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Will a tiger pistol shrimp be a good pair with my watchman goby in a 15 gal tank with 10 lbs live sand 20 lbs of live rock also will a lawn mower blenny do well in my tank of I feed it algae wafers while also eating growing algae in my tank

the goby/shrimp pair would do fine. The lawnmower blenny needs a larger tank
Thanks. So aside from the puffer, how do the rest of the fish look?

Your plan:

Here is my stocking wishlist:

2 Ocellaris clownfish
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1 One Spot Foxface
1 Saddle Valentini or Blue Spotted Puffer
1 Dwarf Lionfish

You have two algae grazers in a tank suitable for one only, your dwarf lionfish will eat fish

Your plan:

Here is my stocking wishlist:

2 Ocellaris clownfish
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1 One Spot Foxface
1 Saddle Valentini or Blue Spotted Puffer
1 Dwarf Lionfish

You have two algae grazers in a tank suitable for one only, your dwarf lionfish will eat fish

Ok, revised stocking wishlist:

2 Ocellaris clownfish
1 Kole Yellow Eye Tang
1 Bicolor Angel
1 Greyhead Wrasse
1 Yellow Watchman Goby with Pistol Shrimp
I'm looking to add a sand sifting goby of some sort. With out blowing the sand all over the place my sand is looking kinda nasty with detritus. Would my other inhabitants kill it due to similar shape. Currently I have a 2 inch Maroon Clown, 2 inch Lawnmower Blenny, 2 inch Royal Gramma, Striped Cleaner Shrimp and a Fire Cleaner Shrimp.
I'm looking to add a sand sifting goby of some sort. With out blowing the sand all over the place my sand is looking kinda nasty with detritus. Would my other inhabitants kill it due to similar shape. Currently I have a 2 inch Maroon Clown, 2 inch Lawnmower Blenny, 2 inch Royal Gramma, Striped Cleaner Shrimp and a Fire Cleaner Shrimp.

The maroon clownfish may, especially once it gets mature.
Thanks. I was wondering about him in the short run too but the wife wants to set up another tank (a 90 gallon cube) in the living room and I may put him in there rather then worry about squabbling in the small 29.
5ft 110g mixed reef(~100lbs of live rock)
30g sump with sand bed/live rock/chaeto

Current inhabitants
CUC including a cpl peppermints
Pair of Clowns(female mocha, male true perc)
Lyretail Anthias (1)
Royal Gramma
Springer Damsel
Lawnmower Blenny
Tailspot Blenny(blennies get along great)
Splendid Dottyback(very peaceful, so far)
(all of these except the splendid lived together in my 46bowfront for 6-12months or more before I upgraded)

Over the next 6-12 months Id like to add a few more.
More Anthias so mine has freinds(lyretail or square probably)
2 bangai cardinals
1 2spot or other bristletooth tang

I'd like to eventually add some kind of Dwarf angel but believe all of them "can" be a problem in a mixed reef right?

5ft 110g mixed reef(~100lbs of live rock)
30g sump with sand bed/live rock/chaeto

Current inhabitants
CUC including a cpl peppermints
Pair of Clowns(female mocha, male true perc)
Lyretail Anthias (1)
Royal Gramma
Springer Damsel
Lawnmower Blenny
Tailspot Blenny(blennies get along great)
Splendid Dottyback(very peaceful, so far) can be a PITA
(all of these except the splendid lived together in my 46bowfront for 6-12months or more before I upgraded)

Over the next 6-12 months Id like to add a few more.
More Anthias so mine has freinds(lyretail or square probably)
2 bangai cardinals male plus female tank raised
1 2spot or other bristletooth tang

the additions are fine

I'd like to eventually add some kind of Dwarf angel but believe all of them "can" be a problem in a mixed reef right? You may get lucky for a while, but the odds are against

Thank you, I have heard that about the splendid, got him as a small juvi from Petco when they didnt know what it was for a $5adoption fee, he spent his first six month(after QT) in the fuge with a watchman goby and a damsel and did great. I am keeping an eye on him now that I went to a 110 but the female clown seems to keep him in check.

