PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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how much more could I fit? If possible I would want to add a cheveron tang, and potters angel. Why is the manderin not compatible with the mystery wrass?

The mystery wrasse will kill the mandarin. It is impossible to answer "how much more" because it is a behavioral issue and ecological niche issue. If you provide a revised stocking plan and tank size, I can provide an analysis.
New list:

"¢ 2 dwarf golden moray eels (bonded if possible
"¢ 1 cheveron tang
"¢ 1 blue tang
"¢ 1 yellow tang
"¢ 1 purple tang
"¢ 1 achilles tang
"¢ 2 dragon face pipe fish (mated pair)
"¢ 1 Flame angel
"¢ 1 potter angel
"¢ 1 yasha hasi goby with pistol shrimp
"¢ 2 black and white ocellaris clowns
"¢ 1 mystery wrasse
"¢ 1 long nose hawk fish
"¢ 1 magnificent foxface
"¢ 1 blue spotted puffer
"¢ 3-4 anthias
"¢ 2 Helfrichi firefish (where can I get a bonded pair)
"¢ 1 blue dot jaw fish
"¢ 1 moorish idol

"¢ Standard cleaning crew (hermit crabs, turbo snails)
"¢ 5 peppermint shrimp
"¢ 1-2 Blood red fire shrimp
"¢ 1-2 cleaner shrimp
"¢ 2-3 emerald crabs
"¢ 1 rose bubble tip
"¢ 2-3 tube anemones
"¢ 1-2 Linckia starfish
"¢ 1 sand sifting star
"¢ 1 small horseshoe crab
"¢ 1 pom pom crab

lots of softies, lps, and sps corals
Hi Steve,

Evolving fish list. Recapping current occupants in a 120 g:

1 @ Royal gramma
1 @ Hoeven's wrasse
3 @ PJ Cardinals

Have opportunity to get a Midas blenny and Bicolor blenny simultaneously. Would they be ok together in the DT and would I be able to get them through QT together, TT in a pair of 10 g tanks.

Thank you very much.
In my quest to find a male and female McCosker's Wrasse I got a male and what I believe is a subadult just transitioning from female. They're in QT together, is safe to try them together long term in a 3 ft long 65g with other peaceful fish? Would adding a true female help, hurt or make any difference?
New list:

• 2 dwarf golden moray eels (bonded if possible unlikely to get a bonded pair
• 1 cheveron tang five tangs won't work in this sized tank
• 1 blue tang no
• 1 yellow tang
• 1 purple tang
• 1 achilles tang
• 2 dragon face pipe fish (mated pair) not with a mystery wrasse
• 1 Flame angel not with five tangs
• 1 potter angel not with five tangs
• 1 yasha hasi goby with pistol shrimp
• 2 black and white ocellaris clowns
• 1 mystery wrasse no
• 1 long nose hawk fish
• 1 magnificent foxface not with five tangs
• 1 blue spotted puffer
• 3-4 anthias
• 2 Helfrichi firefish (where can I get a bonded pair) only one will survive
• 1 blue dot jaw fish needs a cooler tank
• 1 moorish idol no, this is an expert level fish

• Standard cleaning crew (hermit crabs, turbo snails)
• 5 peppermint shrimp
• 1-2 Blood red fire shrimp
• 1-2 cleaner shrimp
• 2-3 emerald crabs
• 1 rose bubble tip
• 2-3 tube anemones
• 1-2 Linckia starfish no
• 1 sand sifting star
• 1 small horseshoe crab no
• 1 pom pom crab no

lots of softies, lps, and sps corals

At this point you are just throwing up ideas to see if they will stick. I suggest your own thread in reef fish
In my quest to find a male and female McCosker's Wrasse I got a male and what I believe is a subadult just transitioning from female. They're in QT together, is safe to try them together long term in a 3 ft long 65g with other peaceful fish? Would adding a true female help, hurt or make any difference?

For an accurate answer I would need entire stocking plan. If you end up with two males, it will not be good.
For an accurate answer I would need entire stocking plan. If you end up with two males, it will not be good.

65g, 20g sump.

Mated pair of Percs
YWG w/ pistol shrimp
1 female red-lined
1 tiny red spot cardinal
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp (and zero aiptasia)

I'm not entirely convinced the new McCosker's isn't a female. She, it, whatever is in QT with a male and they are fine so far. The male has made a few minor charges after the other one but no contact and doesn't pursue it. This is the fish in question, it was sold as a female.

