PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I have a 29 gallon with a 10 gallon fuge, I only have one ocellaris clown. Was thinking of adding a diamond goby postal shrimp pair, blue line pipe fish, and a fairy wrasse. How does this look?

Depends on which fairy wrasse, I do not know if your tank will be suitable for a blue line pipe fish as I have never kept them.
Right sorry about that, but noted on the mushroom corals. I'll stay way from them.

I'm already prepared for a fishless cycle. I've done a ton of research and agree that fishless cycling is just better IMO.

The lights are T5 lights, but as I said I can change them (wasn't sure what was best so went with some advice from the LFS).

I think they will be fine. You just have to do some research on which bulbs

Looks like I have some thinking to do on the fish list. But I will remove the following:
Allen's damsel (Pomacentrus alleni)
Orchid dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Flaming prawn goby (Discordipinna griessingeri)
Ruby head fairy wrasse (C. solorensis)
Regal Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus, is it?)

I'm still thinking about the Red scooter dragonet and the Spotted Mandarin, it's such a hard choice lol.

It is tough. I have both although not in the same tank. The red scooter dragonet is easier.

I'll come up with a revised list or do you think that with the above fish removed and a choice between the mandarin and the dragonet, will that be at my limit on fish?

I will be happy to look at it and comment. I applaud your use of real names as it makes it so much easier for me

Thanks again!
Okay so rethought my tank and got a few fish in there. Making sure there are no issues.

So far my 30 gal cube with 10 gallon fuge has about 30lbs of live rock, bioball tower above the fuge, and tank has been cycled.

From the advice of a friend I have so far a true clown with bubble anemone, puffer (possibly a dog face not quite sure), a domino damsel, and a snowflake eel.

Wow. In a 30 gallon tank? My suggestion is to remove all but the clown. Sorry, I do not provide advice on aggressive tanks, especially those that are very small.

The domino is small like pinky size (in width), the snowflake eel is about 6 inches long and likes to hide in my rocks, the domino and puffer are getting along well since the puffer is bigger than the domino. Will the bio load be okay? can I possibly add one more fish? Thanks for the advice in advance
I have a 120 gal tall mixed 30 gal sump w/refugium. 80lb of sand and live rock. My tank has been up 3 months.

I have the following:
5 blue/green Chromis
2 clownfish
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Wheeler's shrimp Goby
1 Scissortail Dart fish
1 Midas Blenny

The fish I want to add:
3 fire fish goby or 2 additional Scissortail Dart fish(school)

1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse(want)
1 Green Wrasse(want)
1 Madarin (want)
1 Mimic lemon peel Tang(want)
1 Powder Blue Tang(want)
1 White Tail Bristletooth Tang(want)

I had a Randall's shrimp to pair with my Wheelers Goby but I am convinced that it killed my firefish and a scissortail goby. Do you think that this is possible? The shrimp was under the same rock work that they both called home.

I have various soft, lps, and sps corals.
I have a 120 gal tall mixed 30 gal sump w/refugium. 80lb of sand and live rock. My tank has been up 3 months.

I have the following:
5 blue/green Chromis will most likely reduce over time until just one is left
2 clownfish
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Wheeler's shrimp Goby
1 Scissortail Dart fish
1 Midas Blenny

The fish I want to add:
3 fire fish goby
Firefish, long term must be a mated pair or you will end up with just one

or 2 additional Scissortail Dart fish(school)

They will not school but this is a good choice

1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse(want)
1 Green Wrasse(want)
1 Madarin (want) You need to wait until your tank is about 8 months old
1 Mimic lemon peel Tang(want)
1 Powder Blue Tang(want) special needs fish, please read the primer for more information. I would not try to keep this fish AND any other tang in your sized tank; your foxface is already a grazer and a fairly large fish
1 White Tail Bristletooth Tang(want) three tangs would be problematic in your sized tank because all three are grazers

I had a Randall's shrimp to pair with my Wheelers Goby but I am convinced that it killed my firefish and a scissortail goby. Do you think that this is possible?

I think it is unlikely, but possible. I keep a variety of pistol shrimp, some commensal with gobies, others not, and no problems

The shrimp was under the same rock work that they both called home.

As I said, unlikely, but it is possible.

I have various soft, lps, and sps corals.

I don't see fish that are not coral safe unless your foxface gets very hungry
I left out one important detail. I rolled the dice and got a Coral Beauty Anglefish. 1 month and no problems. Any changes to your recommendations?
125G (6'x18"x22")
Forms of Filtration
-150lbs liverock
-150lbs of sand
-Eshopps r-300 sump/refugium (40G 3'x16"x16")
-Filter sock
-Eshopps PSK-200 protein skimmer
-Chaetomorpha macroalgae
-5" DSB
-Sugar dosing
Planned DT stocking list:
-snowflake moray
-marine betta (comet grouper)
-fuzzy dwarf lionfish
-queen conch?
Planned Refugium stocking list:
-emperor devil pseudochromis (Labracinus melanotaenia) - a real character
-Debelius' reef lobster to stir the DSB? Or should I leave the sand be? Would the pseudochromis kill it during/after a molt?

