PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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The stocking list looks good. I see no obvious inconsistencies.

Wow, I'm very pleasantly surprised she will be able to have all the fish on her list. Is there any order to when they should be introduced into the tank you would recommend? We are planning to introduce 2 fish at a time using a 30 gallon long for QT. Is that an ok plan?
Hi Steve,

I know you said I would be able to add a trio of barnacle blennies. When I bought it there was only one available. I've never seen a trio available, just individual fish.

My question is... can I add them individually or should I just stick with one to avoid problems. I was hoping if I stick with the same genus & species that I would be ok to add them here & there as they become available.

Thanks again for all your help :)
Wow, I'm very pleasantly surprised she will be able to have all the fish on her list. Is there any order to when they should be introduced into the tank you would recommend? We are planning to introduce 2 fish at a time using a 30 gallon long for QT. Is that an ok plan?

Yes. Firefish and Tanaka possum wrasse first. After that, your plan is fine and independent of order.
Hi Reef Central, I recently set up my brand new 125 gallon custom tank! So excited, started in July and I currently have about 100 lb of live rock, 120 lb of live sand, 40 gallons sump with large refugium, Apex to control everything, massive skimmer, etc. Tank has been cycled completely, no ammonia, 0 nitrites and nitrates are less than 5. I do have some low PH issues, but it is because tank is not mature enough yet. I added a clean up crew (snails, hermits, boxer shrimp) that's all for now.
I have a yellow tang that I adopted from my friend, so he is in QT now, I have 2 clowns, 2 cardinals in QT as well.
What I would like to get:
1 Flame Angel
1 Bi-Color Angel
1 Schoolong Bannerfish
1 Pearscale Butterfly
1 Copperband Butterfly
Also, I will get a few chromis and anthias just for color (movement)
Will this work?

Unfortunately, the yellow tang is the worst fish to add first, because once established, they become very territorial. Your stocking list is fine if the yellow tang could be added last after all others are established.
Updated list

Updated list

OK, I have cut down on the number of fish I plan on stocking, and the list is now:

2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Hi-fin/Black Ray Goby (Stonogobiops nematodes)
1 Blenny, either the Two-Spot (Ecsenius bimaculatus) or the Tail Spot (Ecsenius stigmatura)

The tank is a 29 gallons, DSB w/plenum (about 100lbs of sand), about 25lbs LR. No sump, currently using a HOB filter that may be modded into a refugium if necessary.

My main questions are whether this would be considered a "light" bioload, which is my goal, and in what order the fish should be added.
Hi Steve,

I know you said I would be able to add a trio of barnacle blennies. When I bought it there was only one available. I've never seen a trio available, just individual fish.

My question is... can I add them individually or should I just stick with one to avoid problems. I was hoping if I stick with the same genus & species that I would be ok to add them here & there as they become available.

Thanks again for all your help :)

I have kept multiples with no problem, but always introduced all at once. My guess is that they can be added singly.
OK, I have cut down on the number of fish I plan on stocking, and the list is now:

2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Hi-fin/Black Ray Goby (Stonogobiops nematodes)
1 Blenny, either the Two-Spot (Ecsenius bimaculatus) or the Tail Spot (Ecsenius stigmatura)

The tank is a 29 gallons, DSB w/plenum (about 100lbs of sand), about 25lbs LR. No sump, currently using a HOB filter that may be modded into a refugium if necessary.

excellent plan, no problems at all.
Thank you for your help. Do you think Angels will have territorial issues with Yellow Tang, if he added last? I was also dreaming about a Regal Angel, they are gorgeous, and unfortunately tremendously difficult to keep. Can I consider any large angels at all? or 125 is not large enough?
Thank you for your help. Do you think Angels will have territorial issues with Yellow Tang, if he added last? I was also dreaming about a Regal Angel, they are gorgeous, and unfortunately tremendously difficult to keep. Can I consider any large angels at all? or 125 is not large enough?

Not in your sized tank. The perceived territorial needs of the dwarf angels you are selecting is not huge. They would have initial issues with a conspecific, especially in a smaller tank, so ideally both dwarf angels would be introduced concurrently. Yellow tangs, however would have major issues with a CBB and since CBB require gentle tank mates, ideally the CBB should be introduced early. Large angels are a whole different ball game. If you did not have the yellow tang, a red sea regal (they are a bit easier than the indonesian variety) would probably work. Still, either variety is difficult but there are tricks in terms of food selection that would help.
I have kept multiples with no problem, but always introduced all at once. My guess is that they can be added singly.

I'll keep an eye out for one next time I order more coral. The one I have completely ignores the barnacles so I suppose I could release the new one closest to them when the time comes. There's plenty of spots for everyone, this one keeps switching up his spot about every 2 weeks.

Thanks a bunch for your help. I'm really starting to enjoy my tank & can't wait to get all the kids in the pool down the road.
Seriously? They always like a lookout spot to see all the action. Is your barnacle out front?

Yep, it's in the middle of the tank. He sits in a hole in the rock at the end of the tank under one of my hammers, a spot on the side of the tank, or in the back. Here he is in the back, there's a little face by the sponge.

Yep, it's in the middle of the tank. He sits in a hole in the rock at the end of the tank under one of my hammers, a spot on the side of the tank, or in the back. Here he is in the back, there's a little face by the sponge.

Well, I know a fish therapist . . . .
Originally Posted by unfeazi View Post
Hello Steve!
Back with another proposed tank list! 40g breeder with 50# of rock and 4 inch DSB

blue green chromis
pearly jawfish
green mandarin(after mature tank?)also planning on having a 5 gallon hob fuge with cheato in it to help supplement pod reproduction
pair of kauderns cardinals
pair of clowns ocellaris
The odds of successfully keeping a mandarin long term are very low in this sized tank. All else would be fine.

instead of the mandarin, would a midas blenny be okay to add last after everyone else is in a settled?
Originally Posted by unfeazi View Post
Hello Steve!
Back with another proposed tank list! 40g breeder with 50# of rock and 4 inch DSB

blue green chromis
pearly jawfish
green mandarin(after mature tank?)also planning on having a 5 gallon hob fuge with cheato in it to help supplement pod reproduction
pair of kauderns cardinals
pair of clowns ocellaris
The odds of successfully keeping a mandarin long term are very low in this sized tank. All else would be fine.

instead of the mandarin, would a midas blenny be okay to add last after everyone else is in a settled?

Yes, that would work.
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