Pooky's 300

Thanks much, guys! I can finally allow a little bit of excitement to creep back in looking at the tank these days. Some new sand will be going in next week so the transformation should be completed soon. Now I just need to keep the nutrients down for the colors to come back.
Here is the last of my Acro pix for a while as the others need some time to color up before they are presentable.

:thumbsup: Very nice Kenny.

Well, the big thumbs up goes to Leo for holding that for me :beer: I finally got to see his tank last weekend and it was simply awesome. I loved his huge Genicanthus lamarck. I've never seen an angel with completely black pelvic fins. It was a sight to behold.
WOW, nice to see things coming back around for you Kenney!

It's been a long arduous battle for you and I'm glad to see your stick-to-it-tivness paying off!

I look forward to seeing some more pics soon!
Thanks Dave. I got the bandit locally so that was a plus. The last fish is the Anampses chrysocephalus, red tail tamarin wrasse from HI. She's only about 2.5" but they can get somewhat large.
Very nice RTT Kenny. I hear that they are challenging fish to keep. I've seen an adult male and the coloring was crazy. Keep us apprised on how she does.
Very nice RTT Kenny. I hear that they are challenging fish to keep. I've seen an adult male and the coloring was crazy. Keep us apprised on how she does.

They can be. Luckily so far, it's been out swimming in the open since day one and picking at the rocks. I wished I still had my planria infestation :spin2: