PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Thank you Steve. Sad about the fire gobies and definitely scratched off a bit from my wish list. Thank you for saving fish lives, a broken heart and money flushed in the toilet.
Is there room in my tank for a chalk bass?
The tank is 46 gallons and has 1 false perc clown, 1 bicolor blenny, 1 pj cardinal, 1 green chromis, 1 6-line wrasse, 1 cleaner shrimp, and CUC.
Is there room in my tank for a chalk bass?
The tank is 46 gallons and has 1 false perc clown, 1 bicolor blenny, 1 pj cardinal, 1 green chromis, 1 6-line wrasse, 1 cleaner shrimp, and CUC.

Not with a six line wrasse. (which will probably kill the cleaner shrimp by the way) It is not a "room" issue, but a behavior issue.
So I currently have a 40 breeder that I'm upgrading to a 50 gallon. I also have a 175 bow in the basement that's pending set up.

Current tank list: Flame angel, goby and pistol shrimp pair, skunk cleaner shrimp. Couple snails and crabs.

The 50 gal will take the place of the 40 (upgraded equipment etc) and is 36" in length and will have 250w MH (10k bulb) no T5's *planned*. Sump design in the works, have reeflow 30x for circulation and skimmer is planned to be an Omega 130.

What I'd *like* to do is add an anemone to the tank and pair of clowns (percs or o's) with current stock list.

Will the 50 be a bit crowded with the anemone and clown pair? Other additions might be some polyps, don't really plan on much LPS or SPS (maybe one or 2 if I can get away with it). Xenia, green stars or other wavy stuff if it works. The goby and shrimp are low key and naturally, hang out under the rocks.

I'd like the 50 to be very low maintenance so I don't want to inherit with the anemone a tank I'd really have to watch constantly (that will be the 175 in my office).

Would the anemone be a better fit in the 175? In that tank I'd like to have SPS and try my hand at more corals so I'm thinking the flame needs to stay in the 50 regardless.

So I currently have a 40 breeder that I'm upgrading to a 50 gallon. I also have a 175 bow in the basement that's pending set up.

Current tank list: Flame angel, goby and pistol shrimp pair, skunk cleaner shrimp. Couple snails and crabs.

The 50 gal will take the place of the 40 (upgraded equipment etc) and is 36" in length and will have 250w MH (10k bulb) no T5's *planned*. Sump design in the works, have reeflow 30x for circulation and skimmer is planned to be an Omega 130.

What I'd *like* to do is add an anemone to the tank and pair of clowns (percs or o's) with current stock list.

Will the 50 be a bit crowded with the anemone and clown pair? Other additions might be some polyps, don't really plan on much LPS or SPS (maybe one or 2 if I can get away with it). Xenia, green stars or other wavy stuff if it works. The goby and shrimp are low key and naturally, hang out under the rocks.

I'd like the 50 to be very low maintenance so I don't want to inherit with the anemone a tank I'd really have to watch constantly (that will be the 175 in my office).

Would the anemone be a better fit in the 175? In that tank I'd like to have SPS and try my hand at more corals so I'm thinking the flame needs to stay in the 50 regardless.


Fish wise, a pair of clowns, goby shrimp combination, and flame angel would be fine. I don't know if you would have enough lights/flow for the anemone to stay put.
Fish for new 90 Gal...thoughts?

Fish for new 90 Gal...thoughts?

Hi all, appreciate the feedback. So I am starting up my first 90 Gallon Saltwater Reef tank and wanted to get some feedback. I plan on having a couple anemones and corals so am trying to keep that in mind with my fish selection. Have a 20 Gal Sump, skimmer and a good amount of live rock.

2 clowns
Love Triggers--was thinking Blue Throat (can i have two? maybe a picasso or Niger?)
1 Blenny
Eels--can I get a snowflake?
Puffers--like the puffers but realize they are out for reef. any that would fit?
Tangs--Was told to add the Tang last and only one but do like the Kole Yellow Eye and Powder Blue Tangs...can only get one right?

Any other suggestions would be great. Thanks.
Hi all, appreciate the feedback. So I am starting up my first 90 Gallon Saltwater Reef tank and wanted to get some feedback. I plan on having a couple anemones and corals so am trying to keep that in mind with my fish selection. Have a 20 Gal Sump, skimmer and a good amount of live rock.

2 clowns
Love Triggers--was thinking Blue Throat (can i have two? maybe a picasso or Niger?)
1 Blenny
Eels--can I get a snowflake?
Puffers--like the puffers but realize they are out for reef. any that would fit?
Tangs--Was told to add the Tang last and only one but do like the Kole Yellow Eye and Powder Blue Tangs...can only get one right?

Any other suggestions would be great. Thanks.

