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Hello I currently have a 75 gallon reef tank that was set up about 4 months ago. Everything is running swimmingly and stable much to my pleasure. I want to add a good population of fish to provide plenty of movement and color and plan on using coral as accents and not main focuses. I'm looking for little fish that would do well in either pairs or preferably in groups of 3 or more. If anyone has some insight it would be much appreciated. I've done a lot of research on compatible species but would like to hear from some people who have had experience keeping 'shoals' 'schools' 'groups' of same species fish. Thanks for the input, all criticism is appreciated!
My fish as of now:

2x Ocellaris clowns
1x Bengaii Cardianal
3x Blue Chromis (had 4, 1 got punked to death, these 3 do fine together) You will, unfortunately end up with one in the long run
1x Buby headed Wrasse
1x Lyretail Anthias (would like 1 more to display male/female color) a group needs a larger tank
1x Chalk Bass (love this little guy, thinking of adding more?) more would work but a group would need to be added concurrently
1x Citrin/Citrus Goby

groups of the same species are somewhat difficult except in larger tanks

*sorry i posted this in the 'new to the hobby' forum and then found this thread
Great Thread, thanks for offering your insights.

I am in the process setting up my 65 Gallon Tank, here are some specifics on what I have:
Tank 65 Gallon
Sump Eshopps E100 2nd Gen Reefugium with Miracle Mud and Macro Algae
3 Dosing pumps for PH, Calcium and Magnesium
Echotech Radion XR30 and XR 15 Main Lighting
50 LBs of Pukani Live Rock from BRS
Echotech MP10
Neptune AutoFeeder
Neptune Apex Gold to control it all.

I have been accumulating this stuff or a while, and am running it to gauge what/if I need heaters/chillers. My home is Climate controlled to 72 pretty much year round.

I am really open to any suggestions that would be optimal for my set up.

Some of the fish I am looking at are Mandarin Goby, Clown Fish and Anemone, Wrasses, Pretty much anything that looks good. Same goes for corals, I am looking to set this up with some branching SPS corals (Acropora), maybe some polyp's, mushrooms.

Any tips for a tank like mine? How many fish would be a good fit for this tank, that will thrive off of dry food dosed from the AutoFeeder, supplemented with Brine from time to time and what ever grows in the sump? Any corals I should avoid?

I would also like to get a sponge or 2, but they are all listed as very difficult to keep.
Great Thread, thanks for offering your insights.

I am in the process setting up my 65 Gallon Tank, here are some specifics on what I have:
Tank 65 Gallon
Sump Eshopps E100 2nd Gen Reefugium with Miracle Mud and Macro Algae
3 Dosing pumps for PH, Calcium and Magnesium
Echotech Radion XR30 and XR 15 Main Lighting
50 LBs of Pukani Live Rock from BRS
Echotech MP10
Neptune AutoFeeder
Neptune Apex Gold to control it all.

I have been accumulating this stuff or a while, and am running it to gauge what/if I need heaters/chillers. My home is Climate controlled to 72 pretty much year round.

I am really open to any suggestions that would be optimal for my set up.

Some of the fish I am looking at are Mandarin Goby, Clown Fish and Anemone, Wrasses, Pretty much anything that looks good. Same goes for corals, I am looking to set this up with some branching SPS corals (Acropora), maybe some polyp's, mushrooms.

A mandarin will be very difficult in this sized tank. Clownfish, depending on species would work well.

Any tips for a tank like mine? How many fish would be a good fit for this tank, that will thrive off of dry food dosed from the AutoFeeder, supplemented with Brine from time to time and what ever grows in the sump? Any corals I should avoid?

I would also like to get a sponge or 2, but they are all listed as very difficult to keep.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However, I am always happy to analyze any stocking plan provided tank size and maturity are also provided.
Understood, can you shed some light on what Difficult means in regards to reef keeping?

I don't have a lot of references to use, and I do indeed intend to support my LFS, but in using this site:

Says 30 Gallon Min is required, so check. But it also says Difficult. As I understand they feed almost exclusively on amphipods and Copepods. Is that what makes them difficult? I mean if I plan to add these weekly already does that cover said "difficulty"

And why are sponges "Difficult" because it requires clean water?

sorry to be dense, but I don't' get it.
I have a 210g display reef and 75g tank as a sump. Roughly 200lbs of live rock, Mag 18 return pump and octopus skimmer. Current stock list is the following:

- pair of false percs
- chocolate tang
- scopas tang
- diamond goby
- goby pistol shimp bonded pair
- 5 green chromis
- fan tail blenny
- flame angel
- cleaner shrimp

I am torn between a group of anthias, firefish and/or cardinals. Is there a better choice of the three or can i add groups of all three.

