Thanks for the info! Would you say this fixture is far better then the value fixture? Do you feel the LED's are much more usable with the contoller?
Ron, nice tank. Post some more pictures!
Seems you can get a much more natural light progression with the controller! I would think it would be easier to dial in too as far as intensity is concerned.
Do you actually use less wattage when only running the whites as say.....30% and the blues at say.......80% ? Just curious if dialing them down reduced watts used.
If so, your really substantially lowering the wattage vs. a metal halide!
Ahhh, gotcha! I own a kill-o-watt! Alright, here's the scenerio:
36x18x24 tank. Acrylic, with small center brace:
1. 2 value fixtures?
2. 1 24" fixture? Would spread be enough?
3. one 32" fixture? Too much spread? I love the 300 watts! To much wattage?
Tank will be mainly SPS with some lps down at the bottom in shaded areas. What do you think??
Getting ready to pull the trigger here. Was going to go T5's. These have me pretty excited!
Ahhh, gotcha! I own a kill-o-watt! Alright, here's the scenerio:
36x18x24 tank. Acrylic, with small center brace:
1. 2 value fixtures?
2. 1 24" fixture? Would spread be enough?
3. one 32" fixture? Too much spread? I love the 300 watts! To much wattage?
Tank will be mainly SPS with some lps down at the bottom in shaded areas. What do you think??
Getting ready to pull the trigger here. Was going to go T5's. These have me pretty excited!
Thanks! Yes, I see what you mean by no shadow! I hate to spend a load of money, but this looks to be the best route for me. These lights have got me finally trusting in led. And your mille pic looked really good. Looks like its thriving under the led's.
I was originally interested in the Maxspect Razor and or the Kessil's. This looks to be a fixture that you really get alot for your money. And the 2 year warrantee is the bomb.
I like how it's here in the USA too. I guess I should start a build thread. HA!!!
HAHAHAHAHAH! Yea, I love the VW's and always have since I was a kid! And I am Jewish too. Go figure! But it's a fun car! That's it! If I am going anywhere and want to be comfy, it's the Ford pick up or the wifes car!
I am starting to feel pretty comfortable now with the led's. Looks like they may be dialed in pretty well now. It's the fact that I have SPS, and they are pretty demanding.
Thanks for the tip with the moonlights too. I will certainly do that. You guys think the 90 optics for this unit are fine correct? My tank is 24 deep. Does this fixture have the same blues/spectrum as the Maxspect Razor? I need to look that up.
Thanks again for all the help guys!:fish1:
Do you fell the SPS crals benifit from the red and green led's in these fixtures??
Thanks again.
Just my 2 cents worth... The corals and you benefit from the reds (corals use red and you get to see color), you benefit way more from the green than the coral does (you may see it, but the coral really doesn't need it), and I don't think it makes much difference to how the corals look. But that's me, others may have different opinions.
Well from the looks of it Reefbreeders will be the best you can get at the price they offer. Plus the Photons seem to be controllable- Honestly in my opinion these are making Ecotech and Aquaillumination look like second rate fads.
Will the photon 32" work on a 48wx18Dx24H tank I am worried about the width
having low light levels at the ends. Oh if a led burns out does the whole fixture go out?
Thank you for your replies