PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Would i be able to add a dottyback to the mix?? maybe another goby??

As I indicated previously, I am not going to answer any more piece meal questions. Also, while we encourage your participation in all other areas of Reef Central, this thread is answered only by Reef Central Staff, in this case, me. As such we would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from answering in this thread. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
I'm pretty sure u can. though the tank might be a bit small
HTH ;)

While we encourage your participation in all other areas of Reef Central, this thread is answered only by Reef Central Staff, in this case, me. As such we would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from answering in this thread. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
good morning!
Would i be add to the mix
A leopard wrasse?
A dottyback?
And another goby in the the mix??

The format of this thread is: provide entire stocking plan, tank size and tank maturity and I will be happy to analyze marine fish compatibility. However, as I indicated previously, I am not going to take any more questions not in this format. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
My tank had an ich outbreak and lost all fish. I'm now 2.5 months fallow and before I start stocking I want to have a game plan. My tank is an 80G (48x24x16) and want to plan on having the following:
2x ocellaris
1x yellow coris wrasse
1x lubbocks wrasse
1x ruby red dragonet
1x green canary blenny
1x two spot hogfish
1x algae eater (maybe kole tang?)
Hi Steve,

Tank Info:
200 Gallons DT (7 feet long) with approx 150lbs of live rock and 40-50 gallons sump.

Existing inhabitants:
- Adult Emperor (6")
- Powder Brown tang (5")
- Fox face (5")
- Bicolor Angel
- Ocellaris Clown

Desired Additions:
- Powder Blue tang OR Yellow Tang
- Clarkii Clown
- Diamond watchman Goby
- Purple Firefish

Please advise. Regards,
My tank had an ich outbreak and lost all fish. I'm now 2.5 months fallow and before I start stocking I want to have a game plan. My tank is an 80G (48x24x16) and want to plan on having the following:
2x ocellaris
1x yellow coris wrasse
1x lubbocks wrasse
1x ruby red dragonet I am reluctant to say this will be ok with the two wrasses above
1x green canary blenny
1x two spot hogfish not shrimp safe
1x algae eater (maybe kole tang?)

Fine except as indicated
Hi Steve,

Tank Info:
200 Gallons DT (7 feet long) with approx 150lbs of live rock and 40-50 gallons sump.

Existing inhabitants:
- Adult Emperor (6")
- Powder Brown tang (5")
- Fox face (5")
- Bicolor Angel
- Ocellaris Clown

Desired Additions:
- Powder Blue tang OR Yellow Tang risky with existing tangs; an acclimation box might work
- Clarkii Clown Not compatible with the existing clownfish so the risk is if they meet there may be problems
- Diamond watchman Goby
- Purple Firefish

Please advise. Regards,
New Tank Idea

New Tank Idea

Hey all! I am sorta new to this! Currently I have a 20 gallon high with 2 ocellaris clownfish and I love it! I am emotionally ready for more (but not financially haha). Here is my idea: I would get the 29 gallon marineland aquarium ( which comes with a 200 watt submersible heater, fish net, thermometer, food and water care samples and set up guide.
Question 1: would I need to get a protein skimmer for a tank this size? Currently on my clownfish tank, I do not have one and they are doing great!
Question 2: How would this following arrangement of fish be: 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 or 3 Damsels (not sure which one, open for suggestions), 1 yellow watchman goby, and 1 tail spot blenny.
Do any of you have any suggestions?
1st wrasse

1st wrasse

Steve .... Looking to add my first wrasse to my 65g mixed reef (20g sump) that houses a clam, LPS and SPS. With a tank this small, I will probably only add 2-3 more fish, at most. Tank is embarking on the 1 year mark next month.

Current stock list ..mated pair of O. Clowns , Yellow Assessor Basslet, Helfrichi firefish, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp.

Ideally adding a wrasse that would help hunt down any pests that would attack my clam or SPS would be a great benefit.

I like the 6 line and Mystery, but heard they are bullies when they get older....and that is a worry with my Basslet and Helfrichi. Any issues ??

I know the Leopards are good pest hunters for SPS...which other wrasses would you recommend.

Also....I tend to be away on vacation a few times a adding a wrasse that will take to dry pellets via auto feeder for the short term would be a plus...(building a DIY refrigerator auto feeder, but that is a not in the immediate future). I also have a DIY Aquaclear 70 HOB with low flow that houses Chaeto for pods.

