125 gallon with 45 gallon sump. Lot's of live rock and two inch sand bed. Temperature would be kept at 72 - 74 range. Corals would be sps, mainly deepwater acroporas.
centre piece would be chaetodon declivis (deepwater species) 3x
I have kept and love chaetodon declivis but I have never heard that they require a dither fish. My experience is they are out and about without issue, but I kept one in a 350 gallon mixed reef with acropora and montipora
I have read, that they like the precense of dither fish, so have been thinking of adding zoramia leptacantha 30x or pseudanthia parvirostris (deepwater species) / nemathias carberryi 10x (1 male, 9 female).
I have kept nemathias carberryi but you should know they do best with multiple feedings per day. I am not a big fan of cardinal fish except apogon parvulus as the remainder tend to pair off and are more active at night.
Are these really considered as a dither fish? Suggestions?
Valenciannea puellaris (for keeping the sandbed clean not necessary , though is this necessary?) or opistognathus rosenblatti. needs cooler temperature (the low end of your range), peaceful tank mates, and a deeper sand bed mixed with some rock rubble.
Elacatinus oceanops, for parasite eating. They don't really eat parasites. Some fish enjoy being cleaned, however.
Lysmata amboinensis
hermit crabs (have lot's of empty shells of different sizes)
strombus spp.
Any other suggestions for stocking? ��