PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I just got my 75 set up and running. Trying to figure out a good fish list and order. Maybe it would be better to ask what would be a good fit fire my size aquarium. I am going to have coral, lps and softies more than likely. Don't see any sps in my future on this build. They're just not my cup of tea right now. I would like to have a couple clowns and would probably lean more towards the "designer" kinds. Would like to have a mandarin down the road and maybe another goby with a pistol shrimp. Flashy is nice but, don't want a tank full of stuff that hides all the time. Running a fuge for pods and algae. If that leaves to broad a spectrum I'll try to figure out a better list. I just don't want to get into things that will cause problems.
I just bought a 60 gallon tank and will have 60lbs of live rock and a 20 gallon sump. This will be a FOWLER setup. This is my possible fish list. Please let me know if any changes need to be made.

pair of ocellaris clowns
fire fish
royal gramma
a bi-color dwarf angel OR a flame angel
a randalls goby/shrimp pair
blue green chromis (maybe multiples?)

Thank you so much for your help!
I just got my 75 set up and running. Trying to figure out a good fish list and order. Maybe it would be better to ask what would be a good fit fire my size aquarium. I am going to have coral, lps and softies more than likely. Don't see any sps in my future on this build. They're just not my cup of tea right now. I would like to have a couple clowns and would probably lean more towards the "designer" kinds. Would like to have a mandarin down the road and maybe another goby with a pistol shrimp. Flashy is nice but, don't want a tank full of stuff that hides all the time. Running a fuge for pods and algae. If that leaves to broad a spectrum I'll try to figure out a better list. I just don't want to get into things that will cause problems.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. How I am always happy to analyze any stocking list/plan provided tank size and maturity are provided. That being said, a pair of designer clowns would work. A mandarin in this sized tank is marginally ok given the refugium for copepods but only if no copepod competitors are in the tank and the tank is 9 months mature. A goby/pistol shrimp would work fine.
I just bought a 60 gallon tank and will have 60lbs of live rock and a 20 gallon sump. This will be a FOWLER setup. This is my possible fish list. Please let me know if any changes need to be made.

pair of ocellaris clowns
fire fish introduce early
royal gramma
a bi-color dwarf angel OR a flame angel either is fine
a randalls goby/shrimp pair
blue green chromis (maybe multiples?) one is fine, multiples will become one.

Thank you so much for your help!

Your list is fine subject to annotations. Feel free to check back with any questions or changes.
Your list is fine subject to annotations. Feel free to check back with any questions or changes.
Just found this thread, just set up some of my livestock for a 60 gallon rimless cube a few weeks ago, w 40 lbs live rock, 20 gallon sump.

Had introduced 3 chromies, along w a flame to the tank that already had a true perc and six line. Needless to say still have everyone sans two chromies. Do they bully each other in a small environment? I was led to believe they were community schoolers. Sounds like you may have insight.

Edit: just read back a few posts and you specifically call out the chromis behavior. I will be putting together a fish list for my final count and post in here soon. Good thread topic here, great input.
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Just found this thread, just set up some of my livestock for a 60 gallon rimless cube a few weeks ago, w 40 lbs live rock, 20 gallon sump.

Had introduced 3 chromies, along w a flame to the tank that already had a true perc and six line. Needless to say still have everyone sans two chromies. Do they bully each other in a small environment? I was led to believe they were community schoolers. Sounds like you may have insight.

Yes, chromis reduce their number, however, not usually as quickly as you experienced. Also, be very careful of chromis as they are highly susceptible to uronema marinum.

Edit: just read back a few posts and you specifically call out the chromis behavior. I will be putting together a fish list for my final count and post in here soon. Good thread topic here, great input.
Stocking List ?

Stocking List ?

Semi New here. Transferring my current rimless 40 gallon cube to a 105 gallon.

New tank is 4ft by 18 inches front to back and 30 inches tall. I have a 20 gallon sump which will have about 10 gallons in it. 100lbs of live rock will use 75 of it for sure and will try to add the other 25 as room and looks allow. Skimmer Vertex Omega 150, Lighting is 2 kessils a 350W and a 360W. Chiller (I live in the desert), Auto top off, GFO/Carbon reactor if needed. Will have a small 8 inch by 12 inch refuge area in sump also have a medium 4 inch by 20 inch HOB fuge that I might use too.
Flow is two Jebao WP25's along with return sump pump forgot flow on that.