A few factors... I already own the eel. A large queen conch is my only idea for algae control with the moray present. I would likely feed these fish every 3 days, from what I understand this is optimal to the marine betta's health. I will make sure every fish is well fed. I believe the eel would not pose much a threat, as it is a pebbletooth and will be fed well. The marine betta and lionfish will both be weaned to frozen food in a 55G one at a time.

I was looking for a potential 5th fish tankmate for the DT and am open to ideas. I may just leave the list as is to give these fish a better quality of life. I understand this is an odd ball list of organisms but this is the tank I dream of. The service you do for these people is amazing and I enjoy opinions from other passionate hobbiests. Wow thats a long post :hmm4: Best regards!
125G (6'x18"x22")
Forms of Filtration
-150lbs liverock
-150lbs of sand
-Eshopps r-300 sump/refugium (40G 3'x16"x16")
-Filter sock
-Eshopps PSK-200 protein skimmer
-Chaetomorpha macroalgae
-5" DSB
-Sugar dosing
Planned DT stocking list:
-snowflake moray
-marine betta (comet grouper)
-fuzzy dwarf lionfish
-queen conch?
Planned Refugium stocking list:
-emperor devil pseudochromis (Labracinus melanotaenia) - a real character
-Debelius' reef lobster to stir the DSB? Or should I leave the sand be? Would the pseudochromis kill it during/after a molt?

A few factors... I already own the eel. A large queen conch is my only idea for algae control with the moray present. I would likely feed these fish every 3 days, from what I understand this is optimal to the marine betta's health. I will make sure every fish is well fed. I believe the eel would not pose much a threat, as it is a pebbletooth and will be fed well. The marine betta and lionfish will both be weaned to frozen food in a 55G one at a time.

I was looking for a potential 5th fish tankmate for the DT and am open to ideas. I may just leave the list as is to give these fish a better quality of life. I understand this is an odd ball list of organisms but this is the tank I dream of. The service you do for these people is amazing and I enjoy opinions from other passionate hobbiests. Wow thats a long post :hmm4: Best regards!

Sorry, but I do not provide advice on aggressive tanks. We do have an aggressive fish forum and I am sure many people will give you advice in that forujm. Best of luck.
36 gallon bow front

36 gallon bow front

Hi, thanks for the help in advance. I started back into the aquarium hobby after a long time out this past September. I got some terrible advice from a lfs and ended up having to almost start over. I now have a 36 gallon bow front completely cycled with the water almost perfect (double checked by two local fish stores). I added a pair of Ocellaris Clowns already and they have been in the tank about 3 weeks. I also have a few zoanthids, 5 blue legged hermits, three snails and a peppermint shrimp. Tank has an eheim canister, 60 lbs of live rock, and prism skimmer.

I was hoping to add a few more fish over time. Not sure how long to wait in between additions and want to do it right. I also plan on upgrading to a 220 sometime this year.

Can you recommend a few species that will work well? Was thinking a goby, a basselet, and possibly a small angel? Thoughts?
Here is a few I liked:

Gramma Basslet
Assessor Basslet
Blue Reef Chromis
Orchid or Neon Dotty
Fairy Wrasse
Lemon/Pygmy/flame angel
Hi, thanks for the help in advance. I started back into the aquarium hobby after a long time out this past September. I got some terrible advice from a lfs and ended up having to almost start over. I now have a 36 gallon bow front completely cycled with the water almost perfect (double checked by two local fish stores). I added a pair of Ocellaris Clowns already and they have been in the tank about 3 weeks. I also have a few zoanthids, 5 blue legged hermits, three snails and a peppermint shrimp. Tank has an eheim canister, 60 lbs of live rock, and prism skimmer.

I was hoping to add a few more fish over time. Not sure how long to wait in between additions and want to do it right. I also plan on upgrading to a 220 sometime this year.

Can you recommend a few species that will work well? Was thinking a goby, a basselet, and possibly a small angel? Thoughts?

Any. of those will work. You might check out possum wrasses as well as they are really cool fish. I dislike hermits because they tend to kill snails and I advocate a variety of snails as clean up crew.
Here is a few I liked:

Gramma Basslet
Assessor Basslet
Blue Reef Chromis
Orchid or Neon Dotty dottybacks are aggressive and limit other choices such as fairy and flasher wrasses
Fairy Wrasse depends on which one
Lemon/Pygmy/flame angel

None of these are coral safe (angels)
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