Sealife is where I got my mantis from. Truer great at keeping contact with you. Even sent a complimentary sea fan with the mantis. It's too bad they were packed all together. Maybe if you do order from them again you could request individual bags for each fish?
We I'm a bit embarrassed by this but as it turns out four of the fish actually survived and though not great most are eating fairly well. They stayed buried for well over a week and I was only able to get them to start taking mysis and rod's food a few day ago. They're rarely all out at the same time but as of last night I'm sure four are still alive. I’m going to actually send Sealife Inc. back some of the refund money :lol:
I’d also like to share some info from Sealife Inc I received via email concerning their shipment methods. I did receive permission to do this, Kara is following this thread.
I will issue you a paypal refund for ones that died tonight. Let me know how the other two do.
I read the thread as well and can clarify as far as the jawfish being shipped together in one container. The yellowhead jawfish normally do completely fine when shipped all together. We find that if they are shipped individually they tend to stress out more since these jawfish are used to living in close proximity to each other. Also, shipping the jawfish in either mesh bags or water bottle containers keeps them from jumping when they get in the dark box. Jawfish tend to like to try to jump out of tanks and containers when they get in complete darkness and if they do not feel secure in shipping they will jump almost the entire time which stresses them further, wares down their tails and uses up their oxygen. We have been successfully shipping jawfish using this method for many years so in this case it was not the amount of fish in the container but rather the lack of oxygen due to a punctured bag that caused the fish to arrive so stressed and the water to be foul smelling.
Hopefully this makes sense.
Sea Life Inc
KP Aquatics LLC
PO 1601
Tavernier, FL 33070
I also created a short video last night with my Iphone (so it’s not great) of two of the jaws that were out. One was trying to build a new home right up against the front glass. I wish it would have continued but as of this morning its efforts were abandoned. They have all been building, abandoning, and switching or doubling up in holes for the last week, very fun to observe. I suggest going full screen on this one. I’ll try and take some better stuff in the future.
Don't be embarrassed, be proud. It just goes to show you have a healthy system and care taking and were able to bring back fish that would generally be written off. Kudos for notifying the vendor as well, I'm sure they appreciate working with a stand up customer! Glad to hear this had a better ending than beginning.
I wrote up a short review of Sealife Inc. The final verdict?... I would order again from them in a heartbeat. Best communication after the sale I've ever experienced :thumbsup:
Just an update, I have five fat and happy jawfish, though the smallest one still can't figure out how to build a burrow I'm thinking about adding 3-4 more before the collection season ends in about a month.
One issue has developed. I'm not sure where they came from but I have a massive infestation of flatworms, the worst I've seen in any tank. Probably going to nuke those suckers in the next couple days. They've even coated some of my zoas to the point that they don't open. Should make for some nice before and after shots though
I was really surprised by how close they have decided to built their burrows to each other. They don't even use nearly to half of the tank. It will be interesting to see how the social dynamics change once I add 3 or 4 more.
I nuked the flatworms last night. I sucked out as many as I could see before starting the treatment by simply running the siphon hose to the filter sock in the sump. After removing the sock I started the treatment and as soon as they started dying, turned on the flow to a Phosban reactor filled to the brim with ROX carbon. As the little buggers started forming nasty “death strings” on the LR I sucked them out into a bucket. Finally, I used a brine shrimp net to collect as many as I could left swirling around in the water column. The zoas closed up but that was about the only effect the treatment and toxic dying flatworms had on the tank. Over the next two weeks, I’ll do two consecutive follow-up treatments at double the dose while leaving the carbon shut off for at least an hour. Hopefully, that will be that!
If all goes as planned I should be getting four more jawfish next week.
The first treatment killed probably 80% of the little buggers. I did a second treatment 5 days ago using the same method but waited a little longer before turning the carbon on. When the cerith snails starting falling off the glass drunk, I figured they had enough. Fortunately the snails all survived but so did some of the flatworms. Yesterday, I left the carbon off and started gradually increasing the dosage while carefully watching the remaining flatworms. Some of these bastages were still alive after over an hour at three times the recommended dose!
Salifert claims that Flatworm Exit by itself will only kill flatworms. I’m not sure if I completely believe that. There were very few toxin producing flatworms left on the last treatment but at triple the dose my snails, copepods, and amphipods were certainly messed up. Few things are funnier than a drunken Amphipod when your slightly buzzed yourself :lol:
The tank looks fantastic Nick and I really enjoyed the videos. Thanks for posting the info about your jawfish source...I'm thinking I'll probably order some from them next week since you had such a positive experience. You inspired me to convert my 29g nano into a jawfish tank...I'm liking the sparse rock look with the deeper sandbed in it so far.
I'm hoping to see you and Beth later this month for Pizza (aka chili) night!
I want to order some more soon but need a day off during the week in order to recieve them. Just as a heads up, They told me they typically stop collecting near the end of September early October as the Jaws head for deeper water.
So, the jawfish with popeye looked fine after just a few days. However, even after three consecutive weekly doses of FWE, the flatworms are back.
I also received four more jawfish from Sealife Inc last Friday. However, once again the jawfish bag was deflated and leaking, the bottom of the box was soaked. One of the fish was DOA in the bag, the other three looked horrible. So far, two more fish are confirmed dead and I haven’t seen the remaining one since day two. The wonderful folks a Sealife Inc plan to send me replacements at their expense including shipping in a couple weeks. The issue was probably a combo of rough handling by Fedex and failure to double bag on the part of Sealife Inc. Sealife places the jawfish in drilled plastic bottles within the bag to prevent them from jumping around during shipping. Unfortunately, I think some of the burs left from drilling the holes can cause the bag to puncture.
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