PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Which is why I indicated you need different sizes. All the same size will not work.
So if I get one and it goes through quarantine and into display, and I then quarantine and add another female that's smaller and add her, and so on? Or do I need to find three different sized females and qt and add to display all at once?
So if I get one and it goes through quarantine and into display, and I then quarantine and add another female that's smaller and add her, and so on? Or do I need to find three different sized females and qt and add to display all at once?

This is probably beyond the scope of this thread. Sorry. I suggest posting the question in Reef Fish.
For my 75 build

for filtration i have to aqueon 55-75
and I'm thinking 80 pounds of this sand should be enough

and a combo of this rock and this rock at possibly 20 to 25 pound of each for additional filtration and hiding spots

So here is the planned stock i'm thinking the most i will be ableto stick in it is some combo of 4-5 of them so tell me if it to much to little or just right, or what can and can't go together etc

Dwarf/Zebra Lionfish
Antennata Lionfish
Fu Manchu Lionfish

saddle puffer
or spotted puffer

and the eel
For my 75 build

for filtration i have to aqueon 55-75
and I'm thinking 80 pounds of this sand should be enough

and a combo of this rock and this rock at possibly 20 to 25 pound of each for additional filtration and hiding spots

So here is the planned stock i'm thinking the most i will be ableto stick in it is some combo of 4-5 of them so tell me if it to much to little or just right, or what can and can't go together etc

Dwarf/Zebra Lionfish
Antennata Lionfish
Fu Manchu Lionfish

saddle puffer
or spotted puffer

and the eel

Sorry, I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. Your question should get attention in the Aggressive Fish Forum
I have a 30 gallon mixed reef with a fair amount of rock, lots of flow (Vortech MP40 set on the low side) and 2' sand bed, kessil 150w and an Aquamaxx HOB skimmer. I do a 5 gal. water change weekly and don't dose.

Current stock
several acans, mushrooms, GSP and rics
8 red banded trochus
1 lg. emerald crab
1 peppermint shrimp
2 orange skunk clowns
2 RBTA (baseball sizes for a year now and hosted by the clowns)
1 cryptic wrasse

Can I add a Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) as my last fish?
I have a 30 gallon mixed reef with a fair amount of rock, lots of flow (Vortech MP40 set on the low side) and 2' sand bed, kessil 150w and an Aquamaxx HOB skimmer. I do a 5 gal. water change weekly and don't dose.

Current stock
several acans, mushrooms, GSP and rics
8 red banded trochus
1 lg. emerald crab can take fish
1 peppermint shrimp
2 orange skunk clowns
2 RBTA (baseball sizes for a year now and hosted by the clowns)
1 cryptic wrasse

Can I add a Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) as my last fish?

Yes. As your clownfish mature, they may become problematic from an aggression perspective.
Yes. As your clownfish mature, they may become problematic from an aggression perspective.

Thank you. I had a Pajama Cardinal given to me that they did in within a week but they have no interest in the little cryptic wrasse. I've had the skunks and the cryptic wrasse for five years now.
I have a 29 gallon tank with a eheim canister filter and hydor 425 flow pump. I have 20 pounds of Arag Alive sand and started the tank with 20 pounds of reef saver rock. I used ecosmart complete when I initially added my two Ocellaris clownfish. Eventually I would like to add a green clown goby or catalina goby and a red firefish. Down the road I would like to add soft corals and lps such as a torch coral. Is my fish selection too much bio load and will the red firefish get along with a green goby/catalina goby?
Upgrading my tank to a 125g.

48X30X20 with 40g sump

LPS/Softie mixed reef.

Currently have:

2 Ocellaris Clownfish with a bta but not associated yet. May remove bta and add Magnifica
Exquisite Fairy wrasse
Melanurus wrasse
Coral Beauty (I understand it is not really reef safe but model citizen so far)
Sunburst Anthias
Clown Goby

Inverts other than CUC include a Blood Shrimp

CUC are snails (ceriths, trochus, conch, bumblebee)

Want to add:

2nd Sunburst Anthias

Midas Blenny

2 Reef blue chromis (QT is permanently setup)

2 or more Lyretail Anthias

Fliamentus Flasher wrasse or another Fairy wrasse

Purple Tang

In that order

I have a 29 gallon tank with a eheim canister filter and hydor 425 flow pump. I have 20 pounds of Arag Alive sand and started the tank with 20 pounds of reef saver rock. I used ecosmart complete when I initially added my two Ocellaris clownfish. Eventually I would like to add a green clown goby or catalina goby and a red firefish. Down the road I would like to add soft corals and lps such as a torch coral. Is my fish selection too much bio load and will the red firefish get along with a green goby/catalina goby?

