PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Steve, so I'll scratch the dottybacks. Can you recommend a few types of fairy or possum wrasses that would be good?
Steve, so I'll scratch the dottybacks. Can you recommend a few types of fairy or possum wrasses that would be good?

any of the possum wrasses, but only one, any of the flasher wrasses, pick the fairy wrasses you like and I can give commentary
Here is a few I liked:

Gramma Basslet
Assessor Basslet
Blue Reef Chromis
Orchid or Neon Dotty
Fairy Wrasse
Lemon/Pygmy/flame angel

Ok, so here is my updated list:

Existing Ocellaris Clown pair
Gramma or Assessor Basslet
Blue reef Chromis (possibly more than one?)
Green clown or orange spotted goby
Possibly an undecided Possum or flasher wrasse

Thank you for the help. I will be removing the hermits in favor of some additional snails and a fighting conch as well.

Lastly, is here an order or time frame for adding these additional fish? Of course I will quarantine all new fish.
Ok, so here is my updated list:

Existing Ocellaris Clown pair
Gramma or Assessor Basslet
Blue reef Chromis (possibly more than one?) One is fine, more than one will become one
Green clown or orange spotted goby
Possibly an undecided Possum or flasher wrasse The possum wrasse is better as it is less active but either will work

Thank you for the help. I will be removing the hermits in favor of some additional snails and a fighting conch as well.

Lastly, is here an order or time frame for adding these additional fish? Of course I will quarantine all new fish.

Most aggressive last, least aggressive first
What species of fish would be best with a ocellaris clown and a banggai cardinal? Tank is 28 gallons.

I assume you mean a pair of clownfish? The Banggai is peaceful except it can eat very small shrimp. A sexually mature mated pair of clownfish, or a single female clownfish are not peaceful in your sized tank. Shrimp goby combinations would work, however. Water column fish might be intimidated by the clownfish aggressiveness. A firefish might work.
I just came back from my LFS. They had a "christmas island anthias" or "christmas anthias". I didn't want to impulse buy so I came to look it up. I can't seem to find it. It was pink and yellow. Does it go by another name and is it compatible in a 55g reef tank?

While looking around I saw pictures of a "Bartletts Anthias" and it looked exactly the same as what I saw.
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Any. of those will work. You might check out possum wrasses as well as they are really cool fish. I dislike hermits because they tend to kill snails and I advocate a variety of snails as clean up crew.

Will agree on the Pygmy Wrasse. I have a White Banded Pygmy along with a Helfrichi Dartfish, Aurora Goby and Zebra Barred Goby. The Pygmy started off timid but is out all the time now picking at pods and eating Rods foods. Kinda floats around like a mini blimp. My favorite fish right now.
I just came back from my LFS. They had a "christmas island anthias" or "christmas anthias". I didn't want to impulse buy so I came to look it up. I can't seem to find it. It was pink and yellow. Does it go by another name and is it compatible in a 55g reef tank?

While looking around I saw pictures of a "Bartletts Anthias" and it looked exactly the same as what I saw.

A Bartlett's Anthias is semiaggressive. What else is in your tank?
Will agree on the Pygmy Wrasse. I have a White Banded Pygmy along with a Helfrichi Dartfish, Aurora Goby and Zebra Barred Goby. The Pygmy started off timid but is out all the time now picking at pods and eating Rods foods. Kinda floats around like a mini blimp. My favorite fish right now.

Yes, they are indeed a fascinating fish. Usually they are initially cryptic but over time they are out and about constantly. I always can recommend them without reservations.
29 Gal cube, fuge. Currently clown goby and lawnmower blenny. Could I add a coral beauty or is that too much fish for the tank? Would it pick at my acan or frogspawn? Or, what about any other very small blennies or gobies?
29 Gal cube, fuge. Currently clown goby and lawnmower blenny. Could I add a coral beauty or is that too much fish for the tank? Would it pick at my acan or frogspawn? Or, what about any other very small blennies or gobies?

I would not trust any dwarf angel with ancanthastrea. Bioload would be fine, however.
Current equipment:
180 gallon acrylic tank
60 gallon acrylic tank soon to be converted into a sump and refugium
SRO 3000 INT protein skimmer
200lbs of mixed tonga branch and fiji live rock
150 lbs of sand
3 Metal hallides and 2 72" VHOs
40 gallon quarantine tank

(and a 1/4HP chiller in the future)

Projected fish stocking:
black ocellaris
false ocellaris
purple tang
yellow tang
blue hippo tang
majestic angelfish
bluethroat triggerfish
school of green chromis

-Is this list ok? Are all fish "reef-safe?"
-What other "reef-safe" fish should I add if it's not too overstock?
-What corals should I add? I'm still doing my research on corals so I still don't know much about corals? :(
-How about clean-up crews and how many?
-What's the best order to add these fish in my tank? I'm thinking add the black and false first, then add the yellow and purple tang at the same time after a month, then I have no clue after that)

Thanks!! :)
Current equipment:
180 gallon acrylic tank
60 gallon acrylic tank soon to be converted into a sump and refugium
SRO 3000 INT protein skimmer
200lbs of mixed tonga branch and fiji live rock
150 lbs of sand
3 Metal hallides and 2 72" VHOs
40 gallon quarantine tank

(and a 1/4HP chiller in the future)

Projected fish stocking:
black ocellaris
false ocellaris
purple tang Two zebrasoma tangs often do not get along but if you try, add them last and concurrently
yellow tang
blue hippo tang RC recommends a 240 gallon tank for this fish
majestic angelfish Not reef safe, especially for meaty LPS
bluethroat triggerfish Probably needs a larger tank and not invert safe
school of green chromis Will winnow down until there is one left virtually always

-Is this list ok? Are all fish "reef-safe?"
-What other "reef-safe" fish should I add if it's not too overstock? You have a lot of large fish and your tank is only six foot long. If you reduce the larger fish, you could certainly have room for small fish
-What corals should I add? I'm still doing my research on corals so I still don't know much about corals? :( This thread is about fish compatibility with each other and your environment. It is best to decide what corals you like and plan fish around that strategy
-How about clean-up crews and how many?
-What's the best order to add these fish in my tank? I'm thinking add the black and false first, then add the yellow and purple tang at the same time after a month, then I have no clue after that)

Always, most aggressive last, least aggressive first

Thanks!! :)

If I keep the black and false ocellaris clownfish, and both yellow and purple tang, and get a powder blue tang instead of the blue hippo tang, what other fish you think I should include if this list is not too overstock? How about clean-up crews?

If I keep the black and false ocellaris clownfish, and both yellow and purple tang, and get a powder blue tang instead of the blue hippo tang, what other fish you think I should include if this list is not too overstock? How about clean-up crews?


There are lots of small interesting fish that would be compatible. Large fish will make your tank look small, and three tangs as you mentioned may work; best chance is to get them initially on the small side. Remember tangs are ich magnets so you MUST QT
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