Sweet, Steve you're the best! She's always out too, the male is a wuss always hiding in his pipe. If I could get another female in the next week or so, would it be ok to add her?
Looking for non-jerk fish

Looking for non-jerk fish

Howdy folks!

So I have been planning a 92 gallon corner tank for close to 2 years now, I have held off b/c I don't want to set it up until I replace all the carpet in the house.

Long story short I have a 40 gallon cube hanging around and I've got the itch. I figure I will set it up with a few friendlies for my future tank. I only want to put fish in this one that won't be aggressive to others when I make the move to the big tank.

All my research says these guys are peaceful, but I want to hear some personal experiences to back up my research.

clown goby
diamond watchman goby
tailspot blenny
zebra dartfish
royal gramma

let me know what you think,

Howdy folks!

This thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff. If you want general opinions, post in Reef Fish Forum.

So I have been planning a 92 gallon corner tank for close to 2 years now, I have held off b/c I don't want to set it up until I replace all the carpet in the house.

Long story short I have a 40 gallon cube hanging around and I've got the itch. I figure I will set it up with a few friendlies for my future tank. I only want to put fish in this one that won't be aggressive to others when I make the move to the big tank.

All my research says these guys are peaceful, but I want to hear some personal experiences to back up my research.

clown goby
diamond watchman goby
tailspot blenny
zebra dartfish
royal gramma

All should be fine

let me know what you think,

Intended fish purchase

Intended fish purchase

small species tank
Skeletor eel (13" )
Medium sized angler (White one I think called clown angler) ( Just larger then eels mouth O
entire side covered in pom pom xenia'.

Maybe 2 anglers if they wont kill eachother , picks in next post

A couple damsels for snacking

Thats it
Last edited:
small species tank
Skeletor eel (13" )
Medium sized angler (White one I think called clown angler) ( Just larger then eels mouth O
entire side covered in pom pom xenia'.

Maybe 2 anglers if they wont kill eachother , picks in next post

A couple damsels for snacking

Thats it

I am sorry, I do not provide analysis on aggressive fish community tanks. Best to post your question here.
Hello Steve,

I've been starting a plan to get in to the hobby again and I would like some comments on my fish list. I am thinking about getting a second hand 50-75g tank with or without a sump so I would also appreciate your views on how to determine the right bioload because I would rather go a little low on the bioload. My plan was to go for easy, small and peacefull community fish and the only one that might be aggressive would be the clown.

Ive arranged them in the order I would like to quaratine them in groups of 3. And they are more or less in the order of my priority list. Here goes:

1 Firefish
1 Purpule firefish
1 Scissortail Dartfish

1 Royal Gramma Basslet
1 Yellow Prawn Goby
1 Orange Stripe Prawn Goby

1 Clown Goby (Citrinis, Yellow, Green)
1 Tail Spot Blenny
1 Ocellaris Clownfish

1 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

Other interesting fish that might become current if I go bigger:
1 Blue/Green Reef Chromis
1 Neon Blue Goby
1 Kaudern's Cardinal

Thank you for your time.


I figured as much about the firefish, if it is possible to get a pair i will. The other dartfish should be okey a guess since they do not look alike. What limitations would it mean in my list if i whent for a 50 gallon tank?

Also, what kind of aggression can i expect from the kardinal?

I figured as much about the firefish, if it is possible to get a pair i will.

Difficult if not impossible. Most LFS keep a group in their 40 gallon tank for sale, but getting a bonded pair is difficult (at least here). Also, two prawn gobies are difficult to sustain long term except in very large tanks (much larger (longer) than your plan)

The other dartfish should be okey a guess since they do not look alike. What limitations would it mean in my list if i whent for a 50 gallon tank?

Also, what kind of aggression can i expect from the kardinal? None


So I am wondering what you guys think would be good additions to my tank:

150 gallon
1 powder brown tang
1 coral beauty angelfish
2 ocellaris clowns
2 chromis
5 hermit crabs
2 bumblebee snails

What do you guys think would make good additions to my tank?


So I am wondering what you guys First of all this thread is answered only by Reef Central Staff so if you want general discussion/opinions[ start your own thread in Reef Fish.

think would be good additions to my tank:

150 gallon
1 powder brown tang
1 coral beauty angelfish
2 ocellaris clowns
2 chromis chromis will reduce to one over time; also since they are highly susceptible to uronema marinum, a good quarantine protocol should be in place
5 hermit crabs kill snails long term for their shells
2 bumblebee snails

What do you guys think would make good additions to my tank? The nature of this thread is that I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons; however I am always happy to analyze the compatibility of any stocking plan provided tank size is also provided.


Always a pleasure
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