Current tank water quality should be the same in the new tank being set up;
Salinity = 1.025 /// Ammonia=0 /// Nitrite=0 /// Nitrate=0 /// PH=7.9 /// Temp=79degrees F /// Phosphate = 0.16 (I struggle here) /// KH=9 or 161 /// Calcium=400 /// Mag=1170 (I struggle here too).

Current tank;
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Small 1inch blue green chromis - Had a clown who jumped out and behind tank.
Variety of snails = Nas, Turbo, Cerith, Netrites?
3 hermit crabs in refuge not in display.
3 headed Duncan
20 head zoa
3 inch round green star polyp.

New tank wish list;
Above list and add the following;
Additional corals as I research and find what catches my eye.
1 Clown and 1 Anemone - Not set on this but isn't this relationship what draws many of us into this hobby.
Blenny not sure which one but like the personality of these fish.
Pistol Shrimp & Goby Pair I like the Yasha goby not sure which shrimp pairs with it yet.
Fox Face Lo
Blue Tang
Angel (I like the Bellus or Lemon Peel)

Do any of you see compatability issues or capacity issues?
I do have a solid relationship with a local reef store where I can get small fish and trade them in when they get too big for my tank. (Is that good planning or cruel?)

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Semi New here. Transferring my current rimless 40 gallon cube to a 105 gallon.

New tank is 4ft by 18 inches front to back and 30 inches tall. I have a 20 gallon sump which will have about 10 gallons in it. 100lbs of live rock will use 75 of it for sure and will try to add the other 25 as room and looks allow. Skimmer Vertex Omega 150, Lighting is 2 kessils a 350W and a 360W. Chiller (I live in the desert), Auto top off, GFO/Carbon reactor if needed. Will have a small 8 inch by 12 inch refuge area in sump also have a medium 4 inch by 20 inch HOB fuge that I might use too.
Flow is two Jebao WP25's along with return sump pump forgot flow on that.

Current tank water quality should be the same in the new tank being set up;
Salinity = 1.025 /// Ammonia=0 /// Nitrite=0 /// Nitrate=0 /// PH=7.9 /// Temp=79degrees F /// Phosphate = 0.16 (I struggle here) /// KH=9 or 161 /// Calcium=400 /// Mag=1170 (I struggle here too).

Current tank;
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Small 1inch blue green chromis - Had a clown who jumped out and behind tank.
Variety of snails = Nas, Turbo, Cerith, Netrites?
3 hermit crabs in refuge not in display.
3 headed Duncan
20 head zoa
3 inch round green star polyp.

New tank wish list;
Above list and add the following;
Additional corals as I research and find what catches my eye.
1 Clown and 1 Anemone - Not set on this but isn't this relationship what draws many of us into this hobby.
Blenny not sure which one but like the personality of these fish.
Pistol Shrimp & Goby Pair I like the Yasha goby not sure which shrimp pairs with it yet.
Fox Face Lo
Blue Tang Needs a much larger tank
Angel (I like the Bellus or Lemon Peel) A bellus angel will be too active for this sized tank and a lemon peel is not really reef safe

Do any of you see compatability issues or capacity issues?
I do have a solid relationship with a local reef store where I can get small fish and trade them in when they get too big for my tank. (Is that good planning or cruel?) That is not good planning. Buy fish that can live out their lives in the tank you have.

Have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank purchased already running with an Occellaris clown, Yellow tang, hermits and snails. Recently added 2 peppermint shrimp. My boyfriend is wanting a dwarf lionfish, i think its a bad idea.. thoughts? I was thinking of adding a lawnmower blenny instead to start...
Have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank purchased already running with an Occellaris clown, Yellow tang, hermits and snails. Recently added 2 peppermint shrimp. My boyfriend is wanting a dwarf lionfish, i think its a bad idea.. thoughts? I was thinking of adding a lawnmower blenny instead to start...

A yellow tang needs a larger tank. A dwarf lionfish is not a good idea. A lawnmower blenny would be fine if you did not have the tang in place.
I have read above about the yellow tang needing a larger tank but it was in there when purchased and in really rough shape with the prior owner not taking care of the tank :( He looks so much better now so i dont want to get rid of it. Hmm... will it just outgrow the tank and die?
I have read above about the yellow tang needing a larger tank but it was in there when purchased and in really rough shape with the prior owner not taking care of the tank :( He looks so much better now so i dont want to get rid of it. Hmm... will it just outgrow the tank and die?

