36x18x21 Acrylic Aquarium with Center Overflow
60lbs of Reef Saver from BRS
80lbs of Arag-Alive Caribsea Reef Sand (Around 3-3 1/2" Sand Bed)
Various Sized Empty Shells and Reef Rubble
Eshopps PSK-100 (Skimmer)
Sicce Syncra Silent 3.0 (Return)
Sicce Voyager 2 Stream Pump x2 (Powerheads)
Berlin Systems Sump of approximate same footprint
Enhiem Jager 125 watt x2 (Heaters)
Lighting Current (26 watts Cree LEDS)
Lighting Future (Julyish - 2x Lumina Full Spectrum)
For this sized tank, your numbers are way too high
56x Dwarf Ceriths
21x Nassarius
17x Florida Ceriths
16x Nerite (Nerita Fulgurans)
14x Assorted Hermits (I am aware that they will take snails. I'm hoping the empty shells will keep this to a minimum. I am a fan of watching them though so hope this isn't a problem)
they will take snails even if empty shells are available
Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber (Holothuria Hilla)
Black Longspine Urchin (Diadema Setosum)
3x Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata Wurdemanni)
Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata Debelius)
Red Banded Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus Randalli)
5x Sexy Anemone Shrimp (Thor Amboinensis)
2x Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes Galathinus)
Ultra Maxima Clam Blue (Tridacna Maxima)
I bolded your two must haves but the number of fish is too many for this sized tank especially with a blue spotted jawfish
Yasha Goby (Stongobiops Yasha)
Gold Assessor Basslet (Assessor Favissimus)
2x Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia Nematoptera)
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus Splendidus)
your tank size is not really sufficient for long term success especially with other fish which do eat copepods
Blue Dot Jawfish (Opistognathus Rosenblatti) Please read this article. Also, they do best at cooler temperature. The book by Scott Michael called Basslets, Dottybacks & Hawkfishes offers excellent information regarding the captive housing requirements for long term success, native distribution, biology and more. Captive care for the Jawfish can be found on page 164 and more specific information on the Bluespotted Jawfish is offered on page 171
4x Green Clown Goby (Gobiodon Atrangulatus)
3x Greenbanded Goby (Elacatinus Multifasciatum)
Hectors Goby (Amblygobius Hectori)
Yellow Stripe Clingfish (Diademichthys Lineatus)
Various Zoanithids and Mushroom species
I am currently in what I'm anticipating to be a long cycle since I went with dry rock.
I plan on getting some sand from fellow reefers to help get some of the good hitch hikers I may be missing out on once the cycle is over.
I plan on seeding pods once the cycle is over. And possibly several times over the first year.
I don't plan on adding the Mandarin or the Clam until after the tank has been up for a year.
tank size not sufficient for long term success
The theory I'm trying to go with is super peaceful fish that are typically kept in nano tanks. I'm hoping by doing this I can have a fair number of fish and inverts in the tank. I like diversity and the joy of finding a fish I may not of seen for a few days and just generally having stuff happen all over the tank.
I am hoping that I could have 1 birdnest in the future as a center piece but am not 100% on that idea. I will have to look at the tank when the time comes.
I am guessing this list is overstocked but not sure. The fish I really want are the Jawfish and the Yasha Goby. The rest are interesting fish that I believe should be peaceful but I will cut them before these two unless cutting one of these fish will greatly increase the other fish I could have.
I've been in and out of saltwater and have had success in the past with 125 gallon reef tank and a 10 gallon nano (both ran for 2+ years but were taken down for various reasons) I have also had failures with other tanks. I've always kept freshwater as long as I can remember. I'd consider my self a newbie though since I've been out of salt long enough to feel that plenty has changed.