Mark, I did think about doing exactly that but decided not to. most of the stuff is out and I don't think whatever remains will have any detrimental effect. I don't think it was the sandbed to begin with but just thought I would take most of it out b/c I was running out of ideas. I know people who've had their sandbeds for 15+ years and they aren't an issue.
:fish1: Awesome fishy Kenny, so jealous :bounce3:
Great Pic of the Bandit Kenny.
Seeing as our tanks are both the same size, how are you keeping your tank cool enough to keep a bandit? Obviously a chiller, butwhat size? and how much does it run to keep it at~72??? Do you leave it in your garage as well???
Thanks Kenny!
El Bandito estas muy bueno!
Thanks Ryan! That was the only decent pic of the 40-45 shots I took. She's a flighty little girl, always swimming nonstop around the tank.
I don't actually run a chiller. There are two fans blowing across the top and one across the sump. Having a wide open top helps with the fan cooling. The garage is very well insulated so it only hits the low 80's even during the hottest part of the summer. This past summer, I got one of those portable AC from Costco to bring the garage temp down a bit.
Daggoneit!!! Just tested twice and PO4 read 0.04 and 0.05!!! Finally, it's coming down, baby! NO3 was <5 ppm! The stick are growing like crazy and fully colored up! Alright, the last part was an exaggeration
But I ain't alyin' when I tell ya that I gets me a few goodies cookin' in the QT :lol2:
Daggoneit!!! Just tested twice and PO4 read 0.04 and 0.05!!! Finally, it's coming down, baby! NO3 was <5 ppm! The stick are growing like crazy and fully colored up! Alright, the last part was an exaggeration
But I ain't alyin' when I tell ya that I gets me a few goodies cookin' in the QT :lol2:
Hope this is culprit causing your issues ... got my fingers crossed for your recovery!