PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Fresh to Salt guy lots of questions!

Fresh to Salt guy lots of questions!

30 gal. tank. 1 month LRand LS. Last week, bristle worms and cocipods everywhere! Put first livestock in last Saturday. 5 turbo snails, 5 hermit crabs, 2 damsils, and 2 polups. Worms and pods have not been seen again. Will they survive in the new enviorment? The snails have cleaned off all the green grass algae and changed the purple on the rocks to brown. Do I have too many? Will the loss of the worms and my new clean rock screw everything up? :headwally:
Hi Steve,

Quick question: is a 4 line wrasse's disposition similar to a 6 line? I have a 30g with a tailspot blenny and a small yellow assessor right now. I would like to add a small wrasse and a flame angel. I'm really trying to find a wrasse that is more in the blue/purple color rather than red or Orange. I assume a mystery wrasse, although gorgeous, needs more than 30g (?) and I don't want a bully like a 6 line, but what about a 4 line wrasse? Are they of the same disposition as the 6 line? Other than the mystery and the 4 line, are there any other options based on color requirement and tank size?

All Pseudocheilinus species make hardy additions to a reef aquarium. The good news is that they remain extremely disease resistant, and once established inside an aquarium, are generally long-lived. Reports of Lined Wrasses living over 10 years are not uncommon. However, it is also not uncommon for these diminutive fish to become rather boisterous to the extent of becoming hostile. Once established in the aquarium, mixing additional fish, or even shrimp, can be an exercise of futility. Smaller fish may be consumed, while fish of equal size or slightly larger are likely to be harassed. Sometimes the harassment will subside after a few days, other times it will continue until the death of the targeted animal. In either case, it is best to take steps to avoid this confrontation. Mystery wrasses have gorgeous coloration but can also be problematical in a similar manner. The larger the tank, the greater the chance of making one of these fish work harmoniously.

Thanks in advance for your help
30 gal. tank. 1 month LRand LS. Last week, bristle worms and cocipods everywhere! Put first livestock in last Saturday. 5 turbo snails, 5 hermit crabs, 2 damsils, and 2 polups. Worms and pods have not been seen again. Will they survive in the new enviorment? The snails have cleaned off all the green grass algae and changed the purple on the rocks to brown. Do I have too many? Will the loss of the worms and my new clean rock screw everything up? :headwally:

This thread is really about fish compatibility, both with the environment you are providing and with each other. Damsels, often sold by LFS for the purpose of cycling a tank (do not use live animals to cycle a tank) because they are hardy are often very aggressive and will preclude adding additional fish to a small tank. It would be best to ask this question as a separate thread in New to the Hobby rather than as a question in this thread.
I have a 75 gallon tank, with a 20 gallon sump and a 20 gallon refugium. I plan on having a mixed reef I had a stock list ready, but my girlfriend wants some fish of her here is an entire list of fish.

Pair of clownfish-I want these 100%
flame hawk
orchid dottyback
green clown goby
flame angel
fathead sunburst anthias
Schooling bannerfish
scissortail dartfish
springer dottyback
marine betta
6 line wrasse
I have a 75 gallon tank, with a 20 gallon sump and a 20 gallon refugium. I plan on having a mixed reef I had a stock list ready, but my girlfriend wants some fish of her here is an entire list of fish.

Pair of clownfish-I want these 100%
flame hawk Will preclude shrimp
orchid dottyback on the aggressive side
green clown goby
flame angel
fathead sunburst anthias
Schooling bannerfish
scissortail dartfish
springer dottyback agressive, cannot mix with other dottyback above or six line below
marine betta will likely eat the green clown goby
6 line wrasse Very aggressive

I would suggest modification of the list based on my comments
Really liked this 6 line wrasse, oh well, any other fish I could maybe add in? Could I possibly get a couple reef chromis?

You might look at flasher wrasses or possum wrasses but only if you forego the dottyback One reef chromis would work, a pair would likely become one.
Okay, I will skip a wrasse then, really like the dottyback, and i'll get a chromis, i'm happy with the list. thank you!

You are most welcome. Actually there are a variety of chromis species, all of which have similar behavior but different appearance.
Very tentative fish/coral list for a beginner

Very tentative fish/coral list for a beginner


I’m new to Reef Central and the saltwater hobby. When I saw this thread I thought it was the greatest idea. I’ve been making my list of fish and corals and trying to put them in order, but I’m sure I’m failing miserably.

So, about my tank, in about 3 weeks I’ll be cycling a 75gal tank with a built in overflow and a 20gal sump tank. It will have around 80-90lbs of mixed BRS Pukani and Eco rock and between 1.5 to 2 inches of live sand. I have a protein skimmer and T5 lighting (the lighting can be changed if needed). I’ll have a refugium (with copepods) and I’m not sure if I’ll need a calcium, GFO or carbon reactor, but those can be on my list if needed. I'm also making a cover from the 1/4" clear screen on BRS. I think that covers the tank, right? Lol

My tentative fish list is (sort of in order I think):
Allen’s damsel
Royal Gramma
Yellow Forktail
Orchid dottyback
(2) Neon goby **
Barber pole goby
Clown goby
Flaming prawn goby
Red scooter dragonet*
Ruby head fairy wrasse
Exquisite fairy wrasse
(2) Tank bred Common Clown *
Spotted Mandarin*
Yellow Tang*
Regal Tang*

**I don’t have my heart set on the neon goby, but if I get one I think they need to be in pairs?
*I kind of have my heart set on these fish, though I don’t really have to have 2 clown fish
The ones without * by them I just like, but can be cut from the list if the list is too long (which I’m sure it is)

The corals/anemone I’d like to have are:
Elegance Coral
Brain Coral
Fox Coral
Mushroom Coral
Bubble tip anemone after tank has been established for at least six months?