Any help is much appreciated
HI, looking for some advise.

Current info: 45 Gallon FOWLR., with about 40 pounds LR. Emperor 400 filter (I have a second one not currently being used, but ready). In tank UV sterilizer. Tank has had fish in it for 6 months, was running for about 2 months prior to adding fish.

current residents are:
2x percula clowns
blue velvet damsel
blue fin damsel
4 stripe damsel
chocolate chip star

I also have an emperor crab, and a nassuras snail or 2 left (blue velvet seems to like them).

I am looking at add some visual interest to the tank. I am also considering moving the clowns to my bio cube that I am getting ready for coral, or getting new residents or 2 for the cube. the cube will be anemones, and soft corals for now, working into other corals.

I was looking into the Sgt Major damsels, Fairy Wrasses, Basslets (royal gramma), and gobies. but am open to others if there is a better fit.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
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Understood, can you shed some light on what Difficult means in regards to reef keeping?

I don't have a lot of references to use, and I do indeed intend to support my LFS, but in using this site:

Says 30 Gallon Min is required, so check. But it also says Difficult. As I understand they feed almost exclusively on amphipods and Copepods. Is that what makes them difficult? I mean if I plan to add these weekly already does that cover said "difficulty"

And why are sponges "Difficult" because it requires clean water?

sorry to be dense, but I don't' get it.

Difficult will almost always pertain to feeding related issues. In the case of a mandarin, as an example, since they eat copepods continuously, a mature (9 months)tank size of 75 gallons would be required to sustain one assuming no copepod competition (such as a six line wrasse). Same issue in the case of sponges since they are not photosynthetic.
I have a 210g display reef and 75g tank as a sump. Roughly 200lbs of live rock, Mag 18 return pump and octopus skimmer. Current stock list is the following:

- pair of false percs
- chocolate tang
- scopas tang
- diamond goby
- goby pistol shimp bonded pair
- 5 green chromis will become one in the long run
- fan tail blenny
- flame angel
- cleaner shrimp

I am torn between a group of anthias, firefish and/or cardinals. Is there a better choice of the three or can i add groups of all three.

Any help is much appreciated

Firefish are not sustainable as a group; cardinals will initially group and eventually pair off; anthias are excellent as a group but most require multiple feedings per day.
HI, looking for some advise.

Current info: 45 Gallon FOWLR., with about 40 pounds LR. Emperor 400 filter (I have a second one not currently being used, but ready). In tank UV sterilizer. Tank has had fish in it for 6 months, was running for about 2 months prior to adding fish.

current residents are:
2x percula clowns
blue velvet damsel
blue fin damsel
4 stripe damsel
chocolate chip star

I also have an emperor crab, and a nassuras snail or 2 left (blue velvet seems to like them).

I am looking at add some visual interest to the tank. I am also considering moving the clowns to my bio cube that I am getting ready for coral, or getting new residents or 2 for the cube. the cube will be anemones, and soft corals for now, working into other corals.

I was looking into the Sgt Major damsels, Fairy Wrasses, Basslets (royal gramma), and gobies. but am open to others if there is a better fit.

Your complement of damsels will make additions difficult. Fairy wrasses need larger tanks. A royal gramma may or may not be feasible. A goby may work.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
Difficult will almost always pertain to feeding related issues. In the case of a mandarin, as an example, since they eat copepods continuously, a mature (9 months)tank size of 75 gallons would be required to sustain one assuming no copepod competition (such as a six line wrasse). Same issue in the case of sponges since they are not photosynthetic.

So If I supplement my tanks with additional Copepods would that work or is my tank just fundamentally too small to support them? Funny you mention 6 line wrasse as that is another fish I am looking at.
So If I supplement my tanks with additional Copepods would that work or is my tank just fundamentally too small to support them? Funny you mention 6 line wrasse as that is another fish I am looking at.

Your tank is fundamentally too small. You would go broke quickly trying to supplement copepods. A six line wrasse is a common fish that people ask for and it basically is a PITA with regards to most tank mates.
As always, appreciate your time and insights Snorvich. =D

I currently have a 93g anemone dominated tank with the following:
2x Percula Clowns
Flame Angel
Yellow Eye Kole Tang

I'm working on the upgrade now to a 150 and would like to add:
Purple Tang
3x Lyretail Anthias
Sunburst Anthias
Magnificent Foxface
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Starry Blenny
Midas Blenny
Bicolor Blenny
Royal Gramma
2x Ruby Red Scooter (after about 6 months)

See any potential issues?
As always, appreciate your time and insights Snorvich. =D

I currently have a 93g anemone dominated tank with the following:
2x Percula Clowns
Flame Angel
Yellow Eye Kole Tang

I'm working on the upgrade now to a 150 and would like to add:
Purple Tang should be last fish added
3x Lyretail Anthias
Sunburst Anthias
Magnificent Foxface keep well fed as they can nip if hungry
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Starry Blenny
Midas Blenny may nip fins of planktivores
Bicolor Blenny
Royal Gramma
2x Ruby Red Scooter (after about 6 months) 9 months rather than 6 months

See any potential issues?

As annotated, otherwise fine
Hey snorvich, what is the recommended tank size for a giant hawkfish (cirrhitus rivulatus). A place I order from has a 1" one. Kinda neat fish but potentially get 24". How fast do they grow?
Not really planning on getting it, just curious.
Hey snorvich, what is the recommended tank size for a giant hawkfish (cirrhitus rivulatus). A place I order from has a 1" one. Kinda neat fish but potentially get 24". How fast do they grow?
Not really planning on getting it, just curious.

Coldish water (Sea of Cortez) and because of its nature, no tank mates. Never kept one but I have seen them diving.
125 gallon (72" long) mixed reef with about 65 lbs of live rock, and a 30 gallon sump with skimmer. I just recently took down my refugium as I'm about to install a Zeovit reactor. 2 part added via automated pumps and currently running GFO.

Current tank inhabitants:

Blue hippo tang (medium size)
Perc clown fish
2 Banggai cardinalfish
2 Blue chromis
Royal Gramma Basslet
Striped sleeper goby
RBT Anemone

Inverts: Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, Turbo snails, Ceriths, Nerites, Nassarius

Corals: Some soft, mostly LPS, just started adding SPS

Things I'd like to add (not necessarily in this order):
Yellow Tang
Trio of Scissortail Dartfish
Lyretail Anthias (1 male, 2 female)
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse
Indigo Dottyback

Thanks for advice!
125 gallon (72" long) mixed reef with about 65 lbs of live rock, and a 30 gallon sump with skimmer. I just recently took down my refugium as I'm about to install a Zeovit reactor. 2 part added via automated pumps and currently running GFO.

Current tank inhabitants:

Blue hippo tang (medium size) needs a larger tank
Perc clown fish
2 Banggai cardinalfish
2 Blue chromis
Royal Gramma Basslet
Striped sleeper goby will create sand storms
RBT Anemone

Inverts: Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, Turbo snails, Ceriths, Nerites, Nassarius

Corals: Some soft, mostly LPS, just started adding SPS

Things I'd like to add (not necessarily in this order):
Yellow Tang
Trio of Scissortail Dartfish
Lyretail Anthias (1 male, 2 female)
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse
Indigo Dottyback very aggressive, may cause problems with tank mates

Thanks for advice!
Hi Snorvich, I'm new to the marine aquarium hobby and am setting up my first tank. It is 220 gallons, live rock reef setup. Can you give me some pointers on my fish list? And which order to stock them! I want a lot of tangs, and know that my purple and yellow may not be compatible, but what would be the best plan of attack to get them to succeed??

Orchid Dottyback
Hippo Tang
Achilles Tang
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang
Flurry and black ocellaris clown mixed mated pair
Copperband butterfly
Starry blenny
Green dragonet
Flame angel or bicolor angel
Royal Gramma Basslet
cubicus boxfish
matted filefish
orange stripe prawn goby
yellow prawn goby
fairy wrasse
starcki or domino damsel
Hi Snorvich, I'm new to the marine aquarium hobby and am setting up my first tank. It is 220 gallons, live rock reef setup. Can you give me some pointers on my fish list? And which order to stock them! I want a lot of tangs, and know that my purple and yellow may not be compatible, but what would be the best plan of attack to get them to succeed??

If you are thinking tangs, you had best develop a rigorous quarantine protocol. Also, for tangs, a mature tank is preferred as they graze constantly.

Orchid Dottyback
Hippo Tang Needs a longer tank
Achilles Tang
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang zebrasoma tangs must be added last and concurrently
Flurry and black ocellaris clown mixed mated pair
Copperband butterfly difficult, especially with non-peaceful tank mates and may impact the ability to keep a dragonet
Starry blenny
Green dragonet 9 months tank maturity
Flame angel or bicolor angel
Royal Gramma Basslet
cubicus boxfish difficult
firefish add early
matted filefish
orange stripe prawn goby
yellow prawn goby
fairy wrasse which species?
starcki or domino damsel aggressive

I suggest starting slow. you have some expert level fish and you will need to develop skills associated with keeping them
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