PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Originally Posted by HughJass5976
Currently setting up a 75 gallon mixed reef w/ 20 long sump/refugium, and will be moving the fish from my 20 into it and adding a few more. Let me know what you think, Thanks.

Currently in 20:
occelaris clown(Amphiprion ocellaris)
pygmy cherub angel(Centropyge argi)
yasha haze goby(Stonogobiops yasha) w/ pistol shrimp(Alpheus randalli)
purple firefish(Nemateleotris decora)

Would like to add some of these, not neccesarily all:
black/white occelaris(Amphiprion ocellaris var.) must be tiny as your existing clown will not otherwise allow
So if the existing clown is tiny should i look for an adult instead?

flame angel(Centropyge loriculus) Not necessarily coral safe especially to meaty LPS
green clown goby(Gobiodon atrangulatus)
red mandarin(Pterosynchiropus splendidus var.) After the tank is about 8 months mature
kole tang(Ctenochaetus strigosus)
some type of anthias(if possible) If you choose an "easy one" that does not require multiple feedings, it will probably work. Should be peaceful as well.
I know you don't do suggestions, but could you give some examples of "easy" species?

flasher wrasse: mccoskeri, carpenteri or filamentosus
midas or bicolor blenny(Ecsenius midas or bicolor)

Really looking for a lot of diversity in this tank, and there will be shrimp and other inverts. So if you have any other suggestions that fit the bill, I would love to know.

No obvious issues, adding a dwarf angel to an existing, established dwarf angel can sometimes be challenging.
The existing is very small(~1in.) so when looking at another dwarf should i look for another small one or perhaps an adult?

And thanks a ton for your help and very quick responses. It's great to see forum staff that are still this willing to help out after I'm sure hearing the same questions every day.
If you are looking at a flame, you are going to have a hard time finding one that is smaller than your C. argi.

One thing that has worked very well for me (( when mixing dwarf angels )) is to use an acclimation box (( inside the tank )). It allows both angels to get used to each other, within the safety of the box. I usually leave the new additions in there for 5-7 days.
Diamond Goby. How deep do they dig? I've got a couple deep spots in the sandbed that I'd like to keep deep. Will one of these completely rearrange things? My sand is a mix of fine to medium grain. The larger particles seem to be working their way to the top as the hermits/nassarius forage.
Good luck with your surgery. My grandfather had a similar procedure with great post results. Have a quick recovery, i might have some 75 gallon questions here soon!
What wattage/type of bulbs do you have?

Right now only a 39 W 10,000 and one actinic. New LED light will be installed tomorrow.

Does the fixture have individual reflectors?

The T5, no. The new LED, I honestly don't know :(

Where do you have most of your corals? E. Quaricolors (( BTA )) are rock dwelling anemones, and have a habit of stinging all that they touch.

I have a few pieces on the substrate and some on the rocks. Most of the corals are small frags do there is plenty of room :)

Any type of cover over the tank? (( 1/4" screen works great )) -- don't want that wrasse jumping out. If you don't cover it, the wrasse will end up on the floor.

No screen yet. What kind of screen/where do I get it? The 40 breeder is a bit of an awkward size.

Hi, I have a fire goby and 2 cleaner shrimp in a 80 gallon, and my wishlist is goby,royal gamma, pair of clowns. Will 3 to 4 blue green chromis do well in my 80 gallon tank? Is it going to be too crowded, or I should get somethng else? thanks
Good luck with your surgery. My grandfather had a similar procedure with great post results. Have a quick recovery, i might have some 75 gallon questions here soon!

Thanks for your kind wishes. I will look forward to your questions when I return on Saturday.
Hi, I have a fire goby and 2 cleaner shrimp in a 80 gallon, and my wishlist is goby,royal gamma, pair of clowns. Will 3 to 4 blue green chromis do well in my 80 gallon tank? Is it going to be too crowded, or I should get somethng else? thanks

Unfortunately, chromis winnow down to one so I cannot recommend them as a group.
What wattage/type of bulbs do you have?

This thread is about fish compatibility with each other and with the environment you are providing. I am confused about what question you are asking. But in any case I do recommend mesh with 1/4 inch holes.

Right now only a 39 W 10,000 and one actinic. New LED light will be installed tomorrow.

Does the fixture have individual reflectors?

The T5, no. The new LED, I honestly don't know :(

Where do you have most of your corals? E. Quaricolors (( BTA )) are rock dwelling anemones, and have a habit of stinging all that they touch.

I have a few pieces on the substrate and some on the rocks. Most of the corals are small frags do there is plenty of room :)

Any type of cover over the tank? (( 1/4" screen works great )) -- don't want that wrasse jumping out. If you don't cover it, the wrasse will end up on the floor.

No screen yet. What kind of screen/where do I get it? The 40 breeder is a bit of an awkward size.

Thanks for the kind wishes everyone, I will be back on Saturday and Todd will answer questions in the mean time.
Lol I was simply trying to reply to your questions, but I can't seem to get my app to leave some space or change the font color so that you can discern between the questions asked and my answers In my original post I was simply trying to find out whether or not the flasher wrasse and Midas blenny would fit in my tank. Just threw the anemone in there for good measure.

Good luck on your surgery!!!
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By "as reef safe as a butterfly gets", do you mean that I'm still taking my chances? :)

I have a deep sand bed that I want to preserve my biodiverisity by avoiding sandsifting fish. Aside from chromis, I feel somewhat limited. I have a hard time telling with gobies are going to mess with my sand.

Thanks for the feedback.
My classroom has a 40g breeder that the students started in November. Here is the livestock so far:
2 ocellaris clownfish and a yellow watchman goby
standard cleanup crew (snails, hermit crabs, mithrax crab, brittle star)
discosoma coralimorphs, zoa and a feather duster.
Pedersen's Anenome Shrimp

The shrimp is my biggest concern with adding another fish, as I've never kept a shrimp before. We're considering one of the following:

Banggaii Cardinal
sixline wrasse
royal gramma
blackcap basslet
yellowtail blue damsel
blue green chromis

If there are any that we should avoid, please post below. Thanks!
My comments in red

My classroom has a 40g breeder that the students started in November. Here is the livestock so far:
2 ocellaris clownfish and a yellow watchman goby
standard cleanup crew (snails, hermit crabs, mithrax crab, brittle star)
discosoma coralimorphs, zoa and a feather duster.
Pedersen's Anenome Shrimp

The shrimp is my biggest concern with adding another fish, as I've never kept a shrimp before. We're considering one of the following:

Banggaii Cardinal Should be fine, stick with one
sixline wrasse IMO/E too aggressive, with the other fish you have planned, it will bully them. Plus, they are jumpers
royal gramma
blackcap basslet Pick one of these, could see the basslet and gramma fighting
firefish peaceful fish, stick to one. Can/will jump
yellowtail blue damsel Too aggressive for what you have in there/plan to have in there
blue green chromis One will work -- they tend to kill each off until there is one left.

If there are any that we should avoid, please post below. Thanks!
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