Dragonface Pipefish
I think you would do better with your own thread for additional questions. I am clearly not the right person for you to ask questions.
Dragonface Pipefish
300L display 75L sump
Pair A. Polymnus
Yellow clown goby
Hoping to add
Mff trio flasher wrasse
Trio chalk bass
Pair bangaii
Shrimp goby pair
One spot foxface
Tank size 48x24x30 plus sump. Working on approx 450litres.
Reef octopus 150skimmer, approx 30kg Live rock, DSB with plenum.
Already purchased 2 common clown fish, algae blenny and 3 Lyretail anthias.
Would like some advice on adding say
6 green chromis, I do not recommend chromis as they will dwindle down to one or at most two and are highly susceptible to uronema marinum
yellow tang (last),
royal gramma,
swallowtail angelfish,
flame angelfish. I was hoping on a
foxface rabbit fish a fox face is fine, a rabbit fish is not
also, but have been told it will grow too big.
So, do you think I will be ok with the rest?
I have my QT set up and want to get at max two fishes for my first fish. Here is a list of some of the ones I was thinking about getting, either two of the same or one of each particular one if they get along; Royal Gama Baslet, Flasher Warrase, Fire Fish and zebra Barred Dart fish. Again I only plan on getting two not all of these at once. Any thoughts on these?
Another 40 Breeder
"¢Pair of Chaetodon Capistratus (Foureye Butterflyfish) (Average size of around 3in I believe, too little space or not?) difficult and needs a larger tank
"¢Pair of Elacatinus Figaro (Neon Goby) a true pair would work, but life span is only about 1.5 years
Will any of these chromis not attack each other and dwindle down to one? The non-Caribbeans would be in a 10ft diameter 3ft tall cylindrical pool/pond, and the Caribbean species would be in a 40B. In a 40B, none would work beyond one but in the pool, the space available is such that any of the non-caribbean would work in a group (although they will spat, available volume will keep them from decimating any weaker ones)
"¢Chromis Agilis (Agile Chromis)
"¢Chromis Margaritifer (Black & White Chromis)
"¢Chromis Vanderbilti (Vanderbilt Chromis)
"¢Chromis Acares (Midget Chromis)
"¢Chromis Scotti (Purple Reef Fish)
"¢Chromis Nitida (Barrier Reef Chromis)
"¢Chromis Limbaughi (Limbaughi Chromis)
"¢Chromis Insolata (Sunshine Fish)
"¢Chromis Atrilobata (Scissortail Chromis)
"¢Chromis Earina (Spring Chromis)
"¢Chromis Abyssus (Deep Blue Chromis)
"¢Chromis Athena (Athena Chromis)
"¢Chromis Albicauda (White-Tail Chromis)
"¢Chromis Flavicauda (Yellow-Tail Chromis)
"¢Chromis Mirationis (Japanese Chromis)
Hi All,
I am setting up my second saltwater aquarium. It will be 20 gallons and I am planning to focus on small gobies from ORA. Yellowline, Redheaded, Sharknose, Green banded if I can find them here in Canada. The tank will have a significant amount of live rock to allow for hiding places. However, I am under the impression that these all tend to stay around the rocks and am looking for something that will be compatible with them that will be more active in the center of the water column. I am looking for captive bred fish and was considering ORAs electric blue indigo Dottyback or the their Yellow Assessor. I know that Dottybacks can be aggressive but ORA's website say the Electric Blue tends to be more peaceful.
Just wondering on your thoughts about the compatibility of small gobies with either the Electric Blue Dottyback or the Assessor. If neither of those would be appropriate, what else would you recommend?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
In this sized tank, I would not try to pair fish. However all of the ones you are considering would work together.
Are you talking about getting two of the same fish? Would that be because they would become territorial or fight each other so only one is left in the tank? correct.
Would my 20gal QT be enough for the two fish I plan on getting?
Chaetodon Capistratus (Foureye Butterflyfish) difficult and needs a larger tank
"¢Pair of Chaetodon Capistratus (Foureye Butterflyfish) difficult and needs a larger tank
I understand the difficulty of this species, and would a tank of 4ft x 2ft fit a pair?
I have a question for you
I have a 150 gal sps dominated tank with about 120 pounds of live rock, 30 gal sump
I already have the following fish:
1 fox face
1 melanaurus wrasse
2 pipefish
1 hipo tang needs larger tank
I would like to introduce 7 - 10 clown fish, different colors, etc
I saw an aquarium with about 30 clows of different color and it looks cool.
I don´t know how to choose to avoid fights? and how should they be introduced to the tank?
please let me know what you think
I would apreciate your advice.
even if all of them are introduced at the same time in the tank?