Rimless 320 gallon system Build *pics*

Hi Rob, If your in need of live rock for your tank. I would strongly consider going to Aquatic Kingdom. They just received a huge shipment. Truly amazing pieces @ 5.50 lb
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14756593#post14756593 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by J.P.Silva
Hi Rob, If your in need of live rock for your tank. I would strongly consider going to Aquatic Kingdom. They just received a huge shipment. Truly amazing pieces @ 5.50 lb

Hey, I seen that. But we already have all the rock. But thanks for the heads up!
Fish Room

Fish Room

Finally the epoxy has cured enough to start with installing all the baseboard trim. Hoping to start moving in the stands, sink and resevoirs later today.

Hallway leading into fish room


Fish room area

Fish Room

Fish Room

Allright! The fish room is finally finished construction. Sump stand and resevoir platform in place and painted what I guess you could call a Bubble King Red. Wanted to keep the room white to give a more roomy feel, but really wanted to accent it with the red. All plumbing has been run and the RO/DI will be installed tomorrow.

Fish room from hallway


Here is the sump stand with storage. Bottom left will hold frag tank while Ca Reactor will go botoom right. All plumbing will run through wall to right of sump and head straight up to the display tank directly above.



A sink was added and elevated to fit a dehumifier below it complete with floor drain to auto expell accumulated water.




Epoxied floor and trim still to be finish painted.

Know what would look wild??? Get some of that Krylon fusion paint and make all of your PVC Royal Exclusiv red too..... in your spare time of course.

Everything looks great!! What do you have for electrical in there? How many outlets?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14761695#post14761695 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Know what would look wild??? Get some of that Krylon fusion paint and make all of your PVC Royal Exclusiv red too..... in your spare time of course.

Everything looks great!! What do you have for electrical in there? How many outlets?

Thanks Wipp! I actually painted a drain pipe that runs down through the room in the same red. It looks good I must say. However, once the system is plumbed, I will probably leave it be. But, who knows with me. I always have to do something.

As far as electrical, I have a gfi to the left of the sink for the dehumidifier located next to the exhaust fan timer. Underneath the sump there is an outlet on a dedicated circuit for the controller and related equipment to run off. The last outlet is on the wall between the water resevoir and sump stand. This outlet is split with one receptacle tied to existing power supply and the other tied to the dedicated power line. I am also in the process of establishing the wattage requirements of all my equipment to determine the size of UPS or similar type system needed to use for backup.
So that is what the fish room looks like...HaHa. It was lots of work Tim! Only took us 4 weeks! But we had some fun I think...Or wait, did we? :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14762598#post14762598 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperR
So that is what the fish room looks like...HaHa. It was lots of work Tim! Only took us 4 weeks! But we had some fun I think...Or wait, did we? :D

Thanks a million for all your help Rob! I know it was gruelling at times. I'll be right there with you as soon as your ready to start your setup.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14762412#post14762412 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperTs
Thanks Wipp! I actually painted a drain pipe that runs down through the room in the same red. It looks good I must say. However, once the system is plumbed, I will probably leave it be. But, who knows with me. I always have to do something.

As far as electrical, I have a gfi to the left of the sink for the dehumidifier located next to the exhaust fan timer. Underneath the sump there is an outlet on a dedicated circuit for the controller and related equipment to run off. The last outlet is on the wall between the water resevoir and sump stand. This outlet is split with one receptacle tied to existing power supply and the other tied to the dedicated power line. I am also in the process of establishing the wattage requirements of all my equipment to determine the size of UPS or similar type system needed to use for backup.

Good planning here. Is the power in your area pretty reliable?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14764735#post14764735 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Good planning here. Is the power in your area pretty reliable?

I would sure hope the power is good here as I am in a new development.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14765705#post14765705 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperTs
I would sure hope the power is good here as I am in a new development.

Sorry, what I meant to ask was have you had problems with power outages in your area?
Thanks for the encouraging words guys!

Wipp, I do not experience any power issues where I reside. The backup system is just a precautionary measure. I just want to avoid any potential failure as I am out of town quite often. Some of the losses I have read about on RC are truly upsetting and I couldnt imagine losing my system.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14771039#post14771039 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by paulthomas
Wow Tim, great idea to set yourself apart a bit. The red and white BK theme is pretty sick looking. :thumbsup:
Paul, It was actually my idea! HaHa! Kidding, It was Tim's! But i had to push him to go for the BK over other skimmers... I know he is happy now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14772503#post14772503 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Here are a couple more items if you want to keep the color scheme going...
return pump and closed loop.

What are your plans for circulation in your tank? Are you doing closed loop only?

Already have return pump, Blueline. Those Red Dragon 2 pumps are big money! Out of our price range! You need to be rich for that. haha

And for Flow, 4-way closed loop, and 2 holes also drilled for returns. So 6 in total for flow. If more is needed, may add a Vortech. May not even need it (have to see what Tim is up for)

The Tank is being picked up next weekend! Should be nice!
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