However, this coral list will probably be reworked as there are soo many coral species out there I can’t keep track.

Cleaning crew:
TBD, haven't quite gotten this far yet, I plan on using

Thanks so much for looking at this. I think it’s awesome that you do this! :D

I’m new to Reef Central and the saltwater hobby. When I saw this thread I thought it was the greatest idea. I’ve been making my list of fish and corals and trying to put them in order, but I’m sure I’m failing miserably.

So, about my tank, in about 3 weeks I’ll be cycling a 75gal tank with a built in overflow and a 20gal sump tank. It will have around 80-90lbs of mixed BRS Pukani and Eco rock and between 1.5 to 2 inches of live sand. I have a protein skimmer and T5 lighting (the lighting can be changed if needed). I’ll have a refugium (with copepods) and I’m not sure if I’ll need a calcium, GFO or carbon reactor, but those can be on my list if needed. I'm also making a cover from the 1/4" clear screen on BRS. I think that covers the tank, right? Lol

The top is a great idea. Lights?

My tentative fish list is (sort of in order I think):
Allen’s damsel I would avoid damsels and do not cycle a tank using live animals
Royal Gramma
Yellow Forktail
Orchid dottyback can be aggressive
(2) Neon goby **
Barber pole goby
Clown goby
Flaming prawn goby Pretty, but you will probably never see it
Red scooter dragonet* I would not attempt this fish AND a mandarin as they will compete for food
Ruby head fairy wrasse C. solorensis (best to learn the real names byh the way) can become aggressive and loses some coloration absent a female
Exquisite fairy wrasse
(2) Tank bred Common Clown *
Spotted Mandarin* Your tank would need to be mature to attempt this fish as they eat copepods constantly
Yellow Tang*
Regal Tang* This fish requires a much larger tank. Always best to buy fish you can sustain for their natural life

**I don’t have my heart set on the neon goby, but if I get one I think they need to be in pairs?
*I kind of have my heart set on these fish, though I don’t really have to have 2 clown fish
The ones without * by them I just like, but can be cut from the list if the list is too long (which I’m sure it is)

The corals/anemone I’d like to have are:
Elegance Coral
Brain Coral
Fox Coral
Mushroom Coral
Bubble tip anemone after tank has been established for at least six months?

However, this coral list will probably be reworked as there are soo many coral species out there I can’t keep track.

Cleaning crew:
TBD, haven't quite gotten this far yet, I plan on using

Thanks so much for looking at this. I think it’s awesome that you do this! :D

This thread is about fish compatibility with each other and the environment you are providing. I do not normally provide commentary on corals (although I keep large reef tanks) but if it were me, I would never consider mushroom corals.
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In your opinion, what is the downside to mushroom corals?

They will take over your tank, and wars between mushroom corals and other corals are always won by the mushrooms. Almost impossible to get rid of them. Remember, that I keep LPS and SPS corals despite my advising on fish in this thread.

i have a 34 gallon cube with a aqueon proflex model 1 sump, i was interested in keeping..

2x B/W Clowns
1 x Possum Wrasse
1 x Flame Hawk
1 x harptail blenny

to much for a 34 gallon? thank you
stocking question

stocking question

I have a 29 gallon with a 10 gallon fuge, I only have one ocellaris clown. Was thinking of adding a diamond goby postal shrimp pair, blue line pipe fish, and a fairy wrasse. How does this look?
This thread is about fish compatibility with each other and the environment you are providing. I do not normally provide commentary on corals (although I keep large reef tanks) but if it were me, I would never consider mushroom corals.

Right sorry about that, but noted on the mushroom corals. I'll stay way from them.

I'm already prepared for a fishless cycle. I've done a ton of research and agree that fishless cycling is just better IMO.

The lights are T5 lights, but as I said I can change them (wasn't sure what was best so went with some advice from the LFS).

Looks like I have some thinking to do on the fish list. But I will remove the following:
Allen's damsel (Pomacentrus alleni)
Orchid dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Flaming prawn goby (Discordipinna griessingeri)
Ruby head fairy wrasse (C. solorensis)
Regal Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus, is it?)

I'm still thinking about the Red scooter dragonet and the Spotted Mandarin, it's such a hard choice lol.

I'll come up with a revised list or do you think that with the above fish removed and a choice between the mandarin and the dragonet, will that be at my limit on fish?

Thanks again!
Okay so rethought my tank and got a few fish in there. Making sure there are no issues.

So far my 30 gal cube with 10 gallon fuge has about 30lbs of live rock, bioball tower above the fuge, and tank has been cycled.

From the advice of a friend I have so far a true clown with bubble anemone, puffer (possibly a dog face not quite sure), a domino damsel, and a snowflake eel.

The domino is small like pinky size (in width), the snowflake eel is about 6 inches long and likes to hide in my rocks, the domino and puffer are getting along well since the puffer is bigger than the domino. Will the bio load be okay? can I possibly add one more fish? Thanks for the advice in advance
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