Specs: 57g Oceanic Illuminata, MP10es, 50lbs of live rock, Corallife 4bulb HO T5 with moonlights. Tank set up in September 2011, Aqueon Model 2 sump (maybe 12g water volume) with a SC Aquariums 100 cone skimmer in middle section, custom fuge with chaeto on reverse light cycle to main tank in the return section and a DIY (dual sensor) 10 gallon reservoir ATO dose kalk mixed with vinegar prior to adding to reservoir. No spikes in pH, 8.21 (RKL probe). Have Nitrates 0.0, 0.08ppm phosphates (Salifert test kit), Calcium 410 (Hach test kit), KH 12 (Tetra test kit). Salinity 1.22 refractometer.Temperature stable between 77-79.
Livestock: I have a maroon clown 2"and a Sailfin tang I got when he was 1.5" now tail to nose 3", and one female Resplendent Anthias 1.5". 4 blue leg hermits, 3 trochus snails for CUC, and 6 varieties of zoas and some GSP. Not a heavy bioload. All lights managed on RKL.
A sailfin tang in a 57 gallon tank?????
Feedback request: I would like to get an additional 2-3 female resplendent anthias, but I've read a lot of feedback that advises for 120gallon tank or more.
Yes, you need a larger tank for a shoal of anthias because of the social interaction of the anthias in a group. A single anthias does ok in a smaller tank, a group does not do as well.
Thoughts? Ed