Please post pictures of any PAIRS of fish you have

Minh Nguyen...

Minh Nguyen...

Can you post pictures of the Royal Gramma or Cherub Angel pair....

I am interested in 5 royal gramma and a pair of Cherub Angel for my next tank...85g

samw said:


What kind of fish are those? I'd guess but don't wanna look like an *** :)
Lined Fairy Wrasse

Lined Fairy Wrasse

Here's a picture of my pair of C. lineatus. The male seems to have much more yellow/orange/red in the base body coloration, but over all pretty similar:

Pair of Lined Fairy Wrasses Cirrhilabrus lineatus

I have a pistol shrimp awaiting a goby. Has anyone kept pairs of shrimp gobies with pistols?

nice picture Steve thanks for posting. I would have thought that they were both males due to the coloration yet I have no experience and no other info describing what a female looked like. Does he flash to the female often? Do they stay together? As for gobies I have the Randalls goby in a 20g w/o pistol. Yet in a 29g I have a lone Randalls goby with pistol. I have no way to post a picture so I alone can enjoy them.

I had thought of that possibility as well, but have not seen the agression that I have experinced previously with male wrasses of different species. The two are generally together accept at night when there is a little chasing, but no agressive contact. They sleep in different places. There has been some flashing by the male, but mostly in agression to a large female Gold Bar Maroon Clown and I was surprised to see that he would take her on. The clown has since been removed (I've actually been trying to remover her for quite some time) and the flashing has decreased dramaticly. The few people I have talked to say that the males and females of C. lineatus are quite similar. The female definately has less intense background coloration in the body, but the fin coloration is rather similar. The tail fin of the female is mostly yellow/orange while the males is red. Anyhow, I'm not really sure if this is the coloration of a female or of a subordinate male, but they do seem to get along pretty well together. I have "Fairy & Rainbow Wrasses and Their Relatives" coming this week so hopefully there will be some useful information in there.


Louis Z said:
nice picture Steve thanks for posting. I would have thought that they were both males due to the coloration yet I have no experience and no other info describing what a female looked like. Does he flash to the female often? Do they stay together? As for gobies I have the Randalls goby in a 20g w/o pistol. Yet in a 29g I have a lone Randalls goby with pistol. I have no way to post a picture so I alone can enjoy them.
Thanks for taking the time to post that, Bomber. Great looking pair of Butterflyfish. I logged seeing one or two of these when snorkling. Chaetodon sedentarius appears to be a good candidate for Aiptasia removal. Did you find this to be true? Any spawning indications ever made by these two fish?
You know something, they do eat aips along with all the other usual b'fly stuff.

These two haven't made any indication of spawning, there's actually a group of them now (I keep adding more, they're easy). I believe Forrest and Moe spawned them back in the 80's, if you're interested I can check with Forrest and see.

Here's a picture of the female and her best friend.


I just got "Fairy & Rainbow Wrasses and their relatives" by Rudie H. Kuiter and my pair seems to match up pretty well with the male and female photographed in the book. BTW, anyone interested in wrasses should really check this book out. There are some astounding photos in there.


Louis Z said:
nice picture Steve thanks for posting. I would have thought that they were both males due to the coloration yet I have no experience and no other info describing what a female looked like. Does he flash to the female often? Do they stay together?
Thanks Steve for the update. I ask one more favor from you. If they show spawning behavior after they settle in, could you post a brief synopsis of what goes on. Thanks again and I hope to add that book to my library this year.

I think I caught a glimpse of the mating ritual last night. Unfortunately I was about 10 feet away from the tank and engaged in a conversation so I didn't get to see the initiation. What I did see was the male do a full circle (maybe a circle and a half) around the female with his fins fully extended. I couldn't tell if the females fins were extended because of the angle she was at in relation to where I was standing. The female then kind of did a smaller circle with the male and the broke apart. I did not see any of the vertical movement that I have heard Fairy wrasses do during mating, which I guess is a good thing since my tank is only 2' deep. I think this all happened about an hour or so before the lights were to go off. Anyhow, was rather interesting and I hope to be able to observe this again when I am in closer proximity to the tank.


Louis Z said:
Thanks Steve for the update. I ask one more favor from you. If they show spawning behavior after they settle in, could you post a brief synopsis of what goes on. Thanks again and I hope to add that book to my library this year.