I am trying to get my plan ready to go.

I have a 120g (48x24x24) tank with a 40g breeder sump with a refugium section, I also have a second 10g refugium connected to the sump. I have a reef octopus 5000 skimmer and lots of once live rock (I am bad at guessing weight but it fills the 40g sump completely with a bunch of left over rock. Coralife 1100-p ext. return pump, a few Koralia 2's.

I hope to have both SPS and LPS at some point so I have already ruled out a number of fish, as did my tank length. I am not too sure about bioload and what the tank can handle load wise. That being the case I will break my list into a few sections.

Fish I am pretty sure I want:
  • 1xMidas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
  • 2xOcellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) (would like a pair but can consider single)
  • 1xGreen Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) (after tank is mature)
  • 2xEngineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia) (would like a pair)

Second level of fish desirablity:
  • 1xOne Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
  • 1xBicolor Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor)
  • 1xRoyal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
  • 3xResplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus)(1male 2 female or 3 female)
  • 1xCarpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
  • 1xOrange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis)
  • 1xDracula Goby (Stonogobiops dracula) (with snapping shrimp buddy)

Third level of fish desirablity:
  • 1xGold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
  • 1xCourt Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
  • 1xBluespotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus pavoninoides)
  • 3xBarnacle Blenny (Acanthemblemaria macrospilus)
  • 1xFirefish, Helfrichi (Nemateleotris helfrichi)
  • 1xJawfish, Blue Dot (Opistognathus rosenblatti)
  • 1xBlue Gudgeon Dartfish (Ptereleotris heteroptera)

I am a big fan of shrimp so I am hoping I can have a couple of each type that are reef safe.
  • 1xSnapping Shrimp, Red Banded (Alpheus randalli) (paired with dracula gobie)
  • 2xScarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
  • 2xPeppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni complex)
  • 2xBlood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius)
  • 2xVenus Anemone Shrimp (Anclyomenes venustus)
  • 2xSexy Anemone Shrimp (Thor amboinensis)

Clean UP Crew is still a bit undetermined, I wanted a starfish but have not heard of any varieties that do well in captivity. Right now I am planning a variety of snails and fighting conch. I know that crabs can be opportunistic so I have to research more to get a feel for the level of risk. I really find them interesting so I am hoping the risk is minor enough to justify allowing some in my tank. The first two of the following would be my first hopeful choices, the rest would depend on ensuring they would do well in my tank.
  • Crinoid Squat Lobster (Allogalathea elegans) - think they look cool, but might preclude clams in the future. (heard clams and lobsters don't mix)
  • Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes galathinus) - sound pretty benign but no one trusts crabs lol.
  • Sea Cucumber, Yellow (Colochirus robustus) - need better handle on the death/poison tank issue
  • Serpent Sea Star (Ophiolepsis superba)
  • Lettuce Sea Slug, Green (Elysia crispata) - might compete for food with foxface, dont' want it to starve.

It seems like a lot for a 120g tank, but then again they all seem so small. I don't want the tank to look empty and am trying to choose fish that have interesting colors or behaviors. Any thoughts would be appreciated, and thanks for taking the time to keep this thread alive and informative!
I can imagine! Thanks for your time :)

Was actually meant to say 5-6 snails (3-4 was crabs :hmm2:) but probably need more. Don't want to starve any initially. Are my fish/shrimp really in danger from blue leg dwarf hermit?

No. But hermits kill snails for their shells even if others are supplied. I personally avoid them but I do use fighting conch and nassarius snails as well as a variety of others.

I know about danger to snails but thought it was pretty slim if you provide empty shells for growth. When I see hermits are opportunistic feeders I kind of took that as they might grab a sick fish, not a healthy one, but then I guess thats just as bad.

Dwarf hermits will not grab sick fish or healthy ones

Yeah, I thought Chromis were less aggressive (to other species at least) but will rethink this one.

Will the ocellaris be happy enough on its own or do they need to be in pairs to flourish, in which case I will remove from list. Tough one as my nephew is desperate on a 'Nemo' :lmao:

No, clownfish do fine as singles and those will become females eventually

Fish were in order of being added. Reason damsel & clown were 1st was due to their hardiness (and my lack of experience) but is this going to be a problem for firefish?

Never use live fish to cycle a tank. LFS still recommend such to sell fish but that is a bad practice. A piece of shrimp in panty hose (to remove) does fine. Or live rock and a bit of flake food.

Will look into possum wrasse.. also very nice fish!

Yes, one of my favorites. There are different kinds of possum wrasse but all are behaviorly the same.

Yeah I dont plan on having corals but then things do change so out of interest how do you find other dwarf angels do with coral. For example I really like bicolor angel & coral beauty and it may be wiser to choose something that is reef compatible in case things change in future.

No dwarf angel is coral safe. Flames and multicolors work very well (but not together in your sizaed tank

Sorry for round two of questions but thanks again :)

Questions are good! Much easier to plan than to "fix".