Forgot to list I have a green mandarin in there as well, he was fat and happy in the 46g old tank but I had it hooked to a 40 fuge with a ton of rock and chaeto in there. Now he is in the 110 with a slitghly smaller fuge.
Thank you, I have heard that about the splendid, got him as a small juvi from Petco when they didnt know what it was for a $5adoption fee, he spent his first six month(after QT) in the fuge with a watchman goby and a damsel and did great. I am keeping an eye on him now that I went to a 110 but the female clown seems to keep him in check.

Forgot to list I have a green mandarin in there as well, he was fat and happy in the 46g old tank but I had it hooked to a 40 fuge with a ton of rock and chaeto in there. Now he is in the 110 with a slitghly smaller fuge.

The tank size is fine for a mandarin; hopefully, until the tank is mature, the refugium will provide sufficient copepods.
Yah while the new tank is maturing I am supplementing with a local mix called reefstew from the clownfish breeder, that and an occasional order of pods from algaebarn, just to make sure he stays fat. =)
Starting a 55 gallon reef no sump with protein skimmer, carbon and gfo reactor, and 55 pounds dry rock with a small live rock. Fish I am planning on
Red Honey damsel
Cherub or flame back angel
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Diamond watchman goby
Want mainly soft corals, mushrooms, zoas
Starting a 55 gallon reef no sump with protein skimmer, carbon and gfo reactor, and 55 pounds dry rock with a small live rock. Fish I am planning on
Red Honey damsel I have never kept this fish, but most damsels tend to be aggressive, especially in smallish tanks
Cherub or flame back angel may not be coral safe to zoanthids
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Diamond watchman goby
Want mainly soft corals, mushrooms, zoas
Hey snorvich

Question? Is a 75 gallon too small for a one spot fox face? Live aquaria says 70 gallon, but 7-9" dish that swims a lot doesn't seem like it would work. Wondering your opinion
Hey snorvich

Question? Is a 75 gallon too small for a one spot fox face? Live aquaria says 70 gallon, but 7-9" dish that swims a lot doesn't seem like it would work. Wondering your opinion

Its marginal. With no other algae grazers and a mature tank, it will work. But remember that these fish are coral safe only as long as they are not hungry so provide nori and a mature tank. (It is not just fish size that must be considered)
So it's good to go? Neato! Would I be correct in assuming that having a fox face in the same tank with a tomini tang and flame angel would probably tax the tank to much in algae as well as swimming space? Or would it feasibly/theoretically work if ample amounts of nori and food are consistently available for the fish to eat?
So it's good to go? Neato! Would I be correct in assuming that having a fox face in the same tank with a tomini tang and flame angel would probably tax the tank to much in algae as well as swimming space? Or would it feasibly/theoretically work if ample amounts of nori and food are consistently available for the fish to eat?

I do not think the combination would work. The foxface would be marginal by itself.
Hey guys just starting out here so I figured I would get ur opinions.
65 gallon tall tank. 36 by 18 by 24
Reef octopus skimmer bh-100f
2 voyager 3 phs
90 pounds live rock.
60pounds sand bed
Current stock
2 snowflake clowns
1 Bangai cardinal
1 grape tip branching hammer
Few snails

This will be a reef tank.

I'm wanting some fish that will shoal together.
I'm thinking a few such as 4 or 5.
Or both.

Suggestions welcomed!
Ya that's what I figured too :) figured I would bounce it by ya Steve and see what you thought. Ahhh, always the problem in this many awesome fish never enough gallons :)

I'll be bugging you again in the next few weeks, my wife and 3 year old made up their own list of fish they want so now I got to dumb it down to something more workable and bounce it by you. I think my son wants 18 fish alone hahaha. Gotta stop taking him to the fish store :)

Thanks a lot Steve

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