PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Steve -

40G Breeder no sump

Current Stock
Mated pair of ocellaris clown fish
Starry Blenny

Currently in QT
2 PJ Cardinals

Besides snails I have a fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp, and fighting conch

I would like to add a Royal Gramma and something else thinking yellow or green clown goby.

I will give the PJ's at least a month in the tank to see how everyone does before doing any purchasing.

Are all these guys compatible?
What would the difference be between the yellow/green clown goby besides the obvious color.
Will bioload be OK? I have 40#'s sand/rock/skimmer

My blenny is the most sensitive. Not sure if another grazer is too much. Honestly he doesn't really graze much at all he does a lot of perching and swimming in the rock work.

Steve -

40G Breeder no sump

Current Stock
Mated pair of ocellaris clown fish
Starry Blenny

Currently in QT
2 PJ Cardinals

Besides snails I have a fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp, and fighting conch

I would like to add a Royal Gramma and something else thinking yellow or green clown goby. That should be fine

I will give the PJ's at least a month in the tank to see how everyone does before doing any purchasing.

Are all these guys compatible? Yes, should be fine
What would the difference be between the yellow/green clown goby besides the obvious color. Only color
Will bioload be OK? I have 40#'s sand/rock/skimmer bioload should be fine

My blenny is the most sensitive. Not sure if another grazer is too much. Honestly he doesn't really graze much at all he does a lot of perching and swimming in the rock work.

Great - Steve this thread is priceless. It is always very appreciated and not taken for granted.


Always a pleasure and I have been doing it now for over five years. It is nice when I can provide good news, not as much fun when there are "issues"
I have a 180g mixed reef tank that has been setup for about 24 months with the following inhabitants:
2 Percula Clowns
2 Royal Grammas
1 yellow watchman goby
1 pistol shrimp
Various snails
both SPS and LPS corals

I would like to add a Swallowtail Angel as the next fish. Down the road I will add a Blue Hippo Tang and possibly a Yellow Tang.

Any issues with adding a Swallowtail Angel now and will it be compatible with future tangs?

I have a 180g mixed reef tank that has been setup for about 24 months with the following inhabitants:
2 Percula Clowns
2 Royal Grammas
1 yellow watchman goby
1 pistol shrimp
Various snails
both SPS and LPS corals

I would like to add a Swallowtail Angel as the next fish. Down the road I will add a Blue Hippo Tang and possibly a Yellow Tang.

Any issues with adding a Swallowtail Angel now and will it be compatible with future tangs?


No issues. The yellow tang should always be last.
Hi, awesome thread!
135 DT
30 gal sump
150+ pounds LR
160lbs live sand
220 skimmer
2 mp40 wave makers
Livestock list
1 purple tang
1 sailfin tang
1 blue hippo tang
1 Picasso clown
1 brown banded goby
1 ocellated dragonet
3 banghii cardinals
2 cleaner shrimp
Assorted snails
LPS and SPS corals
Wanted to know if 3 tangs is acceptable for this size tank, and if bio load is ok. Thanks
Hi, awesome thread!
135 DT
30 gal sump
150+ pounds LR
160lbs live sand
220 skimmer
2 mp40 wave makers
Livestock list
1 purple tang
1 sailfin tang needs larger tank
1 blue hippo tang needs much larger tank
1 Picasso clown
1 brown banded goby
1 ocellated dragonet needs mature tank
3 banghii cardinals only two will work, male plus female
2 cleaner shrimp
Assorted snails
LPS and SPS corals
Wanted to know if 3 tangs is acceptable for this size tank no, and if bio load is ok. Thanks
40 Breeder
3 Caribbean Tonguefish (Symphurus Arawak)
2/Pair Juvenile Queen Angelfish (Will be moved to 1400 gallon pool when they reach ~4in)
1, 2, or a group of Black-Cap Basslets (Have heard that multiples will fight, they live in groups in the wild, would a pair/two have any chance? And same with a small group of 5 or so)

When the Angels move out, this will be filled with sponges and designed specifically for them, with a continuous feeding system of organic matter that ranges in size from 5μ down to lower than .1μm. Low light, mostly open sandbed with one island of rock, overrated skimmer, a specialized flow system for the sponges. Both this 40B and the pool are still in planning stages, and still have to confirm with the family :uhoh3:
40 Breeder
3 Caribbean Tonguefish (Symphurus Arawak)

While I have seen these many times while diving, I do not know what the aquarium requirements are for them. I have seen multiples in the same area so I am guessing that there is no territorial issue other than sufficient food.

2/Pair Juvenile Queen Angelfish (Will be moved to 1400 gallon pool when they reach ~4in)

I love Queen Angels but do not know if two non sexually differentiated juveniles will coexist when young; I am guessing they will. Again, while diving, I have seen pairs many times. Your feeding strategy sounds excellent for color retention and health but they will also eat supplied foods. These fish are highly territorial with other angelfish but less so with other than angels.

1, 2, or a group of Black-Cap Basslets (Have heard that multiples will fight, they live in groups in the wild, would a pair/two have any chance? And same with a small group of 5 or so) In a larger tank, with appropriate aquascaping, if introduced concurrently. yes. In a 40 gallon tank, I am less sure.

