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do tilefish absolutely need sand? ive had sand burrowing wrasses get along fine without.
do tilefish absolutely need sand? ive had sand burrowing wrasses get along fine without.
Currently have a 55g Fowlr tank with:
Yellow Tang (4"-very Timid) - Zebrasoma flavescens
yellow watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus
green chromis - Chromis viridis
false percula - Amphiprion ocellaris
CUC consists of only snails, no crabs
All of the above will soon be transferred to my new 125g reef system. It is currently cycling (6 wks). It also has a 55g sump/fuge running with it.
Your thoughts please on additions to the 125g (once cycled )
In order of introduction into the 125g: (I think...)
Currently in 55g:
green chromis - Chromis viridis
yellow watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus
false percula - Amphiprion ocellaris
Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens (will go in same time as Atlantic Blue)
1 male, 3 females Dispar Anthias - Pseudanthias dispar (currently in QT)
2 - Firefish Gobies - Nemateleotris magnifica A male + female pair would work but two unmatched would not
2 - cleaner shrimps - Lysmata amboinensis
Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto
Foxface Lo Rabbitfish - Siganus vulpinus
Peppermint shrimp - Lysmata wurdemanni
Atlantic Blue Tang - Acanthurus coeruleus (will go in same time as Yellow Tang)
Thanks again for your help!
i have a 40gallon tank trying to cycle now. I have a canaster filter,protein skimmer rated for 60gal, sand=not live. useing RO=water, lighting t5s, rock is dead rock. I am new and just trying to find some fish that are hardy and still colorfully, also with coral which would be best for new reefer. thanks!! plz message me what yall think![]()
Well, since this thread is answered by RC staff, at the moment I am the only one answering. You need to decide what corals you want to keep since that will determine what fish you will put on your stocking list. Once that is determined, create a stocking list and I will be happy to provide commentary on compatibility with each other as well as with the environment you are providiing.
I am looking at soft corals and i know zoas are hardy. I was wondering if their are any other good soft corals for a beginner. I love sps but am affraid my t5 lighting just wouldnt cut it. For fish i know i want 2clown, a bleny & Six Line Wrasse if not to aggressive.
No, but they do need "dens" to hide at night. Their natural inclination, however, is to dive into the sand when threatened. Not all wrasses need sand, but the ones that do, such as leopards, will not do as well without it. It can be finessed, however, with a tupperware container of sand.
Hey I was just wondering on my fish compatibility. I have a fluvial 205 on a 41 gallon osaka tank, with 40 pounds of live rock and sand.
2 percula clowns
pink shrimp goby
dragon goby
kole tang Really needs a larger tank
black chromis(which I'm trying to evict at the moment, he bullies my clowns) Clowns are damsels and the chromis is a damsel. Not a good combination
decorator crab (my GF got it for me not sure if it's a problem or not) I made that mistake a long time ago and regretted it. From now on, no crabs for me
The only fish i know i may want in the future is a flame angel, and maybe an anemone but not for some time(when i think i can handle its needs)
I like flame angels but they are not reef safe for all corals, especially meaty LPS
I keep a variety of sps and soft corrals. I'm just wondering if my fish now are good for each other or if there is anything i have to watch out for.
I have a 80 gallon 5ft long 1ft wide tank. I already have a fire goby and 2 cleaner shrimp. The next fish on my list is goby, royal gramma, and a pair of clownfish. I have room for more fish. What do you reccomend that could be put in my tank without overcrowding? Thanks
i like the tupperware idea, i got a coris wrasse, wudnt put a leo in a BB, but like you said can be finessed. so will tilefish bash their faces into the glass?
Ok thank you. just a few more questions.
I originally got the kole for my dads tank but his 2 yellow tangs just attacked it so we put it in mine to save it. any advice on maybe getting it into my dads tank?
THAT is highly unlikely
and why no on the decorator crab? do they kill inverts? coral? fish?
This thread is about fish. . . however. Do you know what decorator crabs do???? They strip off pieces of coral and stick it to themselves to attempt camouflage. And they always want new pieces. Since I keep two large reef tanks, I do not want my corals taken apart by destructive crabs. I have learned over a very long time that that no crabs in my tanks is a good thing
Thank you for the advice.
It is risky because their natural instinct for self preservation is into the sand. I am concerned that this instinct will morph into jumping, and they are excellent jumpers.
yea, seen 1 jump out of a quarter size hole onto his acrylic top to get cooked. do you clean the sand in the tupperware or just replace it?
I have a 55 gal with 2 inch of coral substrate, lighting is a sunpod with 2 - 250w / LED moonlighting and 56 pounds of well cycled live rock.
Currently I have the following in the tank:
Porcupine Puffer
Yellow Tang
Pearlscale Butterfly
2 - Percula Clowns
2 - Bangaai Cardinals
Decorator crab
1 - anemone
I'd like to add one of the following...
Bellus Angel
Clown Trigger
Sargassum Trigger
Any thoughts?
I work from home and do water changes often, as well as checking all levels.