PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hello again Steve,

Here is my update Hawaiian tank fish list. Please tell me what you think.

Bluestrip BF
Racoon BF red sea endemic is preferred if available
Milletseed BF
Pyramid BF
Longnose BF
Reticulated BF

Potters I have a bonded pr
Flame angel, have my male and looking for a female

Flame wrasse
Potters wrasse
Elegant coris wrasse
Ornate wrasse

Indigo dart fish
Fantail file fish This fish I have, doing great
Longnose hawkfish
Lantern Toby

Chevron tang
Kole tang
Yellow tang I have this one
Dwarf moray

Tank is 72x30x24 with 100 gallon sump tank will be cycled in about 4 more weeks

Also in what order would you add them.

Thank you very much
Hey guys just starting out here so I figured I would get ur opinions.
65 gallon tall tank. 36 by 18 by 24
Reef octopus skimmer bh-100f
2 voyager 3 phs
90 pounds live rock.
60pounds sand bed
Current stock
2 snowflake clowns
1 Bangai cardinal
1 grape tip branching hammer
Few snails

This will be a reef tank.

I'm wanting some fish that will shoal together.
I'm thinking a few such as 4 or 5.
Or both.

Suggestions welcomed!

Unfortunately, in this sized tank, there is no long term stable fish group that will shoal.
Ya that's what I figured too :) figured I would bounce it by ya Steve and see what you thought. Ahhh, always the problem in this many awesome fish never enough gallons :)

I'll be bugging you again in the next few weeks, my wife and 3 year old made up their own list of fish they want so now I got to dumb it down to something more workable and bounce it by you. I think my son wants 18 fish alone hahaha. Gotta stop taking him to the fish store :)

Thanks a lot Steve


No matter what sized tank one has, there will always be fish you cannot keep. I am always happy to reanalyze provided stocking list and tank size are provided.
Hello again Steve,

Here is my update Hawaiian tank fish list. Please tell me what you think.

Bluestrip BF
Racoon BF red sea endemic is preferred if available
Milletseed BF
Pyramid BF
Longnose BF
Reticulated BF

Potters I have a bonded pr
Flame angel, have my male and looking for a female

Flame wrasse
Potters wrasse
Elegant coris wrasse
Ornate wrasse

Indigo dart fish
Fantail file fish This fish I have, doing great
Longnose hawkfish
Lantern Toby

Chevron tang
Kole tang
Yellow tang I have this one
Dwarf moray

Tank is 72x30x24 with 100 gallon sump tank will be cycled in about 4 more weeks

Also in what order would you add them.

Thank you very much

This is a "short" 225 gallon tank and by the choice of butterfly fish, I assume a FOWLR. I would have preferred the yellow tang be the last fish added. No real issues that I see, but keep in mind the dwarf golden moray will need to be hand fed as it will have difficulty competing.
Hi Steve

So revised fish list

75 gallon, 40 gallon fuge, 40 gallon sump

Exsisting in tank

2x occelaris clowns still young under 2"
1x royal gramma under 2"
Skunk cleaner x2
Conch, variety of snail
Mixed reef

Wish list:
1x fire dart fish (will add too if they"ll become mated pair)
1x green clown goby (2 if they can become mated pair)
1x lawn mower blenny
1x bi color blenny
1x bangaii cardinal (2 if they will become mated pair...tank raised of course)
1x tomini tang
1x flame angel

Was thinking some dispar anthias instead of the cardinal fish like 4 (1 male 3 female) but haven't decided.

Thanks Steve

Oh one more thing Steve, was probably going to make this one large order...we significantly lack options on getting marine fish in Saskatchewan canada. Would that be a problem to quarantine and add all at once to tank?
Hi Steve

So revised fish list

75 gallon, 40 gallon fuge, 40 gallon sump

Exsisting in tank

2x occelaris clowns still young under 2"
1x royal gramma under 2"
Skunk cleaner x2
Conch, variety of snail
Mixed reef

Wish list:
1x fire dart fish (will add too if they"ll become mated pair) two is unlikely to work
1x green clown goby (2 if they can become mated pair) two is unlikely to work
1x lawn mower blenny
1x bi color blenny
1x bangaii cardinal (2 if they will become mated pair...tank raised of course) With a male plus female, two would work
1x tomini tang
1x flame angel I would not add a second algae grazer until the tank is very mature

Was thinking some dispar anthias instead of the cardinal fish like 4 (1 male 3 female) but haven't decided. A group of anthias needs a larger tank

Thanks Steve


You can quarantine and add all together
90 gallon reef mixed tank (Eshopp R200 sump, RO 150 skimmer).

