Hey steve, added a few fish, was wondering if the tank is big enough?
The tank:
Gallons : 200
Lights : Led and t5
Sump: 150 gallon? with refugium.
I will have a protein skimmer.
Sand: live and 4 inch
Rock: live
Will have a Stand and hood
4xBlenny (Bicolor,Midas,Algae & Orange spotted blenny)
2xGoby (Hifin red banded, Yasha) Paired with Alpheus randalli [Would it be possible to have these all share the same cave, i love seeing pics of 2 different gobies and a shrimp sharing a cave together! tips?]
1xSpotted mandarin dragonet {plan to wait until tank is established enough before adding this fish}
2xBangaii cardinal & 1 pajama cardinal
2xScissortail dartfish
3x Zebra barred dartfish
2x Possum wrasse
1x Hawaiian flame wrasse
1x Leopard wrasse
1x Radiant wrasse
1x Mystery wrasse
4xTang (Mimic lemonpeel, Sailfin & Tomini) [Would have a constant supply of nori for these three tangs & the foxface]
Clownfish pair
Citrinis Clown goby
Magnificent foxface
Scooter blenny? [I would supply copepods for this and the mandarin, would it work in this size tank?]
Mottled filefish
2x Skunk Cleaner shrimp
2x Fire shrimp
2xPeppermint shrimp
Astrea snails
Nassarius snails
2x Brown & black brittle stars & 1x Red brittle star
Acro crabs/ Tetralia nigrolineata
LPS (some in sand bed): Blasto, Bubble, Candy cane, Chalice, Duncan, Elegans, Frogspawn, Hammer, Plate, Welsophyllia, scolymia & Torch
SPS: Acropora, Montipora & Birds nest
Softies: Mushroom, Zoanthids, Sunflower, Toadstool, Kenya tree, Pallythoa & Ricordea
Btw i like your welcome to reef central thing!!