PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Thanks for the prompt reply. I have not finished stocking the tank (120), but I believe the rough plan will be -
X3 Chalk Bass (already in there)
X3 Zebra Barred Dartfish
X1 Firefish (not sure, likely Purple)
X2 Clowns
X1 Chromis
X1 Kole Eyed Tang
X1 Neon Goby
X1 Starry Blenny

On paper, this seems like a pretty mellow tank, right?

should be fine
300 g mixed reef (LPS, Clams,SPS)

10x Cardinal Baggai Fish
Harem of varied fairiy/ flasher wrasse
5x Bartlett Anthia
1x Watchman Goby
1x Sailfin blenny
1x One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish
1x Blue Throat Trigger

Want to add three Powder Blue Tangs. Is this system too small for multiple PBT? How large does a system need to be to support a small group?

Would A. Hepatus or A. Coeruleus (Atlantic Blue) do better as a three-some in this system?

Any other suggestions for a small group of mid to large "reef-safe" fish?
300 g mixed reef (LPS, Clams,SPS)

10x Cardinal Baggai Fish unlikely to be stable. You may end up with a few pairs, but Bangaii do not shoal or school and tend to be intolerant of same sex conspecifics
Harem of varied fairiy/ flasher wrasse
5x Bartlett Anthia
1x Watchman Goby
1x Sailfin blenny
1x One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish
1x Blue Throat Trigger

Want to add three Powder Blue Tangs. Is this system too small for multiple PBT? How large does a system need to be to support a small group?

Would A. Hepatus or A. Coeruleus (Atlantic Blue) do better as a three-some in this system?

groups of tangs, of the same species is very tricky and is not likely to work even in an 8 foot tank. Your could probably get away with 3 additional smaller tangs, however.

Any other suggestions for a small group of mid to large "reef-safe" fish?
Mature 100g tank with
4 blue green chromis
2 ocellaris clowns
1 royal gramma
1 azure damsel
1 bicolor angel
1 diamond watchman goby
1 valentini puffer
1 Rollands damsel

Can I add a bluespot jawfish?
Snorvich said:
Blue spotted jawfish are collected in the Sea of Cortez and do best with cooler temperatures (72-73F)

Follow on question if I can - would a yellow head jawfish be compatible?
Upgrading to from 30 to 75 gallon

Upgrading to from 30 to 75 gallon

75 gallon with 40 gallon sump.

Current stock:
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
Yellow Watchman Goby
Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp
Bangai Cardinal

Proposed additions:
Kole Tang

I do not think there will be any issue but wanted to get a 3rd, 4th, 5th experienced opinion. Thank you.
SPS 60 gallon cube (24") with 20 gallon sump. OVERSIZED skimmer and heavy nutrient export via carbon dosing/zeovit/bp. Trying to decide on stocking list..

Thinking along the lines of:

0.0.1 Copperband Butterfly
1.1 Occellaris
0.0.1 Flame Angel
1.1 Bangai Cardinal
1.1 McCoskers or Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
1.2 Resplendant Anthias
0.0.1 Midas Blenny
0.0.1 Tailspot Blenny
0.0.1 Orchid Dotty back or Royal Gramma

I realize that is a TON of fish for a 60 cube. Suggestions and eliminations appreciated. The CBB and Occellaris or the only ones I am really set on.

Thanks a bunch.
75 gallon with 40 gallon sump.

Current stock:
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
Yellow Watchman Goby
Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp
Bangai Cardinal

Proposed additions:
Foxface only one grazer in this sized tank
Kole Tang only one grazer in this sized tank

I do not think there will be any issue but wanted to get a 3rd, 4th, 5th experienced opinion. Thank you.

So how are you going to decide? Majority? :lol:
SPS 60 gallon cube (24") with 20 gallon sump. OVERSIZED skimmer and heavy nutrient export via carbon dosing/zeovit/bp. Trying to decide on stocking list..

Thinking along the lines of:

0.0.1 Copperband Butterfly
1.1 Occellaris
0.0.1 Flame Angel
1.1 Bangai Cardinal
1.1 McCoskers or Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
1.2 Resplendant Anthias
0.0.1 Midas Blenny
0.0.1 Tailspot Blenny
0.0.1 Orchid Dotty back or Royal Gramma

I don't understand your numbering scheme. The number of fish is heavy for this sized tank. No obvious behavioral issues. The Midas blenny may nip the fins of planktivores.

I realize that is a TON of fish for a 60 cube. Suggestions and eliminations appreciated. The CBB and Occellaris or the only ones I am really set on.

Thanks a bunch.
38 Gallon Stocking List

38 Gallon Stocking List

I am looking for advice on stocking a 38 Gallon (36x13x20) FOWLR.

Tank will have Live Rock (~2lb/gal), shallow sand bed, and a HOB Skimmer with a handful of snails for CUC (but will avoid small shrimp because of Chalk Bass)

1 x Pygmy (Cherub) Angelfish (Centropyge argi) - added last
1 x Ocellaris Clownfish, Captive-Bred
1 x Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum)
1 x Blue Reef Chromis (Chromis cyaneus) - Optional but looking for activity in upper water column
1 x Saddled Blenny (Malacoctenus triangulatus)
1 x Neon Blue Goby - Captive-Bred (Elacatinus oceanops) - is this safe with a Chalk Bass?

Any suggestions for stocking order?
I am looking for advice on stocking a 38 Gallon (36x13x20) FOWLR.

