My plan to buy a 120 gallon is out for a couple more years. I recently bought an established 55 gallon FOWLR setup with ten fish. The tank has plenty of live rock, about 2" of sand, two small power heads and a HOB filter.
I was hoping you could give me some insight into how the fish will fare and interact with each other in this sized tank, long term. They are the following:
Matted Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) x1 approx. 3-4"
Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica) x1 approx. 3"
Oscellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris ) x2 approx. 1.5" and 2"
Clarki's Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) x1 approx. 3"
Pajama Cardinals (Sphaeramia nematoptera) x2 1 full sized (?) and 1 80% the siae of the larger
Neon Dottyback (Pseudochromis aldabraensis) x1 approx. 3"
Purple Stripe Dottyback (Pseudochromis diadema) x1 approx. 2"
A single Astraea snail and nine small hermits (Zebra, Scarlet and an unknown species)
The Purple Stripe Dottyback seems to protect her favorite rock from the smaller Cardinal and the larger Pajama Cardinal also seems to bully the smaller cardinal. The File Fish occasionally charges the fire fish or the cardinals. Is this behavior going to be detrimental to these two peaceful fish?
Do you think this tank is at, above or below it's limit for fish. I'm wondering if I could add a few small, peaceful fish like shrimp gobies or dart fish.
Thanks in advance, Steve, much appreciated.