Yep, will have a refugium and will keep an eye on how well it's producing before thinking about a mandarin.
Thanks for the info. You confirmed my only worry about the wrasse and dottyback combo.
If I lose the dottyback, how would a flasher wrasse do with a firefish?
You have biocapacity for another small fish however the dottyback will most likely not allow another water column fish
Welcome back Steve, hope you are healing well.
Todd, great job and thanks for stepping in.
anyone have experience with pink smith damsels, it says to add a small group, im guessing that means 3-5 ?? i have a 30g cube im working on and want these fish. they dont get huge and besides the group recomendation should they be added first or last ? really want info from someone who has seen them in person or has had them, not just a damsel response.
Welcome back Steve - glad everything went well for you.
Thanks for your kind wishes
30 gallon, 30lbs live rock, 3-4 inch sand base. Assorted zoas, Florida rics, and acans so far.
Livestock so far:
Small yellow assessor
Tailspot blenny
Blue flasher wrasse One of my favorites, be sure your tank is covered, they are prolific jumpers
I would like to add a 2 or maybe 3 gobies as the final fish. I have narrowed down my list to the following:
Green banded goby excellent, can pair or group them
Two spot goby very difficult to feed in a small tank. Not impossible, but I would prefer a much larger tank
Hectors goby excellent
Randall goby semi aggressive towards other gobies so I would avoid
Clown goby (citrinis or green) fine, no problem
Are there any combinations of the above that would be problematic? Also, are there any special needs/concerns with any or these?
as noted
Once again, thanks in advance for your help.
Regarding the greenbanded goby, if I added 2, is there a way to determine male/female or does it not make a difference?
Hello again, I made some changes to my tanks and was looking for some suggestions/advise. My 30 gal reef now has a 20 gal sump with about 1/3 of the 20gal tank as a fuge. Will be getting the Eshopps 75 skimmer this week. It currently has 2 black clowns, 3 blue/green cromies and a cleaner shrimp. I was thinking about adding some small fish to the mix. Here are the list of what I would like.
Catalina Goby requires cold water
Midas, Tailspot, and or Stripped Blenny (prob not all 3, just one that will fit best, or if 2 will then maybe)
Any of the three is fine, but you have pretty much used your capacity with the chromis.
and maybe a 1 or a few Chalk Bass (heard if you add a few at the same time they are ok)
With no chromis, you have capacity, but otherwise not but remember the chromis will winnow down to one, especially in your sized tank
if these are not going to work, please give me some ideas, I'd like to add some gobies and blennies and would like something that schools if i can.
keep in mind that I have a 150 (found a new home for my lion fish) that only has 1 small snowflake eel (well fed) and 1 4-strip damsel, and I can move the cromies there if needed.
Thanks in advance,
Ok a little early as the tank hasn't arrived yet...
anyways: 40g long fowlr, aragonite and live rock, 2 "piles", 1 at each end with open space between is the plan.
also HOB refugium for chaeto(sump and skimmerless for the time being).
1 x black and white clown
1 x yellow watchman goby/pistol shrimp combo
1 x bass not sure yet between chalk, lantern or harlequin
1 x flame hawkfish will eat ornamental shrimp
1 x coral beauty or flame angel
Would it be possible to add a green clown goby to this mix?
And are there any algae grazers that could also fit? dwarf angels graze on algae
First, thanks for such a great thread and idea to help us newbies! I certainly want to ensure our fish choices give us years of enjoyment and are good tank mates.
You are most welcome.
Our tank is a 90gallon with a 29G sump. Equipment is a Reef Dynamics INS135 skimmer and about 95lbs of live rock with 2-3 inch argonite sand bed.
So far we have:
- Royal Gramma
- 2 Ocellaris Clowns
We'd like to add:
- 1 Pajama Cardinal
- 1 Kole Tang One tang, especially one of the bristletooth tangs is fine , but I would recommend only one tang in this sized tank
- 1 Yellow Tang
- 1 Hawkfish or Jawfish A hawkfish will preclude shrimp
In addition, I've thought about a wrasse (six-line) if the bio-load could handle it. Just thought a fish that could help keep the pod population in check would be good.
The bioload would be fine, but sixline wrasses can be very aggressive; I would not worry about copepods
I do have corals so I want to ensure reef safe species only.
All on your list are coral safe
I don't have any shrimp yet. I say yet because I'd love to have a shrimp of some type in the tank, just because I think they're kinda cool.
Shrimp are interesting but ambush predators such as hawkfish will preclude shrimp
But if one of our particular species of fish won't allow that, then I'm willing to go with the fish instead.
Any thoughts would be great! Thanks.
Thanks so much Steve!!! One follow up, we really were hoping to get a Kole and Yellow as we saw both in the reefs of Hawaii during our recent trip. It's one of the reasons my wife was a go for getting a reef.![]()
What "dangers" do I risk by having both in a 90G? Is it an issue of aggressive behavior towards one another?