good morning, steve! hope you're having a great weekend.
75g mixed reef, current occupants:
1 kole tang
2 snowflake clowns
red velvet fairy wrasse
yellow fin flasher wrasse
yellow coris wrasse
vrolik's wrasse
2 longnose hawkfish
1 orange spotted goby
wasn't planning on adding anything else but i've been told i should look at the golden midas blenny.
am i stocked to the gills or would 1 more fish be ok?
i will say, LA's description indicates that this fish "may" nip at gobys. my little goby is already at a disadvantage because he was left completely tailless after i foolishly added a purple striped dottyback (which is long gone now). he has no problems whatsoever getting around, typically spends most of his time at one end of the tank but does get in on the feeding frenzies with no problems. i just don't want to add anything that might terrorize him.