I’m new to Reef Central and the saltwater hobby. When I saw this thread I thought it was the greatest idea. I’ve been making my list of fish and corals and trying to put them in order, but I’m sure I’m failing miserably.
So, about my tank, in about 3 weeks I’ll be cycling a 75gal tank with a built in overflow and a 20gal sump tank. It will have around 80-90lbs of mixed BRS Pukani and Eco rock and between 1.5 to 2 inches of live sand. I have a protein skimmer and T5 lighting (the lighting can be changed if needed). I’ll have a refugium (with copepods) and I’m not sure if I’ll need a calcium, GFO or carbon reactor, but those can be on my list if needed. I'm also making a cover from the 1/4" clear screen on BRS. I think that covers the tank, right? Lol
The top is a great idea. Lights?
My tentative fish list is (sort of in order I think):
Allen’s damsel
I would avoid damsels and do not cycle a tank using live animals
Royal Gramma
Yellow Forktail
Orchid dottyback
can be aggressive
(2) Neon goby **
Barber pole goby
Clown goby
Flaming prawn goby
Pretty, but you will probably never see it
Red scooter dragonet*
I would not attempt this fish AND a mandarin as they will compete for food
Ruby head fairy wrasse
C. solorensis (best to learn the real names byh the way) can become aggressive and loses some coloration absent a female
Exquisite fairy wrasse
(2) Tank bred Common Clown *
Spotted Mandarin*
Your tank would need to be mature to attempt this fish as they eat copepods constantly
Yellow Tang*
Regal Tang*
This fish requires a much larger tank. Always best to buy fish you can sustain for their natural life
**I don’t have my heart set on the neon goby, but if I get one I think they need to be in pairs?
*I kind of have my heart set on these fish, though I don’t really have to have 2 clown fish
The ones without * by them I just like, but can be cut from the list if the list is too long (which I’m sure it is)
The corals/anemone I’d like to have are:
Elegance Coral
Brain Coral
Fox Coral
Mushroom Coral
Bubble tip anemone after tank has been established for at least six months?
However, this coral list will probably be reworked as there are soo many coral species out there I can’t keep track.
Cleaning crew:
TBD, haven't quite gotten this far yet, I plan on using reefcleaners.org
Thanks so much for looking at this. I think it’s awesome that you do this!