Hi there,
can figure 8's really be happy in saltwater?
If so are they freindlies or nippers in general?
I do not keep brackish fish nor do I have experience with them. That being said these puffers are very aggressive.
Hi there,
can figure 8's really be happy in saltwater?
If so are they freindlies or nippers in general?
Hey Steve,
First off all thanks from all us noobs for all your hard work on this sticky.
My question is I have a 180 gallon tank standard 72" x 24" x 25" dimensions.
I want to add a few wrasse, Ive been looking at a mcCoskers flasher, a solar fairy, and a Christmas wrasse (claudia not the other)
My current fish are a midas blenny, royal gramma, firefish goby, 2 occ. clowns and a target mandarin since wrasses are copepod eaters, your risk would be the target mandarin since they depend on copepods for their nutrition even if they eat frozen or pellets and that they might intimidate your firefish
1) would all these fish get along? behaviorally, all would get along subject to the issue of the mandarin
2) would the 3 wrasse be too much pod competition for the mandarin? IMO, in the long run, yes
If only two would work which two would be best? the least desirable would be the christmas wrasse because of the mandarin issue
If only 1 which one?
If none, well that sucks
Thanks alot
HI, I am new to the reef tank world, but have had 6 freshwater tanks over the last 20 years. My question is mainly about my lighting.
I have the following:
180 gal
30 gal sump/refugium/skimmer
2 CA-4000 pumps
2 Maxi-Jet 400 (500gph) powerheads in aquarium
1 Rock Beauty Angel
1 Powder Blue Tang
2 Clowns
2 Domino Damsels
2 Azure Damsels
1 Bengi Cardinal (had 2, one was eaten by Condi)
1 Mandarin
4 Green Chromis
1 Green BTA
1 Red BTA
1 Condy
1 Banded shrimp
80+ Snalils
5 Emerald crabs
25 Hermit Crabs
1.025 Salinty
8.0 PH
Amonnia/Nitrite/Nitrates 0.0
Temp 78 (rises to 80 when Hallides are on)
My light has 2 250w Metal Hallides and 2 57w T5 (blue)
I have the T5 on a timer from 10am - 8pm and the Hallides on from 2pm to 6pm
Is this "ok"? I want o add coral and shrums in the near future...but want to make sure the lighting and flow is not too little or too much.
10 gallon with two clowns
Generally speaking, which is a more docile tang to add to a tank with an 3 month old moorish idol:
Orange shoulder tang or
Naso tang?
Thanks Steve! I think I'll go with the mcCoskers and solar. Should I introduce at the same time or flasher then the fairy later after flasher is settled in?The copepod competition issue is always difficult to accurately assess.
Thanks Steve! I think I'll go with the mcCoskers and solar. Should I introduce at the same time or flasher then the fairy later after flasher is settled in?
Last question is you don't mind. Will the fairy wrasse likely make the mcCoskers flash and help keep his color?
Been trolling this post for a while. Asked your advice a few pages back. Still trolling and learning, and I'm sure I will be for a long time.
Just wanted to interrupt with a compliment.
Dude, you're awesome! Thanks for all the advice and education.
Thanks for the very kind words. Unfortunately, some times my answers are not as complete as I would like them to be. On prior occasion, some folks felt my answers were "too" complete so a few years back I started shortening them a bit.
I work in healthcare on a professional level. IMHO more information is always better, especially when it comes to biological systems and interactions. To have a 'too complete' answer, to me, is the equivalent of saying, 'I don't want to have to think or do research, just tell me what to do', which, I'm thinking, in this hobby, leads to problems, expense, dead animals, and dismissing the hobby in (ignorant) frustration.
You hit the nail on the head. That is exactly why some folks wanted less complete answers. I prefer not telling people what to do, and think that more information is always better for long term decision making. That is also why I do not make recommendations in this thread. I feel that developing research skills is important, and my taste after decades of diving and aquarium keeping will be different than most people.
As per myself, I did a considerable amount of research on my stocking, I asked an expert opinion, and your responses have driven me to do a bit more research before I make any decisions (though I still live in denial of the crab/snail wars, with no justification aside from the fact that I want crabs and snails). Well, live and learn. Since there are lots of snail types with different functional habits, I prefer being able to stock them without having to worry about hermit crabs killing them.
You provide a fantastic service and it is truly appreciated.
If I were you I'd ask RC for a raise.
Again, thank you. We do not get paid, I do what I do on here because people helped me when I was starting (which is a very long time ago now). It is along the line of "pay it forward".
Just being silly and defiant on the crab/snail thing - I'm undoubtably going to take your advice on board and go all snail.
Also, I was jesting on the raise. I gathered you were doing this for love of the hobby. Again, my sense of humor.
So, now that I'm sure your not getting paid you should walk into the RC main office, throw things about, and demand a salary or threaten to take your services elsewhere, like Joe's Crab Shack or Red Lobster or something.
I'll leave you be, though I'm sure I'll be humbly asking your advice in the future.
Have fun and thanks again,
I have a 90 gallon tank with ~30 sump/fuge. Equipment is Jebao DC9000 for return , GFO/Carbon Reactor, UV and SWC160 cone with 20% Weekly water changes.
Have mainly LPS with a limited selection of SPS and some NPS.
Current Stock:
2x true percs.
1 purple firefish
Proposed stock additions:
2x Azure Damsels
1x Royal Gramma
1xYellow tang ( I'm aware that I may have to give it up eventually when it outgrows the tank)
1x McCosker's Male
1x Neon Goby
1x Orange Stripped Prawn Goby with tiger snapping shrimp
I know it's a little heavy stocking but I'm willing to up the WCs in order to see the fish.