Great Thread, thanks for offering your insights.
I am in the process setting up my 65 Gallon Tank, here are some specifics on what I have:
Tank 65 Gallon
Sump Eshopps E100 2nd Gen Reefugium with Miracle Mud and Macro Algae
3 Dosing pumps for PH, Calcium and Magnesium
Echotech Radion XR30 and XR 15 Main Lighting
50 LBs of Pukani Live Rock from BRS
Echotech MP10
Neptune AutoFeeder
Neptune Apex Gold to control it all.
I have been accumulating this stuff or a while, and am running it to gauge what/if I need heaters/chillers. My home is Climate controlled to 72 pretty much year round.
I am really open to any suggestions that would be optimal for my set up.
Some of the fish I am looking at are Mandarin Goby, Clown Fish and Anemone, Wrasses, Pretty much anything that looks good. Same goes for corals, I am looking to set this up with some branching SPS corals (Acropora), maybe some polyp's, mushrooms.
A mandarin will be very difficult in this sized tank. Clownfish, depending on species would work well.
Any tips for a tank like mine? How many fish would be a good fit for this tank, that will thrive off of dry food dosed from the AutoFeeder, supplemented with Brine from time to time and what ever grows in the sump? Any corals I should avoid?
I would also like to get a sponge or 2, but they are all listed as very difficult to keep.