For my new 150 gallon reef tank. My goal is a heavy fish bioload, full of personality and colors, and a nice mix of species; but I also want a peaceful tank with no aggression issues if possible.
This list is NOT everything I want to put into the tank at once. I need help to narrow it down. Everything on the list, based on my research, is reef safe, peaceful, and would make for a good reef fish. With that said, I've never had many of these fish before, including the anthias, the wrasses, and several of the tangs. Feedback I'm seeking is "I have had X fish before, and highly recommend it" or "I've had X fish before and don't recommend it". Or, "of the 3 anthias schools listed, I would recommend X. Or X and Y, but not Z". or "I'd only get 1 of the wrasses; or 3 of the wrasses" or "I'd recommend tangs A, B, and C, but not the others" etc etc. Ideally from those of you who have had the fish below, or tried the combinations below (either successfully or not).
2 Cleaner Skunk Shrimp
2 Fire Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp
[considering 1 anthias school of the 3. which is least aggressive, schools the best, best for reef, etc? and how many should i have male:female of that school?]
1 Male Disbar Anthias
4 Female Disbar Anthias
1 Male Bartlett Anthias
4 Female Bartlett Anthias
1 Male Lyretail Anthias
4 Female Lyretail Anthias
Of those disbar is the better one but I recommend carberryi or resplendent
[I was told I should only get 2 of each, they will kill each other down to 2 if i start with 5. Is this accurate?]
Yes, and they must be a M+F pair not just a pair
5 Spotted Cardinalfish
5 Benggai Cardinal
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Bellus Angelfish, Female
[Can I have 2 Blennys? Someone said I should remove them because they will "munch on my corals". Is that accurate?]
1 Midas Blenny
1 Sailfin Blenny
Blennies do not like each other. Some blennies are not coral safe
[I also wanted 2
orangespot diamond gobies, as this site says they like to be in pairs and will roam the tank sifting sand together (I have a 3" sandbed). However, someone said I can't mix them with the yellow watchman goby, they will fight each other. Is this accurate?]
Yes, that is accurate. It is not clear to me that you can keep two orangespot gobies unless they are a male plus female
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp
[Tangs listed in order of my preference of having them. I was told the last 3 could get aggressive, as well as the Powder Blue. As much as I want a powder blue, if there is a chance he will bull anyone in the tank, I will skip him. I want an active, but peaceful tank. Would any of these tangs work? Maybe the Blue Hippo (Small:1") and the Desjardini Sailfin?]
You get one peaceful tang in your sized tank
1 Powder Blue Tang
Not in your sized tank
1 Blue Hippo Tang
Not in your sized tank
1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Not in your sized tank
1 Yellow Tang
1 Naso Tang
Not in your sized tank
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Best in your sized tank
[I've never had a wrasse before. Can I mix 1 from each of these species? Can they all be male? I was told the best way to add these, is for 1 male flasher, and then females from the other flasher, and add the females first. Is that accurate? How many male:female is recommended if that is true? I was hoping for just 1 wrasse of each, not a harem, unless I need too? They also said same applies for the Fairys. One male, then females from the others. Is this accurate?]
That is not really true. For fairy wrasses, it depends on species, some will work, others will be super aggressive. I would recommend a MFF triad of flasher wrasses
1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
1 Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
1 Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse
1 Longfin Fairy Wrasse
1 Pink Margin Fairy Wrasse
Aggressive and males do not do well in shipping
Thank you in advance!!!