Rovster's Custom Reef Savvy build......FINALLY!!!

Little update. This weekend I finished my fourth treatment of Levimasole for AEFW and I did not notice any worms. Day after I dipped all my acros and transferred them. I saw no worms in any of the dips. Only bad news is I think a little residual Bayer made it into my display because both of my fire shrimp went into a coma. At first I thought they were dead, but they look like they are holding on for dear life. They are paralysed and motionless, but have not gone belly up yet. Sucks because I love those guys. We'll see if they pull through. Most of the acros looked washed out, probably because of the dip and transfer. I also notced a lot of dead pods in the fuge, so I guess I need to start over there too :(

Good news is tank is looking pretty good. You'll notice that in the pics most of my corals are placed towards the back of the tank. That's because I have a nice batch of high end aquacultured frags coming in 2 weeks. I've reserved a lot of the primo spots for them. You'll also notice that I mounted most of the stags or upward growers in the back. Most of the tables and bushies will be mounted in the middle and the lower spots will be reserved for the deepwaters I have and will be getting.

Here are some pics....Please excuse the sandbed cluttered with frags. They are broken pieces and pieces I will probably get rid of.

FTS 1...

From the other side....

Left Island....

Right Island...

Side shot. Please excuse the dirty glass and out of focus. These were quicky pics, LOL!

For my zoa lovers. Only ones that look good in this tank...

Eddies frag still encrusting and glows in the dark! Thanks viejo!
Tank is looking great despite the current situation. I just really hope you got the AEFW's for good. :(
Me too! Didn't see a single worm in any of the dips. Was 20+ pieces dipped in a high concentration of Bayer and basted throughout dip. My heart sank when I thought I saw a couple but they turned out to be small chitons. Flat and clearish but after sucking them up I realized they had a hard shell. We'll see. I hope this works. Those on the levimasole thread give me hope:)
Me too! Didn't see a single worm in any of the dips. Was 20+ pieces dipped in a high concentration of Bayer and basted throughout dip. My heart sank when I thought I saw a couple but they turned out to be small chitons. Flat and clearish but after sucking them up I realized they had a hard shell. We'll see. I hope this works. Those on the levimasole thread give me hope:)

I think its all about getting the AEFW's before they reproduce...this breaks the life cycle...and then its a matter of killing remainder of them with regular/weekly dips or meds as the small ones emerge from the Acropora tissue.

AEFW's are definitely beatable, but it sure takes its toll on the reefkeeper. :mad2:

Best of luck, hope to see this tank growing masses of sticks. :)
I think its all about getting the AEFW's before they reproduce...this breaks the life cycle...and then its a matter of killing remainder of them with regular/weekly dips or meds as the small ones emerge from the Acropora tissue.

AEFW's are definitely beatable, but it sure takes its toll on the reefkeeper. :mad2:

Best of luck, hope to see this tank growing masses of sticks. :)

Yeah. I did 2 weeks of Levi in tank, 1 week off, then 2 more at a high dose. I didn't think it was all that bad. Only thing I had to different from my usual routine was change the media each time. Other than that, I do weekly water changes so it wasn't a chore at all. Was stressful because of the risk of crashing the tank, but once I made it past the second treatment it was no biggie.
Gracias amigo. Waiting impatiently! PC superman table, blue matrix, bubble gum mille's, TDF, ice fire, rainbow everything oh my!!!! I'm gonna need a bigger tank:dance:
Today my super duper frag pack came in from BattleCorals! Got some sick stix, and by sick I mean totally awesome!

Dip station ready.....

Temp acclimate.....

Ready for Bayer....

Post Bayer bath so I don't kill my shrimp!!
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Dude, they are in, lol. The ten gallon tank was to give them a long soak to get the Bayer off. When I transferred my corals I nearly killed both my fire shrimp (went into a coma for 3 days) and killed all my pods. My expectation is that they will all live, why? I did get a lot more freebies than expected though:D

I'll get some decent pics of the frags soon viejo;)
OK, so preprare yourselves for a massive photo dump:spin1:

Tested all my levels today.
  • Alk 7.8 (target is 8ish). Alk has been suprisingly stable. Going to bump my 2 part up due to all the additions.
  • Cal 450, good to go
  • Mag 1350
  • Phos 0.04
  • Nitrate big fat donut. Can't get it up. Crystal clear on the Salifert kit.

Corals are improving in color. There is less brown and more glowing under blues. Still nowhere near where they were, but looks as if everything is heading in the right direction. My noncolorblind wife confirmed that my corals were looking less brown today:celeb1:

I'm going to post pics of most of my SPS. Many of the pics are NOT worth posting, but I'm going to anyway to establish a baseline so that in the future we can all see where we came from:debi:

My order from Battle Corals was friggin amazing. They have a long way to go, but they all look good and have good PE. Moreso than some of my own.

On to the pics....

First up....My crayola. Continuing to color up after only a few weeks in my tank. Blue starting to come out and its getting that "glow" again:inlove:

Bonsai is still not as purple as I would like. Looks great under bluish light, looks brown under 12K.....

This guy is the one that caused me to pull all my acros out of my new tank and treat. He was hit hard by all the Levi treatment but color and polyp extension is improving....

These are just sick....

BC Glostick...

Poison Ivy...