Hey steve, so i Tweaked the list a bit, added 20 gallons
The tank is 200 gallon mixed reef cube
Lights : Led and t5
Sump: I was thinking 125 or 150 gallon? with refugium.
I will have a protein skimmer.
Sand: live and 4 inch
Rock: live
3xBlenny (Bicolor,Midas,Algae)
3xGoby (Hifin red banded, Yasha, orange banded) Paired with Alpheus randalli
1xSpotted mandarin dragonet {plan to wait until tank is established enough before adding this fish)
2xBangaii cardinal
2xScissortail dartfish
3x Zebra barred dartfish
2x Possum wrasse
1x Hawaiian flame wrasse
1x Leopard wrasse? (can i have these with all the other fish and inverts listed)
1x Radiant wrasse? (can i have these with all the other fish and inverts listed)
1x Yellow coris wrasse? (can i have these with all the other fish and inverts listed)
2xTang (Mimic lemonpeel & Tomini)
Clownfish pair
Clown goby
2x Skunk Cleaner shrimp
2x Fire shrimp
2xPeppermint shrimp
Astrea snails
Nassarius snails
2x Brown & black brittle stars & 1x Red brittle star
1x Acro crab/ Tetralia nigrolineata
LPS (some in sand bed): Blasto, Bubble, Candy cane, Chalice, Duncan, Elegans, Frogspawn, Hammer, Plate, Pagoda, Folded brain, Open brain & Torch
SPS: Acropora, Montipora & Birds nest
Softies: Mushroom, Zoanthids, Sunflower, Toadstool, Kenya tree, Pallythoa & Ricordea