Hi Steve!
Thanks for this thread, appreciate the help. I'm cycling my first reef tank and this community has been the best resource imaginable.
The tank is a 40B, sump with huge, protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2x power heads, 300gph overflow, etc.
For my initial introduction I'd like a small, but efficient, CUC, and I was thinking:
1 emerald crab
1 fighting conch
4 nerites
2 trochus
2 nassarius
4-6 dwarf cerith
4 assorted hermits (probably 2 red and 2 blue) herits kill snails long term, so I would go with snails (my preference) or hermits but not both
1 peppermint shrimp
1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
For my fish stock (I want a peaceful set up with a good variety of color):
2 O. clowns (tank raised)
2 reef chromis only one will survive long term; be very careful as they are susceptible to uronema
1-2 neon blue gobies one is fine
1 orchid dottyback the least aggressive pseudochromis but can limit tank mates going forward
1 clown goby
Link to tank images is here...
Thanks for any advice/opinions,