Tank will have Live Rock (~2lb/gal), shallow sand bed, and a HOB Skimmer with a handful of snails for CUC (but will avoid small shrimp because of Chalk Bass)

1 x Pygmy (Cherub) Angelfish (Centropyge argi) - added last This algae grazer needs a larger tank
1 x Ocellaris Clownfish, Captive-Bred
1 x Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum)
1 x Blue Reef Chromis (Chromis cyaneus) - Optional but looking for activity in upper water column
1 x Saddled Blenny (Malacoctenus triangulatus)
1 x Neon Blue Goby - Captive-Bred (Elacatinus oceanops) - is this safe with a Chalk Bass? they should be

Any suggestions for stocking order?

after eliminating the Centropyge argi, order should not be an issue

90 Gallon Wish List

90 Gallon Wish List

Thanks for all the help. The tangs will go in at the same time. Everyone else slow over time.

Reef Tank - 90 gallons with sump, 15 gl refg, plenty of rock, 2" sand and 150gl rated skimmer. We plan on slowing filling it with different corals and some fish.

Ocellaris Clownfish Mated Pair - current
Blonde Naso Tang
Scopas Tang
Princess Damselfish
Agile Chromis
Chalk Bass
Dispar Anthias
Fathead Sunburst Anthias
Diamond Watchman Goby
Lawnmower Blenny - Current

Thanks for all the help. The tangs will go in at the same time. Everyone else slow over time.

Reef Tank - 90 gallons with sump, 15 gl refg, plenty of rock, 2" sand and 150gl rated skimmer. We plan on slowing filling it with different corals and some fish.

Ocellaris Clownfish Mated Pair - current
Blonde Naso Tang needs a much larger tank
Scopas Tang only one tang in this sized tank
Princess Damselfish
Agile Chromis
Chalk Bass
Dispar Anthias
Fathead Sunburst Anthias
Diamond Watchman Goby
Lawnmower Blenny - Current


Fine, except as annotated.
90 Gallon Fish Only Tank

90 Gallon Fish Only Tank

Thanks for the help. Have two tanks now both 90 gallons. One is a reef, this one is fish only. Have different family members with different wishes.

90 gallon with sump, refg, plenty of rock and skimmer.
1-Coral Beauty Angelfish
3-Blue/Green Chromis (Two are going to have to go, I'll keep the big one.)
1- Diamond Watchman Goby

Would like to add:
One Spot Fox-face
Pearlscale Butterflyfish
Yellow Eye Kole Tang

Thanks for the help. Have two tanks now both 90 gallons. One is a reef, this one is fish only. Have different family members with different wishes.

90 gallon with sump, refg, plenty of rock and skimmer.
1-Coral Beauty Angelfish
3-Blue/Green Chromis (Two are going to have to go, I'll keep the big one.)
1- Diamond Watchman Goby

Would like to add:
One Spot Fox-face
Pearlscale Butterflyfish
Yellow Eye Kole Tang

Again, I would not add two large grazers; pick either the kole tang or the foxface. (you already have a coral beauty) Otherwise fine.

Sorry for the confusion. That format is often used to describe the sex of animals, for instance in 1.2.1; the first number means 1 male, the second number means 2 females and the third number means 1 of unknown sex.
Help with stocking list here

I was told to post my stocking
My 135 gallon 6 foot tank has been setup for almost 3 months and I have 2 Ocellaris clowns (about 2 inches each) and one Tomini flame tang. I was planing on making this a primarily tang tank. In addition to keeping fish I plan on keeping LPS and sofies (maybe SPS in the future), here is what I plan on adding to the tank in order (over the course of 4-6 months):
Kaudern's Cardinal x2
Firefish x2
Copperband x1
A sifter gobby x1
Naso Tang x1
Hippo Tang x1
Purple Tang x1

Do you think this is a good Idea for a beginner? What about aggression? Thanks, I would love to hear your input.
Sorry for the confusion. That format is often used to describe the sex of animals, for instance in 1.2.1; the first number means 1 male, the second number means 2 females and the third number means 1 of unknown sex.

Thanks. If you want to retry without codes, I will be happy to look at it.
Help with stocking list here

I was told to post my stocking
My 135 gallon 6 foot tank has been setup for almost 3 months and I have 2 Ocellaris clowns (about 2 inches each) and one Tomini flame tang. I was planing on making this a primarily tang tank.

The problem is that your tank is not large enough. You could sustain two smallish type tangs, however.

In addition to keeping fish I plan on keeping LPS and sofies (maybe SPS in the future), here is what I plan on adding to the tank in order (over the course of 4-6 months):
Kaudern's Cardinal x2 must be a male plus female, preferably tank raised
Firefish x2 only one will be long term stable
Copperband x1 difficult; the established tang may not allow
A sifter gobby x1
Naso Tang x1 needs a larger tank
Hippo Tang x1 needs a larger tank
Purple Tang x1 this could work with the existing.

Do you think this is a good Idea for a beginner? tang tanks need to be very large because of aggression and because of grazing on algae. Tangs (and all algae grazers) to not process food well so they have to eat constantly in order to get sufficient nutrition (which means they poop a lot too). Since all tangs are in the same ecological niche, they have a territorial imperative that is not conducive to having multiples in relatively small tanks.

What about aggression? Thanks, I would love to hear your input.
Thanks. If you want to retry without codes, I will be happy to look at it.
Haha ok, Thank you!

SPS 60 gallon cube (24") with 20 gallon sump. OVERSIZED skimmer and heavy nutrient export via carbon dosing/zeovit/bp. Trying to decide on stocking list..

Thinking along the lines of:

1 Copperband Butterfly
2 Occellaris
1 Flame Angel
2 Bangai Cardinal
2 McCoskers or Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
3 Resplendant Anthias
1 Midas Blenny
1 Tailspot Blenny
1 Orchid Dotty back or Royal Gramma

I realize that is a TON of fish for a 60 cube. Suggestions and eliminations appreciated. The CBB and Occellaris or the only ones I am really set on.

Thanks a bunch.
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