PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I have posted here before, but am changing my mind a lot.

Tank is a 20g nano with 10g sump w/ refugium, skimmer, ATO.
Stock includes: Firefish Goby, cleaner shrimp, 4 nassarius snails, 5 nerite snails

I still want to add 2 ocellaris clowns, with an rbta (not sure if you can yah/nah the nem for me too, currently, I'm leaning towards no from my research)

I would also like some kind of rock dwelling fish, I see them in stores a lot and they look cool; I have ~25 lbs rock

I was thinking either:
Red Spotted Goby (trimma rubromaculatus)
Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse

Both seem reef safe, but my two concerns are:

1) I want to add the clownfish next
2) Will the Gobies get along?


No additional fish in a 20 gallon tank after adding the clownfish
220gallon tank, 45 gallon sump with skimmer with an attached 30 gallon refugium with chaetomorpha, 180lbs live rock. current stock

3" black tang,
4" lieutenant tang,
8" princess parrot,
2.5" flame angel,
4" starry blenny,
1.5" bicolor blenny,
1.5" yellow tail blenny,
2" midas blenny,
1" royal gramma,
3 fire gobbies, will become at most a pair, probably only one in the long run
1 purple fire goby, may not co-inhabit wit the above three
1" clown,
1" blue green chromis,

1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 12 nassarius snails, 2 turbos, 2 cowrie tiger snails, 6 astreas, 8 hermits, 2 emeralds.

What i want to complete my list:
gold flake angel established tangs will try to intimidate
achilles tang will probably not be accepted by the existing tangs
mystery wrasse probably will intimidate the firefish
mandarin goby not with a mystery wrasse; without a mystery wrasse, after 9 months maturity
scooter blenny not with a mystery wrasse
blue jaw trigger will eat inverts and/or small fish

I fear i'd be pushing it with too many inhabitants. also fear about the tangs killing the achilles the trigger eventually growing and wanting to eat inverts or small fish. the wrasse going after small fish or inverts or the wrasse going after the mandarin and scooters food and leaving them with nothing, or the wrasse stressing out my fire gobies

I agree with all of your concerns

Tank is a standard 125 6 feet long.

Currently Livestock is:
1. Orangestripe Diamond Goby
2. Firefish
3. Lyretail Anthias
4. Medium FoxFace
5. Medium Blue Tang
6. Medium Tomini Tang

Looking to add 2 more Anthias, 1 Oscelaris Clown and a Wrasse. can you give me suggestions on which type of Anthias and Wrasse is better???

Thanks in advance..

Corals (Bubble, Hammers, Leathers, Mushrooms, Brain, Elegance. Montipora, Weslopyhlia).

Is it possible to add a Yellow Wachman Goby and 2 Ocelaris Clowns ??? Will it interphere with the Orange Stripe Diamond Goby??:
Tank is a standard 125 6 feet long.

Currently Livestock is:
1. Orangestripe Diamond Goby
2. Firefish
3. Lyretail Anthias
4. Medium FoxFace
5. Medium Blue Tang needs a much larger tank
6. Medium Tomini Tang

three grazers long term in this sized tank will not work

Looking to add 2 more Anthias, 1 Oscelaris Clown and a Wrasse. can you give me suggestions on which type of Anthias and Wrasse is better???

for anthias, simply add two females to match your lyretail. I don't provide recommendations for a variety of reasons, but would be happy to evaluate any choice within the context of your existing stocking and plan.

Thanks in advance..

Corals (Bubble, Hammers, Leathers, Mushrooms, Brain, Elegance. Montipora, Weslopyhlia).

Is it possible to add a Yellow Wachman Goby and 2 Ocelaris Clowns ??? Will it interphere with the Orange Stripe Diamond Goby??:

No, a second clownfish will not interfere with the goby.
I have two blacker ice clownfish in QT and also going through TTT to eliminate the possibility of ich.

How much of my DT will they require? Since they will probably be the only inhabitants in the DT for at least the next couple months, what fish options are recommended? I plan to keep a max of 5 fish or so but I'm not opposed to just these two long term.

