Reefbreeders/(Evergrow OEM) Fixtures D120/IT20** series

Could I get away with 1 value fixture on a 65g(36x18x24)? I"m not interested in SPS, mainly just concerned how this would look on the tank. it will be in the middle of a room so the rock will be piled in the center and viewable from both sides...that being said any corals will be in the center anyway.
Could I get away with 1 value fixture on a 65g(36x18x24)? I"m not interested in SPS, mainly just concerned how this would look on the tank. it will be in the middle of a room so the rock will be piled in the center and viewable from both sides...that being said any corals will be in the center anyway.

Yes. Use 120 degree optics at about 10" off of the water. There may be some shadowing on the ends of the tank.
Could I get away with 1 value fixture on a 65g(36x18x24)? I"m not interested in SPS, mainly just concerned how this would look on the tank. it will be in the middle of a room so the rock will be piled in the center and viewable from both sides...that being said any corals will be in the center anyway.

You could do it but I think you'd be much happier with two of them. We started with 4 of them on our 210 (72"x24"footprint) and we weren't happy with the shadowing so we added two more and love it.
how many of the value fixtures would I need on a 150 hexagon? tank is 24" deep and approx 41" across with a 6" center overflow. thanks.
Monster.... I have a Photon24 on a 30ln. tank. It is suspended about a foot above the water.. That being said, I havent turned it up higher than 30% since March. If the dispersion pattern is the same then the coverage for your 24 in. tank and mine would be the same. These lights are crazy bright and it seems conceivable that the 16 would work fine.
Ebay links not allowed~dc

My question, will this be good for my 28gallon bowfront? I'm replacing a T5 4 bulb HO fixture. Also, can you wire a programmable controller to this light fixture or are you stuck manually dimming the unit?
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I had one over my 30g JBJ rimless and it worked great. I currently run 2 over my 90g and I grow SPS, LPS, and soft coral.

You cannot control them via a controller. There are threads with people modding them trying to control them but I haven't looked into it in a while.
Do you have to manually dim them?

I'm not sure if it's worth the extra $180 to go to a programmable fixture.
Do you have to manually dim them?

I'm not sure if it's worth the extra $180 to go to a programmable fixture.

Just a few days ago I got the Ocean Revive U120 and have it currently running on a 37 gallon (30" x 12" X 24"). I'm running it at about 60% each channel. I place it directly on the top of the tank (there is a plexiglass cover on top of the tank with about 1/2" supports). There is no heat that I can detect. My corals are all at least 6"-8" inches below the water line, so at least 10" away from the light.

I simply keep each channel on a different timer. If it works, I just can't see spending $100s of dollars more for the same PAR.

Ocean Revive OR-U120 ($135):
Ocen Revive OR-IT2040 ($319):

p.s. I think that this light should be able to easily light a 24" x 18" patch at between 20" - 30" above the substrate.

p.p.s. Oh, just wanted to mention that I'm not a shill. The $135 price just seemed pretty good for these lights (that are available at lots of places) with a one year warranty. Some have 2 year warranties, but for a bit more.
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Interestingly, this should put substantial pressure on other manufactures. If you can light every 24" stretch of your reef for $135, manufacturers are going to be hard pressed to sell you something that lights the same stretch for $800 (no matter how many bells and whistles).

It would also be difficult to light a 24" stretch with T5 or MH at that price.

p.s. I really did like to timer functionality of the IT series, but I just couldn't justify spending the extra $184 (in the case above). That would be an extra $552 for a 72" reef.
Last edited: I correct in assuming the U-120 is a 120w. fixture. I have a Reefbreeders 120watt and amsure it would bleach my corals at 60% even twelve in. off the tank. How do ypu avpid that? I correct in assuming the U-120 is a 120w. fixture. I have a Reefbreeders 120watt and amsure it would bleach my corals at 60% even twelve in. off the tank. How do ypu avpid that?

Well, I don't know. I've had it running for a few days and nothing seems to have bleached yet. I've got a frogspawn at the top along with a hammer and a bird's nest. I've got some zoas spread out at various places, green star polyps off to the left, kenya tree off to the right, a candy (that actually is looking just a little to light at the moment), and lots of mushrooms towards the bottom.

The only thing not looking great is the candy cane, so I might have to turn the lights down a little.
these led fixtures rock.. I have great color and tank is 31 deep.. never had color in the bottom of my 31 deep tank with MH .. 400 watt MH..

I have the it2080 and they work great.
This isn't much of a gauge but I put my new D120 on the tank for all of 15 minutes temporarily (need to figure out a permanent way to mount it), ALL my zoas were fully extended, my GSP fully extended, and even my toadstool fully extended (I haven't seen him open up entirely since I got him).

Now, again, this is a small margin example so I can't say for certainty it was the light, but it looks promising.

Can't wait to have it running for good this weekend!