A catalina requires cool temperatures and will not work. All else should be fine.

Upgrading my tank to a 125g.

48X30X20 with 40g sump

LPS/Softie mixed reef.

Currently have:

2 Ocellaris Clownfish with a bta but not associated yet. May remove bta and add Magnifica
Exquisite Fairy wrasse
Melanurus wrasse
Coral Beauty (I understand it is not really reef safe but model citizen so far)
Sunburst Anthias
Clown Goby

Inverts other than CUC include a Blood Shrimp

CUC are snails (ceriths, trochus, conch, bumblebee)

Want to add:

2nd Sunburst Anthias

Midas Blenny

2 Reef blue chromis (QT is permanently setup) two may become one overtime; highly susceptible to uronema marinum

2 or more Lyretail Anthias

Fliamentus Flasher wrasse or another Fairy wrasse

Purple Tang

In that order


fine except as annotated
Upgrading my tank to a 125g.

48X30X20 with 40g sump

LPS/Softie mixed reef.

Currently have:

2 Ocellaris Clownfish with a bta but not associated yet. May remove bta and add Magnifica
Exquisite Fairy wrasse
Melanurus wrasse
Coral Beauty (I understand it is not really reef safe but model citizen so far)
Sunburst Anthias
Clown Goby

Inverts other than CUC include a Blood Shrimp

CUC are snails (ceriths, trochus, conch, bumblebee)

Want to add:

2nd Sunburst Anthias

Midas Blenny

2 Reef blue chromis (QT is permanently setup)

2 or more Lyretail Anthias

Fliamentus Flasher wrasse or another Fairy wrasse

Purple Tang

In that order


fine except as annotated

After consideration I think I will swap the Chromis to a Macneill's Assessor.

Can I also add a butterfly fish? Maybe a Copperband?

Omg what a long thread lol.

I'm getting my new 215 gal 6 foot long mixed reef tank up and running. Do you see anything wrong with this list?

2 - Black ice Clowns
Purple tang
Yellow tang
Few chromis
Few fire fish
6-line wrasse
Pistol shrimp
Yellow watchman goby
Lawnmower blenny
Mandarin (later down the road)
Typical CUC
Flame angel (last)
2 - Florida fighting conch
LTA or seabae (down the road)
Last edited:
Looking for a general stocking plan for a small mixed reef

27g marineland cube (20x18x20)

Live rock and live sand

15g sump with refugium

Sca 301 protein skimmer

Brs dual gfo/carbon reactor


How does this sound?


Tail spot blenny

Yasha goby with pistol shrimp

Occelaris Clown

Royal Gramma

Various CUC(cleaner shrimp, snails, hermits etc)
Omg what a long thread lol.

Longher than you realize; it has been broken 3 times.

I'm getting my new 215 gal 6 foot long mixed reef tank up and running. Do you see anything wrong with this list?

2 - Black ice Clowns
Purple tang
Yellow tang
Hippo needs a larger tank
Few chromis will become one over time
Few fire fish will become one over time
6-line wrasse highly aggressive and may intimidate firefish among others and not compatible with a mandarin
Pistol shrimp
Yellow watchman goby
Lawnmower blenny
Mandarin (later down the road)
Typical CUC
Flame angel (last) not coral safe
2 - Florida fighting conch
LTA or seabae (down the road)
Looking for a general stocking plan for a small mixed reef

27g marineland cube (20x18x20)

Live rock and live sand

15g sump with refugium

Sca 301 protein skimmer

Brs dual gfo/carbon reactor


How does this sound?


Tail spot blenny

Yasha goby with pistol shrimp

Occelaris Clown

Royal Gramma

Various CUC(cleaner shrimp, snails, hermits etc) hermits kill snails

fine, no issues
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