Such wish It could be some sort of trigger fish down the road that would not eat my coral and harass the clowns. I would just keep these 3 fish it that was a possibility.

PS- I have 43 inverts and 2 peppermint shrimp in the DT now keeping the house clean.
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I have two blacker ice clownfish in QT and also going through TTT to eliminate the possibility of ich.

How much of my DT will they require?

When sexually mature, they will want to control about 25 gallons of tank space.

Since they will probably be the only inhabitants in the DT for at least the next couple months, what fish options are recommended? I plan to keep a max of 5 fish or so but I'm not opposed to just these two long term.

Such wish It could be some sort of trigger fish down the road that would not eat my coral and harass the clowns. I would just keep these 3 fish it that was a possibility.

triggers require larger tanks and they will eat your inverts

PS- I have 43 inverts and 2 peppermint shrimp in the DT now keeping the house clean.

A million thank you's for the advise!

My new thoughts are, introduce the goldflake & achilles at the same time (and will try to get them slightly larger than current tangs or at least the size of the bigger one of the two), scratch the blue jaw:(, scratch the mystery wrasse:( ::sigh::, and wait 9months instead of 6 :c before getting the mandarin and scooter ::sigh::

what do you think about a pair of mandarins considering i'd be scratching off the blue jaw and mystery wrasse?

do you think i might still have the issue with the fire gobbies that you mentioned after knowing this piece of info; all three fire gobbies sleep in the same place and swim together. they seem very good. the purple one seems to stay completely across the tank from the three and sleeps literally right across from the three. sometimes the purple will school with the other three but for the most part sticks to himself. bad idea to add another purple?
Snorvich, about a month ago I bought 3 lyretails. Had to remove one of my females because she started fighting with the male. So now I'm left with one male and one female. I'll be purchasing 3 Bartlett females for my next fish. I've read to only keep one male in one tank. Since there's already a lyretail male, will the female Bartletts ever turn male or stay female since there's already a male in there? Or does the one male per tank rule only apply per species? TIA!

I changed my mind on the Bartletts, I'll wait on those. In my 5' 120g I want to add a Silver foxface rabbitfish and a female swallowtail angelfish. Will these do okay together? I have coral, so I'm sure I'll have to keep close attention to both these fish nipping at them.
I changed my mind on the Bartletts, I'll wait on those. In my 5' 120g I want to add a Silver foxface rabbitfish and a female swallowtail angelfish. Will these do okay together? I have coral, so I'm sure I'll have to keep close attention to both these fish nipping at them.

I would need total stocking plan to properly evaluate.
A million thank you's for the advise!

My new thoughts are, introduce the goldflake & achilles at the same time (and will try to get them slightly larger than current tangs or at least the size of the bigger one of the two),

I still think you will have the issue with too many tangs.

scratch the blue jaw:(, scratch the mystery wrasse:( ::sigh::, and wait 9months instead of 6 :c before getting the mandarin and scooter ::sigh::

what do you think about a pair of mandarins considering i'd be scratching off the blue jaw and mystery wrasse?

do you think i might still have the issue with the fire gobbies that you mentioned after knowing this piece of info; all three fire gobbies sleep in the same place and swim together. they seem very good. the purple one seems to stay completely across the tank from the three and sleeps literally right across from the three. sometimes the purple will school with the other three but for the most part sticks to himself. bad idea to add another purple?

With no mystery wrasse, a pair of mandarins or a mandarin and scooter blenny would work. You will have the issue with the fire fish. Usually takes about 4-6 months.
I would need total stocking plan to properly evaluate.


1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Tang
1 Blue Damsel (Trying to trap her to get her out, gets along well with everyone though)
2 Lyretail Anthias


1 Silver Foxface
1 Female Swallowtail Angel
1 Male Swallowtail Angel
Pair of clownfish
1 Flame Angel
3 Bartletts
1 Purple Tang
Blue Jaw Triger

1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Tang needs a much larger tank
1 Blue Damsel (Trying to trap her to get her out, gets along well with everyone though)
2 Lyretail Anthias


1 Silver Foxface needs a much larger tank
1 Female Swallowtail Angel
1 Male Swallowtail Angel
Pair of clownfish
1 Flame Angel
3 Bartletts
1 Purple Tang You already have two tangs, a third would not work
Blue Jaw Triger not invert safe

You would have too many large, very active fish in a moderately sized tank
I have a 180 x 60 x 60 (more or less like a US 180 Gal) LPS and SPS with some Zoas. Lots of live rock and a big skimmer in a sump. It has been up and running about 10 months.

