Hello, im a new member here but have read hundreds of different threads here to help get my tank started. I have finally cycled my 80 gallon with 30g sump and just recenty added a pair of clowns. I have over 100 pounds of rock in my tank. I was just hoping to get some of your opinions on my stocking wish list. My next purchase will hopefully be a blue tang(which ill quarantine for a few weeks), a yellow tang, a pair of banggai cardinals and a royal gramma.
Both of those tangs require a larger tank
Then i plan on adding a cleaner shrimp, some sort of fairy wrasse that is reef safe, right now looking at redfin fairy wrasse or blue side fairy wrasse, and add a coral beauty and flame angel at the same time to hopefully avoid fighting as the will decide whats their territory at the same time and a neon goby or two.
Dwarf angels need a tank that is mature as they are algae grazers. A single neon goby would work. Either fairy wrasse would work.
Finally i would like to add a zebra moray eel at the end and hopefully it will leave my cleaner shrimp alone. Any advise is greatly appreciated. I dont want to overstock my aquarium either as i won't likely be able to upgrade. Thanks, abbott78
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