220gal, 75 gal sump half of which is a refugium. vertex 280 skimmer, vertex media reactor running rowaphos and carbon, reeflo dart hybrid pump, 2 ATI T5s 75 mixed LEDs. 150lbs live rock
Current inhabitants:
Lots of different types of snail and small hermits, 2 saddle back (fire) clowns,
One of the more aggressive, any other clownfish would not be tolerated
3 peppermint shrimp, 2 Fighting Conch, 1 Red Mithrax Crab, 1 Porcelain Crab, 1 Blue Sand Sifting Star, 1 Nudibranch Lettuce
Corals: Mushrooms, Zoas, 2 hammer, 2 torch, 2 frog spawn, 1 Pink Pulsing Xenia, 1 Feather Pink Xenia, 1 Purple Acropora
Wishlist: 1 blond naso tang, 1 achilles tang, 1 powder blue tang, yellow watchman golby>pistol shrimp pair, pair of black and white clowns, 1 flame angel, fire shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp.
It is difficult to predict the outcome of those tangs in the same tank. The naso will grow large but is fairly docile, normally I would advise a ten foot tank. The other two tangs probably would work, but I suggest reading the primer in the reef fish forum on their care. Flame angels are not reef safe but may do ok with what you have.
I am willing to get rid of the saddle back clowns for the black and whites.
What is the max number of fish I should add?
That is impossible to answer. If fish feel crowded, they diminish their number.
What are some other good choices to go along with this group that I have picked, or the substitions that need to be made?
I don't normally make recommendations but will be happy to comment and your proposed fish list.