Current Fish:
2 Picasso Clowns
Orchid Dottyback
Longnose Hawkfish

Future Fish: (in this order)
Neon Blue Goby
Firefish (dart fish) or zebra barrred?
Midas Blenny
Melanurus Wrasse
Flame Hawkfish
Kole Yellow Eye Tang
Green Mandarin Dragonet or Leopard Wrasse (after I have pod's well established)
90 gallon reef mixed tank (Eshopp R200 sump, RO 150 skimmer).

Current Fish:
2 Picasso Clowns
Orchid Dottyback
Longnose Hawkfish

Future Fish: (in this order)
Neon Blue Goby may be at risk from either of the hawkfish, but especially the existing one
Firefish (dart fish) or zebra barrred?
Midas Blenny
Melanurus Wrasse
Flame Hawkfish
Kole Yellow Eye Tang add last
Green Mandarin Dragonet or Leopard Wrasse (after I have pod's well established)

fine except as annotated
90 gallon mainly lps reef

purple tang Needs a larger tank; one of the Ctenochaetus tangs would work, however
pair of oc. clowns
cb butterfly A copepod eater as is a leopard wrasse so pick one or the other but not both
leapord wrasse
flame angle
bangaddi cardinal

Fine except as annotated
40 breeder
Live rock 40lbs approx. 1" sand sub.
Emperor 400 with mech media only. 25% weekly WC's
Single t8 tube. Looking to upgrade to a quad t5 system in the near future.

Been about 10yrs since i've done SW.
Kids want a "Nemo" themed tank... And I want it to work. Also requested a "Yellow" fish
Black percula pair
Lemonpeel angel

I kept pipefish and clowns before and bred them.
I want color and activity for the kids to enjoy and heartyness but I also wouldn't mind an "oddball" tossed in, i'm really fond of possum wrasse. Really appreciate some help on a stock list. The kids also love inverts so would like a few that could work.
40 breeder
Live rock 40lbs approx. 1" sand sub.
Emperor 400 with mech media only. 25% weekly WC's
Single t8 tube. Looking to upgrade to a quad t5 system in the near future.

Been about 10yrs since i've done SW.
Kids want a "Nemo" themed tank... And I want it to work. Also requested a "Yellow" fish
Black percula pair fine
Lemonpeel angel needs a considerably larger tank
for yellow, try a watchman goby

I kept pipefish and clowns before and bred them.
I want color and activity for the kids to enjoy and heartyness but I also wouldn't mind an "oddball" tossed in, i'm really fond of possum wrasse.

A possum wrasse would work well

Really appreciate some help on a stock list. The kids also love inverts so would like a few that could work.
Not new to the hobby but new to a nano this size... starting a 10gl AIO with 10lbs live rock, 1" sand bed, skimmer... wait and see on some chaeto in the back chamber. Reason I chose a tank this size is because I'm not sure how long I'll be living in my current location.

Was thinking about a very small shrimp/goby combo and a small false perc, upgrading tank size is a possibility after the potential move... and if not I could sell off the perc if it grows too large... thoughts?
Good nano fish in groups

Good nano fish in groups

Hello I currently have a 75 gallon reef tank that was set up about 4 months ago. Everything is running swimmingly and stable much to my pleasure. I want to add a good population of fish to provide plenty of movement and color and plan on using coral as accents and not main focuses. I'm looking for little fish that would do well in either pairs or preferably in groups of 3 or more. If anyone has some insight it would be much appreciated. I've done a lot of research on compatible species but would like to hear from some people who have had experience keeping 'shoals' 'schools' 'groups' of same species fish. Thanks for the input, all criticism is appreciated!
My fish as of now:

2x Ocellaris clowns
1x Bengaii Cardianal
3x Blue Chromis (had 4, 1 got punked to death, these 3 do fine together)
1x Buby headed Wrasse
1x Lyretail Anthias (would like 1 more to display male/female color)
1x Chalk Bass (love this little guy, thinking of adding more?)
1x Citrin/Citrus Goby

*sorry i posted this in the 'new to the hobby' forum and then found this thread
Not new to the hobby but new to a nano this size... starting a 10gl AIO with 10lbs live rock, 1" sand bed, skimmer... wait and see on some chaeto in the back chamber. Reason I chose a tank this size is because I'm not sure how long I'll be living in my current location.

Was thinking about a very small shrimp/goby combo and a small false perc, upgrading tank size is a possibility after the potential move... and if not I could sell off the perc if it grows too large... thoughts?

I would stick with the shrimp/goby. Or add a firefish
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