As the fish grows, it will require more algae than your tank can produce and will starve. It was also become highly territorial and prevent additional fish from being added.
Finally got my 210 gallon type up and running with a few fish in it. I sold my previous 125 gallon a few months back and was slowly piecing this new tank together. I added my Zebra Moray and Female Bellus Angel yesterday. Here is what I would like as far as stocking goes:

Pakistan Butterfly

Pearlscale Buttefly

m/f watanbei or m/f masked swallowtail

goldflake angel


venustus or multicolor

achilles tang

white tail bristle tooth or atlantic blue or mustard tang

indian black trigger

crosshatch or sargassum trigger

formosa or red coris wrasse

f bird wrasse

gold bar wrasse

I realize this may be too many for the tank I have so let me know which ones wouldn't work. Also, any thoughts on the order of adding them would be appreciated. Thanks
Finally got my 210 gallon type up and running with a few fish in it. I sold my previous 125 gallon a few months back and was slowly piecing this new tank together. I added my Zebra Moray and Female Bellus Angel yesterday. Here is what I would like as far as stocking goes:

Pakistan Butterfly

Pearlscale Buttefly

m/f watanbei or m/f masked swallowtail

goldflake angel


venustus or multicolor

achilles tang

white tail bristle tooth or atlantic blue or mustard tang

indian black trigger

crosshatch or sargassum trigger

formosa or red coris wrasse

f bird wrasse

gold bar wrasse

I realize this may be too many for the tank I have so let me know which ones wouldn't work. Also, any thoughts on the order of adding them would be appreciated. Thanks

Jordan, unfortunately I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. Best to place your question in the Aggressive fish forum.
Well with the 75 fully ready for fish and the QT set up i'm ready to start adding fish! I was thinking
x2 firefish (these are in the QT tank, they are a pair)
x3 Zebra Barred Dartfish
x1 Some type of tang... Was looking at the Yellow Eyed kole tang
x1 Angel, Was thinking Potters/Flame or coral beauty
and possibly a small trigger, I really like the Picasso's and have read they'd be fine in a 75 due to being slow growers and i plan on upgrading in the next year. Thanks!
Well with the 75 fully ready for fish and the QT set up i'm ready to start adding fish! I was thinking
x2 firefish (these are in the QT tank, they are a pair) It is unlikely that they are a pair and if they are not, only one will survive long term
x3 Zebra Barred Dartfish
x1 Some type of tang... Was looking at the Yellow Eyed kole tang
x1 Angel, Was thinking Potters/Flame or coral beauty
and possibly a small trigger, I really like the Picasso's and have read they'd be fine in a 75 due to being slow growers and i plan on upgrading in the next year.

Since these fish are not rare, I strongly suggest not adding this fish until you have a large enough tank, which is an 180 gallon tank minimum. Upgrades rarely happen as planned.
I was told they were a pair :worried2: How would i be able to tell? They stay with eachother, don't leave eachothers side.... if i notice any fighting i'll pull one... But with that list in a 75 (without the trigger as i'll wait for the upgrade) would there be any room for some more smaller fish or would that max it out? Thanks for all the help you give everyone, it's great to see someone so experienced help all the new people!!
I was told they were a pair :worried2: How would i be able to tell? They stay with eachother, don't leave eachothers side.... if i notice any fighting i'll pull one...

They are almost certainly not a pair (LFS sell fish). It will not be an issue of fighting; a few months down the road, one will intimidate the other and the weak one will hide then starve to death.

But with that list in a 75 (without the trigger as i'll wait for the upgrade) would there be any room for some more smaller fish or would that max it out?

You would have room for behaviorally compatible small fish.

Thanks for all the help you give everyone, it's great to see someone so experienced help all the new people!!

Always a pleasure. I have been doing this thread for about 5 years now and it is pretty popular with more than a half million views. Feel free to check back with any stocking list questions.
90 gallon (48x18x24) reef with clams, sps and softies

fish added in this order

pair of occ. clowns
banggai cardinal
blue spotted jawfish
yellow and purple tang (i have a backup if i feel the purple outgrows it)
flame angle if i find a specimen that dosent nip
90 gallon (48x18x24) reef with clams, sps and softies

fish added in this order

pair of occ. clowns
banggai cardinal
blue spotted jawfish needs cooler temperatures (71-74F) and a very specific substrate depth and type
yellow and purple tang (i have a backup if i feel the purple outgrows it) I do not recommend two zebrasoma tangs in a 90 gallon tank when one would need a 125 gallon tank
flame angle if i find a specimen that dosent nip dwarf angels are not coral safe and you will not know in advance whether it will or will not
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