Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Beautiful fish and an awesome tank! I could only dream... So if you are an hour south of Manteca then that puts you around the Merced area. I am in Modesto so not far from you. Anyway keep up the great work!
Ryan, have you added the Multbars yet or are they still in QT?

No, They are Still in QT and doing Great. I feed them 5-10 times per day with brine shrimp that they just devoure!!!

They are all getting along great and getting fat. I plan on fattening them up for another week or two and then treat them w/ prazi...

Very nice angel. I need it put in my tank in some day.
You are good luck man. :wave:
Well, Sadly I just had to cut up my very LARGE Tubs Pink Jade Colony...

It started to RTN from the Base up so I just decided to chop the whole thing up and hopeufully keep a few frags. If all the frags I got out of it live, I probably have ~20 frags/chunks.

Either way, cutting up a colony you have had for years and grown from a frag is VERY Depressing...



And what's even worse.... Is It has never had better coloration that right now. It was an Awesome Piece...