So far I have (grouped in order of QT and introduction):

1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Lawnmower Blennie
1 Blue-green Chromis

2 Flame Firefish So far they seem to be a pair

5 Anthias (Squamipinnis) One has turned male and rules the females

1 Copperband Butterfly
1 Green Mandarin

1 Checkerboard Wrasse (has started to bully the Firefish)
2 Ocellaris Clowns

I am considering adding:

1 Royal Gramma (have tried twice, but neither survived QT)
2 Banggai Cardinalfish.

1 Kole Tang
1 Purple Tang

1 Schooling Bannerfish (If I can find one)
1 Foxface (Lo or One Spot)

1 Longnose Hawkfish

1 Flame Angel

What do think? Both in terms of compatibility and order of introduction. I have a 54 liter QT, so I am figuring adding these in five three QT sessions.

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have.
I have a 180 x 60 x 60 (more or less like a US 180 Gal) LPS and SPS with some Zoas. Lots of live rock and a big skimmer in a sump. It has been up and running about 10 months.

So far I have (grouped in order of QT and introduction):

1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Lawnmower Blennie
1 Blue-green Chromis

2 Flame Firefish So far they seem to be a pair You will know by the six month time frame if both will survive

5 Anthias (Squamipinnis) One has turned male and rules the females

1 Copperband Butterfly
1 Green Mandarin

1 Checkerboard Wrasse (has started to bully the Firefish) may continue, also may diminish the naturally occurring food for the two fish above; not invert safe
2 Ocellaris Clowns

I am considering adding:

1 Royal Gramma (have tried twice, but neither survived QT)
2 Banggai Cardinalfish. tank bred, male plus female

1 Kole Tang
1 Purple Tang introduce last, but preferably with the kole tank concurrently

1 Schooling Bannerfish (If I can find one)
1 Foxface (Lo or One Spot)

1 Longnose Hawkfish not shrimp safe

1 Flame Angel

What do think? Both in terms of compatibility and order of introduction. I have a 54 liter QT, so I am figuring adding these in five three QT sessions.

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have.

I annotated the possible issues, the biggest being too many copepod eaters. Is the CBB eating supplied food?
The CBB eats frozen mysis like crazy.

That is a major victory. Try feeding multiple times a day to diminish the copepod consumption.

I've seen the mandarin grab pieces of mysis and blender mix off the bottom from time to time. They all do, but that is not really relevant as they eat constantly and compete poorly.

Thanks again
With no mystery wrasse, a pair of mandarins or a mandarin and scooter blenny would work. You will have the issue with the fire fish. Usually takes about 4-6 months.

Thank you Steve!

You mentioned a pair of mandarins or a mandarin and scooter... i meant all 3. thoughts? also with the fire fish its pretty sad, wished i would have asked before getting them. will monitor closely and if or when i see it happening i'll try and remove the non aggressor/s. with the achilles and goldflake i might just put in a few more pieces of live rock and try to change the settings a bit (especially where i know the other two tangs like to hang out) add them at night with only moon lights and roll the dice with them. i really want those two .
Thank you Steve!

You mentioned a pair of mandarins or a mandarin and scooter... i meant all 3.

That will not work. Two is pushing it a bit.

thoughts? also with the fire fish its pretty sad, wished i would have asked before getting them. will monitor closely and if or when i see it happening i'll try and remove the non aggressor/s.

That is not how it will work. You simply notice one or more missing as it will have become intimidated and hide.

with the achilles and goldflake i might just put in a few more pieces of live rock and try to change the settings a bit (especially where i know the other two tangs like to hang out) add them at night with only moon lights and roll the dice with them. i really want those two .

My advice is not. However I simply provide advice.
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