When the Angels move out, this will be filled with sponges and designed specifically for them, with a continuous feeding system of organic matter that ranges in size from 5μ down to lower than .1μm. Low light, mostly open sandbed with one island of rock, overrated skimmer, a specialized flow system for the sponges. Both this 40B and the pool are still in planning stages, and still have to confirm with the family :uhoh3:

This question is probably the most esoteric one I have been asked in my five years on this thread.
This question is probably the most esoteric one I have been asked in my five years on this thread.

Lol. Yeah, I'm attempting a sponge/deepwater tank (with some tonguefish from shallower water) and kind of culture sponges, and feed the angels and other fish pieces of them every once in a while.
My Tank is 90G with a 40 G sump
Skimmer Tunze Comline Skimmer 9012 for 200-1200L
only SPS Corals
20 KG of Live Rock and about 14 KG of Nature's Ocean Saltwater Base Rocks

Fish i already got

2 Pseudochromis Fridmani
1 Bicolor Blenny
2 Mandarinfish
2 Janssi Pipefish

fish i plan to get (like must haves i really do like to have:
1 matted filefish
2 Yellow Prawn Gobies with 1 Pistol Tiger Shrimp

1 or 2 Coral Beauty Angelfish
if a pair is even possible

fish with no priority but would be nice:
1 Kole Tang
1 Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse
1 Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse
1 Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
2 Green Clown Gobies
2-5 Red Spotted Goby

i had some problems with the names so i linked to not confuse you as im from germany.

otherwise some other suggestion if one doesnt work or you might think something is better, i havent even considered etc., im only set up on the shrimp goby combo and the matted filefish.
The rest is by no means set, currently my fish are mostly hiding expect my pipefish and clowns and i want some fish not scared easily showing themselves more.
My Tank is 90G with a 40 G sump
Skimmer Tunze Comline Skimmer 9012 for 200-1200L
only SPS Corals
20 KG of Live Rock and about 14 KG of Nature's Ocean Saltwater Base Rocks

Fish i already got

2 Pseudochromis Fridmani
1 Bicolor Blenny
2 Mandarinfish
2 Janssi Pipefish

Significant copepod eaters so you will need a strategy to supplement grazers.

fish i plan to get (like must haves i really do like to have:
1 matted filefish No problem
2 Yellow Prawn Gobies with 1 Pistol Tiger Shrimp One is fine, but two may be an issue unless paired

1 or 2 Coral Beauty Angelfish
if a pair is even possible Not necessarily coral safe; pairing would be very difficult unless you can get juveniles. In Germany, I am unfamiliar with your acquisition capabilities.

fish with no priority but would be nice:
1 Kole Tang this will be fine
1 Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse avoid in this type of tank because they are too active for their tank mates
1 Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse avoid in this type of tank because they are too active for their tank mates
1 Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse avoid; first of all, none of the fish you plan to have will allow cleaning behavior and it will make other fish "crazy"
2 Green Clown Gobies one is fine but they will perch on sps if you have a mated pair and the eggs will damage some corals
2-5 Red Spotted Goby A group of these would be fine but they will compete for copepods withy your pipefish and mandarins and must be added concurrently

i had some problems with the names so i linked to not confuse you as im from germany.

otherwise some other suggestion if one doesnt work or you might think something is better, i havent even considered etc., im only set up on the shrimp goby combo and the matted filefish.
The rest is by no means set, currently my fish are mostly hiding expect my pipefish and clowns and i want some fish not scared easily showing themselves more.

A fish that would go well would be one of the three species of the Wetmorella complex. Mildly reclusive and gentle
Hey Steve - I currently have a 100 gallon tank, but have chance to upgrade to a 150 .

However, Ill only do it if this is doable for a reef tank:

- Pair of Clownfish
- Citron Goby
- Royal Gramma
- Ignitus Anthias (3)
- Lamarck's Angelfish and Spotbreast Angel Fish
- Yellow Tang and Kole Tang

If 150 is no good, what would suffice?

210 gallon( 6 ft)
The fish that I already own( survivors from tank failure)
Pair of percula clowns
Valentini puffer
Starry blenny
Tail spot blenny

Want to add
Harem of royal grammas( 4 or 6, started off as juveniles and introduced simultaneously)
Midas blenny
Red firefish
3 or 5 anthias( still searching for an easier to care for anthias, maybe ly retails )
Pair of striped burrfish
Purple tang
Powder blue tang
Foxface lo
Flame angel
eilbli angel

Will supplement algae in 2-3 veggie clips daily
Hey Steve - I currently have a 100 gallon tank, but have chance to upgrade to a 150 .

However, Ill only do it if this is doable for a reef tank:

- Pair of Clownfish
- Citron Goby
- Royal Gramma
- Ignitus Anthias (3)
- Lamarck's Angelfish and Spotbreast Angel Fish
- Yellow Tang and Kole Tang

If 150 is no good, what would suffice?


That would work in a 150 gallon tank, but the yellow tang must be introduced last
210 gallon( 6 ft)
The fish that I already own( survivors from tank failure)
Pair of percula clowns
Valentini puffer
Starry blenny
Tail spot blenny

Want to add
Harem of royal grammas( 4 or 6, started off as juveniles and introduced simultaneously)
Midas blenny
Red firefish
3 or 5 anthias( still searching for an easier to care for anthias, maybe ly retails )
Pair of striped burrfish definitely not invert safe
Purple tang
Powder blue tang
Foxface lo
Flame angel
eilbli angel

Will supplement algae in 2-3 veggie clips daily

Powder blue tang last
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