I have

Pair of Ocellaris Clowns
Dispar Anthia
corris wrasse
pair of green chromis

I had a diamond goby that did not last long at all. Some said it wad because I have aragonite... Either way, I am having second thoughts about the aragonite getting dumped on my corals. Looking for another suggestion for a gobey.

No sand sifters, otherwise fine.

Possible a yellow watchman gobey, signal gobey or a tangoroa gobey...

In what sized tank? (sorry this thread is huge and I cannot remember who has what?
Howdy, I would really love to get an opinion on the following potential stock list for an inexperienced reefer. I am still a way off from filling my tank but I am trying to get my plan ready to go.

I have a 120g (48x24x24) tank with a 40g breeder sump with a refugium section, I also have a second 10g refugium connected to the sump. I have a reef octopus 5000 skimmer and lots of once live rock (I am bad at guessing weight but it fills the 40g sump completely with a bunch of left over rock. Coralife 1100-p ext. return pump, a few Koralia 2's.

I hope to have both SPS and LPS at some point so I have already ruled out a number of fish, as did my tank length. I am not too sure about bioload and what the tank can handle load wise. That being the case I will break my list into a few sections.

Fish I am pretty sure I want:
  • 1xMidas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
  • 2xOcellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) (would like a pair but can consider single)
  • 1xGreen Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) (after tank is mature)
  • 2xEngineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia) (would like a pair) I do not recommend these. They will constantly rearrange your aquascape

Second level of fish desirablity:
  • 1xOne Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
  • 1xBicolor Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor) best to choose only one blenny
  • 1xRoyal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
  • 3xResplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus)(1male 2 female or 3 female)
  • 1xCarpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
  • 1xOrange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis)
  • 1xDracula Goby (Stonogobiops dracula) (with snapping shrimp buddy) The dracula goby is dramatic but people seem to have difficulty making them last

Third level of fish desirablity:
  • 1xGold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
  • 1xCourt Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
  • 1xBluespotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus pavoninoides)
  • 3xBarnacle Blenny (Acanthemblemaria macrospilus)
  • 1xFirefish, Helfrichi (Nemateleotris helfrichi)
  • 1xJawfish, Blue Dot (Opistognathus rosenblatti) may put shrimp at risk
  • 1xBlue Gudgeon Dartfish (Ptereleotris heteroptera)

I am a big fan of shrimp so I am hoping I can have a couple of each type that are reef safe.
  • 1xSnapping Shrimp, Red Banded (Alpheus randalli) (paired with dracula gobie)
  • 2xScarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
  • 2xPeppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni complex)
  • 2xBlood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius)
  • 2xVenus Anemone Shrimp (Anclyomenes venustus)
  • 2xSexy Anemone Shrimp (Thor amboinensis)

The shrimp are all fine and do not contibute to bioload

Clean UP Crew is still a bit undetermined, I wanted a starfish but have not heard of any varieties that do well in captivity.

starfish are not a good idea

Right now I am planning a variety of snails and fighting conch. I know that crabs can be opportunistic so I have to research more to get a feel for the level of risk. I really find them interesting so I am hoping the risk is minor enough to justify allowing some in my tank. The first two of the following would be my first hopeful choices, the rest would depend on ensuring they would do well in my tank.

I do not recommend crabs. But the ones on your list are fine

  • Crinoid Squat Lobster (Allogalathea elegans) - think they look cool, but might preclude clams in the future. (heard clams and lobsters don't mix)
  • Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes galathinus) - sound pretty benign but no one trusts crabs lol.
  • Sea Cucumber, Yellow (Colochirus robustus) - need better handle on the death/poison tank issue
  • Serpent Sea Star (Ophiolepsis superba) careful
  • Lettuce Sea Slug, Green (Elysia crispata) - might compete for food with foxface, dont' want it to starve. probably will starve

It seems like a lot for a 120g tank, but then again they all seem so small. I don't want the tank to look empty and am trying to choose fish that have interesting colors or behaviors. Any thoughts would be appreciated, and thanks for taking the time to keep this thread alive and informative!

Thanks, I want everyone who keeps aquaria to be successful so I try and answer this thread promptly.

I made some notes above. The total may be overall a bit much in the fish department for your sized tank. More importantly, you have a LOT of fish with a propensity to jump so you need a top with maximum quarter inch holes. If you provide a revised list I can try and assess whether it will work overall. But give me the total without regard to priority as it is tough to assess under that scenario.
Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it! The tip on the Dracula Goby was great, I had not heard that. I am really drawn to the Engineer Goby, do you think it would be really problematic if I put extra care into making the rock-work stable and on the glass rather than sand? If I can minimize the issue I would really like to keep one. I will leave out the lettuce sea slug and starfish too. You advised caution on the serpent sea star, is it only certain types that are dangerous to fish or are all of them suspect? Thanks for the tip on the jumpers too I will factor a cover into my plans.

