Red Carpet Anemone

not neccasarily true^^ also how can you think fragging is bad.. lol.. it usually doesnt kill the coral and it reduces on the wild stuff..
It does usually kill carpets though. As in this case, another magnificent specimen dead due to trying to frag. What a shame.
I don't think he fragged the red one((though not positive)). I talked to him awhile ago when this thread was active, he said he had bought green carpets to try it out on, I don't know how that went.

And Bluecarpet they stated above it melted before he even tried to frag it. It could have easily been an unhealthy specimen that died, just because it died does not mean it was because of poor husbandry.
Well from the pictures and the price, i would think it was a very healthy specimen when he bought it.
I resent being told in not a good reefkeeper. So id appreciate it if you keep your personal comments to yourself.
Yes it did die. It was never cut either. Its mouth was gapping and never closed. My friend and i bought it as an investment and we were told by Anthony Calfo that they can be propogated this way. I cant say whether he was correct or not because we didnt get the chance to. I suppose in your experience youve never had something die for no good reason that you could figure out?
As for your stand of not propogating anything think about this, Would you rather see the reefs depleted for our hobby? Anything that can be propogated is good for the reefs and good for us hobbiests.
First of all that is why there are regulations on what we can take and what we cant. Dont mean to sound harsh, but you should have never bought the specimen in the first place with a gaping mouth. Second i did not call you a bad reefkeeper i just said bad reefkeeping on your part, it does not always mean your bad with everything, just this one specimen by the sounds of it. Well i guess it was an expensive lesson, and hopefully you will not buy an expensive carpet like this with its mouth gaping. Mouth gaping= Do not buy, chances are it will die.
I would also like to say, if you thought i called you a bad reefkeeper i did not mean it like that in any way, sorry if you took it that way, but i did not mean it like that.
Thats the problem with the written word. It can be taken the wrong way like i took it. Sorry too.
The mouth was mostly closed and it had its foot firmly attached to the container it was in when i bought it. I took a chance and it didnt pan out. It is a shame it died :( However ive made bad investments before that cost me more so i chalk it up to just that, a bad investment. Just think what would have been the case if it went the other way and i was able to propogate it sucessfully or atleast tried to. There is someone else who posted here that has sucesssfully propped a blue carpet so it can be done IMO.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7349180#post7349180 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bluecarpet
Well that means he is not a very good reef keeper.

Hard to misinterpret that statement.

I have success with both green and blue carpets. I love selling them for a tiny fraction of what stores do and know it is one less bought from the wild.
blue carpet,, some of the things u say come off wrong. maybe u should think things throw before u post things that may sound stupid or hurtfull. it help u keep face , if u were to be a little more pc.

and in lots of cases there still if over harvesting , things like fiji green tree is all most wiped out. but still they have restritons

remeber it only make u look bad win i say hurtful things .

like most real reefers know that carppets are not a sure thing. most are in poor health after shiping and are prone to bactira infetiongs.

play nice

I saw the anemone that cb747 purchased at Nerac. The anemone appeared healthy; slightly stressed, which would be normal all things considered, and certainly not an animal to pass up.

Bear in mind that Cb747 already aquacultures anemones and has sucessfully cross bred clowns; he is no rookie.

A.C. seemed to think it could be done and was so persuasive that I almost bought the anemone myself

It was simple dumb luck to have that anemone die. No one not even anthony, who also looked at the anemone ,could have predicited its demise...
Also...everyone keep in mind that that anemone had JUST been imported. Often animals newly shipped will look ok at first, but then the stress catches up with them within the next few weeks.

I talked to Chris extensively about what could have gone wrong, and then with Anthony Calfo as well. The only thing we came up with is that maybe it was the fact that some Sarcophyton (the Green Tyree LE leathers) were fragged at the same time in another tank plumbed inline with the anemone tank. Perhaps the toxins released from the fragging (allelopathy--chemical defense corals use) made their way through the system and put more stress on the anemones.

Note too that this system has been hosting fragged RBTA's (lots of them) with great success, so again it's not like Chris is some newbie with a machete...everything is a learning experience, no?
The sad reality is that sometimes anemones just die, shortly after importation. I don't mean to dispute Calfo's theories but really, theorizing that some leather fragging in an inline system may have been the cause is really quite a stretch. It may not have helped, for sure, but there's no telling what would have happened had that not been a factor. It's the reality that some anemones will not survive that short-term period after collection, and that's why it's important to make it a carefully measured choice when buying an anemone. And, for that matter, why it is important to see if we can start propping. I'm not sure I would have been brave enough to make my first attempt on a red carpet; but like Cb747 says, it was a gamble, and how amazingly cool would it be to find a way to prop a carpet as nice as that.

Given how few red carpets we see in the hobby it does make me think there's something more delicate about them compared to others. Brown, green and blue seem common enough but I think in nearly 10 years of looking I have only ever seen one red carpet in person.

Sorry the experiment didn't get a chance to pan out, personally I still would like to see photographic evidence of someone having tried it and the results. Have read a few posts of people claiming they've done it, but have never seen photographs of the before and after. Hopefully in time someone will fill in that gap though.
Thanks everyone.

delphinus there is pics of a blue carpet that was propped in skinpuppis gallery i believe. So it can be done. Maybe there si something slightly different abou tthe Red and thats why theres so few and an outrageous price tag to go with it :)
Thanks. Skinpuppi do you have a thread where you show those pics and have any kind of narrative to what we're seeing in your gallery? Thanks!
Also--regarding theories as to why the anemones didn't survive--they are just theories and troubleshooting ideas, things to avoid in the future so maybe this doesn't happen again. Nothing in stone. This is all experimental to a large degree and we are constantly learning new things about how corals behave in aquarium settings--
No, I do not have a seperate thread. The ones in my gallery are of a green one. It was my first after watching Anthony Calfo speak. I have small explanations of when I took the pic in the "description" part of the pic after you open it. I currently cut my green carpet and my blue carpet about once every 3 months. I will try cutting my purple within the next year and I still have not found my chance to get a red one.