Sorry, I do not provide recommendations for aggressive fish community tanks. Please post questions in the aggressive fish forum for general opinions and commentary.
Hi, I have a 175 gallon (59"L x 24"D x 29"H) that's been up for a little over 7 months:

Current inhabitants:
- Black Ocellaris Clown Pair
- Juvenile Yellow Tang
- Six Line Wrasse
- Diamond Watchman Goby
- Blue/Green Chromis Pair
- Cleaner Shrimp Pair
- Blood Shrimp Pair
- Various snails/hermits
- Limited LPS & SPS (will continue to build out)

- Flame Angel or Potter's Angel (mutually exclusive)
- Firefish pair
- Orchid Dottyback
- Regal Tang or Powder Blue Tang (mutually exclusive)
Hi, I have a 175 gallon (59"L x 24"D x 29"H) that's been up for a little over 7 months:

Current inhabitants:
- Black Ocellaris Clown Pair
- Juvenile Yellow Tang
- Six Line Wrasse Will be a problem for shrimp and firefish
- Diamond Watchman Goby
- Blue/Green Chromis Pair
- Cleaner Shrimp Pair
- Blood Shrimp Pair
- Various snails/hermits
- Limited LPS & SPS (will continue to build out)

- Flame Angel or Potter's Angel (mutually exclusive) either but not coral safe
- Firefish pair Without the six line one would work
- Orchid Dottyback may have issues with the six line wrasse
- Regal Tang or Powder Blue Tang (mutually exclusive)

A Powder Blue Tang may work, but the yellow tang may not allow its introduction; A regal tank needs a much longer tank due to activity level. Your gallonage is fine, but tangs tend to do best with long tanks
Fish wise, a pair of clowns, goby shrimp combination, and flame angel would be fine. I don't know if you would have enough lights/flow for the anemone to stay put.

Allright, thanks. I'm thinking I'll have 500 GPH or so through the sump with another powerhead or two. 250 MH plus maybe 2 actinics wouldn't be enough for aneomone?

I'll check that forum for specifics - thanks Snorvich!
A Powder Blue Tang may work, but the yellow tang may not allow its introduction; A regal tank needs a much longer tank due to activity level. Your gallonage is fine, but tangs tend to do best with long tanks

I'm hearing nix all of the above, yet proceed with caution on a Powder Blue Tang. I'll continue to research. Many thanks! :fish1:
Trying to come up with my stocking list. 46 Gallon Bow, Currenty 2 occ clowns.

Is a flame angel out of the question? ive seen conflicting minimum tank sizes
Trying to come up with my stocking list. 46 Gallon Bow, Currenty 2 occ clowns.

Is a flame angel out of the question? ive seen conflicting minimum tank sizes

The problem is that dwarf angelfish eat algae constantly and small tanks will not provide sufficient food. The normally recommended tank size is about 70 gallons but if Nori is available constantly, your tank would probably work.
I have 7 feet tank (200 gallons with 50 gallons sump) with around 100 lbs of rock running fallow for 4 months due to Ich attack. Survivors in 4 different Quarantines are
- Adult Emperor 5"
- Blonde Naso Tang 5"
- Fox face 4"
- Powder brown tang 4.5"
- Bi color angelfish 3"
- Ocellaris clown 2"
Naso, bi-color angel and Powder brown were purchased last month (incase this info matters)
I wish to add following over the period of 2 - 3 months
- Desjardini sailfin (small)
- Yellow tang
- Flame angelfish
- Banner fish
- Threadfin butterfly

Would this be overcrowded? and also please advise on compatibility. Thanks in advance
I have 7 feet tank (200 gallons with 50 gallons sump) with around 100 lbs of rock running fallow for 4 months due to Ich attack. Survivors in 4 different Quarantines are
- Adult Emperor 5"
- Blonde Naso Tang 5"
- Fox face 4"
- Powder brown tang 4.5"
- Bi color angelfish 3"
- Ocellaris clown 2"
Naso, bi-color angel and Powder brown were purchased last month (incase this info matters)
I wish to add following over the period of 2 - 3 months
- Desjardini sailfin (small) definitely not
- Yellow tang definitely not
- Flame angelfish
- Banner fish
- Threadfin butterfly

Would this be overcrowded? and also please advise on compatibility. Thanks in advance

This would be crowded and the two fish I suggested not be included would have difficulty
I have a small 18" cube (25 gallons-ish) rimless, with an in-tank filter and protein skimmer. Live rock. Looking to keep:
Black and White Clown pair (already have them)
A few other small colorful beginner fish. NO DAMSELS ALLOWED. :)
And then of course a clean up crew.

I have a small 18" cube (25 gallons-ish) rimless, with an in-tank filter and protein skimmer. Live rock. Looking to keep:
Black and White Clown pair (already have them)

You probably won't be able to sustain the anemone; the clownfish, blenny, and goby, are going to be it.

A few other small colorful beginner fish. NO DAMSELS ALLOWED. :)
And then of course a clean up crew.

Originally Posted by devimik
Hi Steve,

I have a 90g with about 150lbs of rock - stocked currently with a Kole Tang, Tricolor Wrasse, Royal Gramma, two O. Clowns and a Yellow Watchman Goby. These fish have all been in the tank for 2 years.

I'm contemplating adding a Purple Firefish. Do you see any issues with that? I know the Kole is supposed to be the last fish, and it was, so not sure how the Firefish would be treated if added.


Ok, one more question - do you think it would be ok to add, in addition to the firefish, a female Tricolor Wrasse?

Hi Steve, appreciate all your help. I just discovered, this evening, that my male Ocellaris clown was dead - looks to me like he had a gash behind his gills, which points me to the Kole Tang having slashed him. Anyway, he's dead and my larger female is alone now. All other fish are fine. Do you think I could introduce another smaller clown to pair with the female? I had the clowns for two years. Thanks!
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