Here is an edited list for my 120g reef tank, do you think this is still too much for my 120g tank?.

  • 1xMidas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
  • 2xOcellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
  • 1xGreen Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) (after tank is mature)
  • 1xEngineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia) I do not recommend these. They will constantly rearrange your aquascape
  • 1xOne Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
  • 1xRoyal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
  • 3xResplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus)(1male 2 female or 3 female)
  • 1xCarpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
  • 1xOrange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis)
  • 1xCourt Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)

Thanks again!
Hi Steve,

I have a covered 29g with 30lbs live rock and 30 lbs live sand and all-snail CUC that has finished cyclying last week so its time to finalize my fish list. I plan to add corals once all the fish are in and happy (i figure easier to catch fish without having to move corals around if there is an issue?). Not sure which corals I am going with - likely softies, mushrooms, leather, etc - the easier, heartier stuff.

For fish, i'm looking at:

1) Purple Firefish
2) goby (either a greenbanded, Orange stripe prawn, or YWG)
3) Pink Streaked wrasse (or white banded possum wrasse or ?)
4) Tail spot or BiColor blenny (is one a better choice than the other?)
5) Multi-color Angel (I realize not 100% reef safe, but one of the better dwarf angels in a reef, correct?)

Do I have enough room for a sixth fish? If so, I would love to add an assessor.

And finally, is the order above the order I should add them to the tank?

Thanks in advance for your response - you are providing a wonderful service to many people with your opinions!
In what sized tank? (sorry this thread is huge and I cannot remember who has what?

Sorry, I have a 60 gallon cube. I was hoping for something to tend to my sand but I dont want a gobey spitting sand all over my corals. The diamond gobey wasnt too bad but then again, he didnt last (not sure why) thus I am consideing other gobeys...
Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it! The tip on the Dracula Goby was great, I had not heard that. I am really drawn to the Engineer Goby, do you think it would be really problematic if I put extra care into making the rock-work stable and on the glass rather than sand? If I can minimize the issue I would really like to keep one.

I have never heard of anyone being happy with this fish. However, post a separate inquiry on the Reef Fish Forum and see what you get! :)

I will leave out the lettuce sea slug and starfish too. You advised caution on the serpent sea star, is it only certain types that are dangerous to fish or are all of them suspect?

In general, I distrust opportunistic feeders. Serpent stars are better than certain brittle stars.

Thanks for the tip on the jumpers too I will factor a cover into my plans.

But NOT egg crate which will not work

Here is an edited list for my 120g reef tank, do you think this is still too much for my 120g tank?.

  • 1xMidas Blenny (Ecsenius midas)
  • 2xOcellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
  • 1xGreen Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) (after tank is mature)
  • 1xEngineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia) I do not recommend these. They will constantly rearrange your aquascape
  • 1xOne Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
  • 1xRoyal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
  • 3xResplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus)(1male 2 female or 3 female)
  • 1xCarpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
  • 1xOrange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis)
  • 1xCourt Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)

Thanks again!

I think the revised list will be fine
Hi Steve,

I have a covered 29g with 30lbs live rock and 30 lbs live sand and all-snail CUC that has finished cyclying last week so its time to finalize my fish list. I plan to add corals once all the fish are in and happy (i figure easier to catch fish without having to move corals around if there is an issue?).

That is for sure, even in a smaller tank

Not sure which corals I am going with - likely softies, mushrooms, leather, etc - the easier, heartier stuff.

For fish, i'm looking at:

1) Purple Firefish
2) goby (either a greenbanded, Orange stripe prawn, or YWG)
3) Pink Streaked wrasse (or white banded possum wrasse or ?)

Possum wrasses are awesome. All varieties have the same behavior pattern

4) Tail spot or BiColor blenny (is one a better choice than the other?)

I like tail spots, very personable

5) Multi-color Angel (I realize not 100% reef safe, but one of the better dwarf angels in a reef, correct?)

My experience with multicolors has been 50/50 on reef safeness. Most at risk are meaty LPS corals

Do I have enough room for a sixth fish? If so, I would love to add an assessor.

In my opinion a sixth fish is marginal. But an assessor would be a good candidate.

And finally, is the order above the order I should add them to the tank?

Thanks in advance for your response - you are providing a wonderful service to many people with your opinions!

Always glad to help. Check back with any questions.
Sorry, I have a 60 gallon cube. I was hoping for something to tend to my sand but I dont want a gobey spitting sand all over my corals. The diamond gobey wasnt too bad but then again, he didnt last (not sure why) thus I am consideing other gobeys...

To tend to sand, fighting conchs are MUCH better than fish. Sand sifters are depleting the sand of essential organisms, whereas fighting conchs are much better.
To tend to sand, fighting conchs are MUCH better than fish. Sand sifters are depleting the sand of essential organisms, whereas fighting conchs are much better.

Cool, Sounds like a plan. Can you have more than oner conch?

What about any of the other gobeys. Any issues?
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