Please post pictures of any PAIRS of fish you have

All these pairs ar great. My husband wants a pair of percula clowns but I would like a nice pair of something else. Not sure what tho.
I was wondering what kind of peacful pair could I add to my 90 in the future? And how easy is it to pair 2 alike fish? (looking for some vibrant color to add)
Maroon Clown pair

Maroon Clown pair

They just started spawning a couple weeks ago...and are currently tending their 2nd batch of eggs.

Bastianelli said:
I was wondering what kind of peacful pair could I add to my 90 in the future? And how easy is it to pair 2 alike fish? (looking for some vibrant color to add)
Add a few, 3-5, Royal Gramma, or Orchid Dotty backs. These two species are extreemly colorful and very peaceful. I have them in my tank (90g and now 450g)
So say I got 2 Gold Spangled Pseudochromis- Africa (if i can find them) is it likely they would pair up or more likly they would fight? (or just ignore eachother?)

Bastianelli said:
So say I got 2 Gold Spangled Pseudochromis- Africa (if i can find them) is it likely they would pair up or more likly they would fight? (or just ignore eachother?)
What do u think of him tho? Would 2 of them work as a pair?
Was searching for other info and stumbled onto this thread... it's old, but I thought there might be some folks who had not seen it who would like to - I know I enjoyed it!

Marie, you have quite the foresight!

I'll see about posting my pics of my maroon pair, but I'm more interested in another issue: has anyone paired orchid dottybacks? If you have some (and the time), please either pm or respond here about how you went about getting them to accept one another, and your breeding status. I'm really interested in starting my own little family!

[Sorry for the double-post -- was trying to figure out how to make the picture appear in the post without using a link]
All the pictures of pairs that I previously posted are mated pairs, all of which are showing pre-spawning behavior (if not spawning already). I suppose I should add soon a picture of the cinnamons my wife just paired up from the LFS.

AlgeaMan: Love that pair of triggers!:inlove: