redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15088173#post15088173 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
I have a yellow tang in the same tank and the hippo and yellow stay side by side all day. I think they're best friends haha... I have a mated pair of australian black oscellaris and a mated pair of orange oscellaris also, in two other tanks.

In the tank with the hippo i also have a six line wrasse, 2 blue chromis, psy madarin, 2 convict gobies, 2 other kind of chromis (forgot what they are) and about 30 sps and lps corals sitting around everywhere that are getting ready for their soon to be new home.

I hope all my critters can live in harmony.....those black oscellaris are gorgeous,I'd love to have a pair of those......the six line wrasse thats the fish I couldn't remember when I was listing mine,I have 1 of those also

I'm gonna start taking down tanks tomorrow,I have a 72g bow front that I'm gonna set up for my sea horses,....I can then drain my 120g

I'll set the 120g back up somewhere else so I can move everything from the 150g to it,and start draining the 150g and get it moved.....

then I'm gonna start preparing for the 360 to come in from my wood I'll be glad to get that monster out of my shop and in here,where it belongs :)

I still have the floor to reinforce......the wall behind my 150g to tear out,a wall to build across the front of where the 360 will set..I may leave the wall as is for now,and start rebuilding after the tank is in place,I think I'll have room for that.....

I still need my electrical figured out and get that ran and hooked up.....

I don't know which way to turn :confused:
So basically what you're saying is building the tank is the easy part? :rolleyes: Great... I'm going to have more work than I thought.:eek:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15092021#post15092021 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
So basically what you're saying is building the tank is the easy part? :rolleyes: Great... I'm going to have more work than I thought.:eek:

building the tank was the easy part.......I have the 120 moved now and getting ready to drill the 72,got the stand for the 72 in place and level,gotta go drill....
well,I have my 120g moved and I'm setting up a 72g bow front for my sea horses,I just finished drilling the holes for the over flow....the 120g is out of my way now.....I still have to move the 150g,then I'll be ready to start preparing for the 360 to come in from my workshop :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15092489#post15092489 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
well,I have my 120g moved and I'm setting up a 72g bow front for my sea horses,I just finished drilling the holes for the over flow....the 120g is out of my way now.....I still have to move the 150g,then I'll be ready to start preparing for the 360 to come in from my workshop :)

Wow Willie, where do you get the money to keep all these aquariums running and the time to maintain them? I am having a hard time trying to set up my 180 because of my wallet size and you've got 702 gallons to keep and I dont think that is including sumps and or QT tanks. My hats off to you!:thumbsup:
I can't afford to keep all of them....the 120g will be leaving here after I get the 150g moved,then the 150g will be leaving here after the 360g is ready for stocking....

I replaced the 120g with the 72g bow front,for my sea horses....I just have 2 horses and they look better in the smaller tank......the 120 was in the way of the 360...the 72 is not....I pulled the over flow box and bulkheads from the 120 and put them on the 72....thats working great :)

after its all said and done,I'll just have the 360 and the 72...
that's what I plan to do anyway :)

all this moving tanks is getting to my back......I'm getting to old for this s***
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15094087#post15094087 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
I can't afford to keep all of them....the 120g will be leaving here after I get the 150g moved,then the 150g will be leaving here after the 360g is ready for stocking....

I replaced the 120g with the 72g bow front,for my sea horses....I just have 2 horses and they look better in the smaller tank......the 120 was in the way of the 360...the 72 is not....I pulled the over flow box and bulkheads from the 120 and put them on the 72....thats working great :)

after its all said and done,I'll just have the 360 and the 72...
that's what I plan to do anyway :)

all this moving tanks is getting to my back......I'm getting to old for this s***

:lmao: ...i see what you mean now, that is still a heck of a lot of saltwater.
yep,I'll probably have my 30g as a fuge,my sump is about 65g,it will run at about 40g,the 40g breeder tank that I'm using for my sump now,I'll probably turn it into a frag tank,or second I'll probably have 500 to 550 total gallons in the system.....

I want to separate the seahorse tank from this system and have it on its on.....I don't know if I can keep the temp. stable without the volume of water that will be in the 360 system

I managed to move everyone and not kill 'em,the horses and the perculas are already acting like nothing happened,my pearl gobi I've not seen since I put it back in there,but I'm pretty sure it will show back up in a day or so,my spotted manderin is already back to hunting,and eating....

next is the 150,.....I am not looking forward to moving that thing,thats the first tank that I've had that I can't move by myself.........I've finally got it past the cayno bacteria,and now I'm gonna tear it looks so good right now,its almost a shame
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15094087#post15094087 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
I can't afford to keep all of them....the 120g will be leaving here after I get the 150g moved,then the 150g will be leaving here after the 360g is ready for stocking....

I replaced the 120g with the 72g bow front,for my sea horses....I just have 2 horses and they look better in the smaller tank......the 120 was in the way of the 360...the 72 is not....I pulled the over flow box and bulkheads from the 120 and put them on the 72....thats working great :)

after its all said and done,I'll just have the 360 and the 72...
that's what I plan to do anyway :)

all this moving tanks is getting to my back......I'm getting to old for this s***

If only I could have this problem:rolleyes:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15095403#post15095403 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
If only I could have this problem:rolleyes:

which problem cap'n the getting too old :D :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15095403#post15095403 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
If only I could have this problem:rolleyes:

I'd help build you a big ol' tank if you weren't so far away.....I'd love to get in on another one of these if someone else was buying the materials,I enjoyed building it,I just dreading moving it :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15098131#post15098131 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mightyevil
Okay im moving to Barbourville so you can help me build one.

I'll do'll only take a few months,give or take a week or two :)

you'd like b-ville its got.........on second thought you'd probable hate it here too,like me :lol: :rollface: :lol:

if you do come to b-ville don't blink or you'll miss it......the next town is even smaller,they don't even have a wally world :lol: :rollface: :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15098285#post15098285 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
if you do come to b-ville don't blink or you'll miss it......the next town is even smaller,they don't even have a wally world :lol: :rollface: :lol:

to save $$$ did the local government decide to put the "now entering" & "now leaving" signs on the same post????

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15098326#post15098326 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by james3370
to save $$$ did the local government decide to put the "now entering" & "now leaving" signs on the same post????


:lol: :rollface: :lol: I see you're from Tennessee,so you know how that works in my part of the country.......there not on the same post but you could stand at one and spit on the other:lol: :rollface: :lol:
There's a sign in Richland Ga that says "Now leaving Richland, we hope you enjoyed your stay". You drive a 1/2 mile and you see a sign that says "Welcome to Richland Ga". The welcome sign is after the leaving sign.
HAHAHA :lmao: you guys are too much...

I cant leave SoCal I am too used to it, I will have to settle for ridiculously high gas, rent, taxes, etc...the list goes on and on. :cool:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15098872#post15098872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by One Dumm Hikk
There's a sign in Richland Ga that says "Now leaving Richland, we hope you enjoyed your stay". You drive a 1/2 mile and you see a sign that says "Welcome to Richland Ga". The welcome sign is after the leaving sign.

:lol: are they a little backwards in that town?:lol:
I snapped a few pics today of my seahorse tank,its looking pretty good.....



I don't know why I cant get close without the camera making everything blurry

and heres my 150 before I tear it down....