Any other recommendations outside of what I just mentioned would be great!!

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Hey all! I am sorta new to this! Currently I have a 20 gallon high with 2 ocellaris clownfish and I love it! I am emotionally ready for more (but not financially haha). Here is my idea: I would get the 29 gallon marineland aquarium ( which comes with a 200 watt submersible heater, fish net, thermometer, food and water care samples and set up guide.
Question 1: would I need to get a protein skimmer for a tank this size? Currently on my clownfish tank, I do not have one and they are doing great!

This thread is only about marine fish compatibility; for equipment questions it is best to start your own thread in New to the Hobby.

Question 2: How would this following arrangement of fish be: 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 or 3 Damsels (not sure which one, open for suggestions), 1 yellow watchman goby, and 1 tail spot blenny.
Do any of you have any suggestions?

The clownfish, watchman goby, and tail spot blenny are fine; I would not get any damsels.
Steve .... Looking to add my first wrasse to my 65g mixed reef (20g sump) that houses a clam, LPS and SPS. With a tank this small, I will probably only add 2-3 more fish, at most. Tank is embarking on the 1 year mark next month.

Current stock list ..mated pair of O. Clowns , Yellow Assessor Basslet, Helfrichi firefish, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp.

Ideally adding a wrasse that would help hunt down any pests that would attack my clam or SPS would be a great benefit. the problem is that those type wrasses are not generally shrimp or invert safe

I like the 6 line and Mystery, but heard they are bullies when they get older....and that is a worry with my Basslet and Helfrichi. Any issues ??

Both are indeed aggressive

I know the Leopards are good pest hunters for SPS...which other wrasses would you recommend.

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to analyze stocking plans provided that tank size and maturity are also presented.

Also....I tend to be away on vacation a few times a adding a wrasse that will take to dry pellets via auto feeder for the short term would be a plus...(building a DIY refrigerator auto feeder, but that is a not in the immediate future). I also have a DIY Aquaclear 70 HOB with low flow that houses Chaeto for pods.

Any other recommendations outside of what I just mentioned would be great!!

I found a place with two stunning wrasses. A labout's and lineatus, both 5" supermales. Do you think they'd be ok in my 90 gallon reef tank?
I found a place with two stunning wrasses. A labout's and lineatus, both 5" supermales. Do you think they'd be ok in my 90 gallon reef tank?

Depends on other tankmates. However, some of the labout's I have kept have been aggressive to other male fairy wrasses so an acclimation box is a necessity just in case. Lineatus is rarely aggressive.
Depends on other tankmates. However, some of the labout's I have kept have been aggressive to other male fairy wrasses so an acclimation box is a necessity just in case. Lineatus is rarely aggressive.

4" regal angel
Is the only other fish currently in the tank
4" regal angel
Is the only other fish currently in the tank

which will care not at all. The trick will be how to quarantine those two fairy wrasses. But if introduced together, with one in an acclimation box, should work.
What would be the trick/difficulty? Thank you for ur advice BTW...

I usually do cupramine and praziquantel

Does your source run a low level of copper in their system? If so, you will need a minimum of 4 weeks of observation time during which I always advocate Prazipro or equivalent medication with praziquantel. My personal preference is tank transfer followed by an observation period of at least 3 and preferably 4 weeks. Since these two fish would not have established a territory, that would most likely work for them as well. The trick will be after TTM in their observation period quarantine which may be, depending on your quarantine situation, confining.
I see- so my 3ft long 30 gal QT isn't an option? I usually separate with eggcrate in this tank if there are issues.

I've had much success with cupramie and prazi... I'm not knocking TTM. I read a lot about it and I know it works. I'm just not comfortable with it.

Since both these fish would be added together, there'd be no territory issue.
I see- so my 3ft long 30 gal QT isn't an option? I usually separate with eggcrate in this tank if there are issues.

I've had much success with cupramie and prazi... I'm not knocking TTM. I read a lot about it and I know it works. I'm just not comfortable with it.

Since both these fish would be added together, there'd be no territory issue.

30 gallon with egg crate separation should work.
Great- thank you.... It would be a good 4-6 weeks of getting used to each also correct?

Should I try with out egg crate first to give both fish more room?
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