Rimless 320 gallon system Build *pics*

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14771039#post14771039 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by paulthomas
Wow Tim, great idea to set yourself apart a bit. The red and white BK theme is pretty sick looking. :thumbsup:

Thanks Paul. I really needed to do something with the room. The white everywhere gave me the feel of being in an asylum or something.


The RO/DI unit and resevoir now installed and in action:

Here is the unit with a new 90 gpd Spectrapure membrane.

And here are the results of first water sample:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14780283#post14780283 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Looking good. Do you have a float switch installed in your reservoir or do you just keep track of it?
Installed a float valve. Wouldn't dare run it without any form of auto shut-off.
I've got the same RO/DI unit. Did you do some modifications to the original HI-S model? Looks like you've got a refillable DI cartridge in there. What resin do you use?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14780582#post14780582 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
I've got the same RO/DI unit. Did you do some modifications to the original HI-S model? Looks like you've got a refillable DI cartridge in there. What resin do you use?
Hi, I set it up for Tim. It is an original Hi-S unit with a 90 gpd spectrapure membrane. Producing 0 ppm. Tim also is in a new home and the water pressure is strong. So it works great!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14780696#post14780696 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Did you use a Spectrapure DI cartridge as well? Which one?
Its the DI cartridge that came with the unit. Its works fine. No issues
Equipment update

Ca Reactor - MyReefCreations CR-5 single chamber with 20 lbs. C02 bottle. Plan to keep Ca around 450

Controller - Aquatronica Elite, Should do a great job at keeping all perimeters well monitored

Both ordered and will be here early next week :D
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The tank is being picked up tomorrow morning from Aquarium Obsessed! Check in for pics! Should be nice! :rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14801982#post14801982 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Can't wait for updates - progressing nicely :)
Thanks Ed. I cant wait to pick the tank up tomorrow. Just a couple more weeks till it sees water! Your build is coming along nicely too. Keeping a close eye on your build.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14801982#post14801982 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Can't wait for updates - progressing nicely :)
Thanks Ed. I cant wait to pick the tank up tomorrow. Just a couple more weeks till it sees water! Your build is coming along nicely too. Keeping a close eye on your build.
Rob, thanks again for your help! After tomorrow I am gonna owe you a nice steak dinner. See you in the morning at AO.
Tank has been picked up and made its way safely to Tim's place and on the stand!

It is awesome! all panes perfectly straight, great silicone job! It is really nice!

Thanks to Aquarium Obsessed for all the hard work! Great Quality!

I'm sure Tim will have the pics up tonight!
