Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

I really appreciate it Brian!

gtaylor - I never really got any fix besides cooler weather! I still have a few idea's, but right now im just using a combination of fans, evaporation, and opening the window. I am still thinking of buying new reflecors w/ built in vents to export the hot Halide air outside, as that is where the majority of the heat comes from. And I still need a larger fan to pull air outside!
Ryan, I finally got to see a wrought iron in person today, it's an impressive fish to say the least :D
Ryan, I finally got to see a wrought iron in person today, it's an impressive fish to say the least :D

You LUCKY Dog!!! I have never seen one in person, so im very jealous!!! I would love to get one one day, but that day is a ways away....
You LUCKY Dog!!! I have never seen one in person, so im very jealous!!! I would love to get one one day, but that day is a ways away....

They are pretty awesome. I have seen three, but they were 6-8 inches. Awesome fish, but they get to big for my money :(
WOW! That is awesome! Hopefully, someday i'll have the oportunity to look at one daily!!! I've heard they get kinda big, but my tank is so open, im not too worried about it. And this fish is pretty far down the line for me. If at the time, I need to free space, I can find new homes for my Male Blond Naso and my orange shoulder!

Fish wise, I think im gonna go w/ a Trio of female Rhomboids and a Potters pair to start. Then a Tinkeri pair and black tang.
Then hopefully a trio of female lineatus
Then Conspic, flames, and Clarion, then if I still have money and room, im gonna try the Wroght Iron.

Of course, that is a couple years long list and me being able to get a healthy specimen at an optimal size will determine a lot as well. The Interrupa will fit in any time i can get my hands on a smaller healthy eating one!

A guy in my town has a 3" that is GEORGEOUS and healthy and eating great, but he doesn't want to sell it!!! Im a little concerned about it because he keeps his water at 79-80. He ahs had it nearly a year i think with no problems.

I was also reading the COPPS call out thread the other day, and john said he keeps his tanks at 75ish w/ bandits and interrupta, so im not too concerned w/ water temp as long as i can keep it that low in the summer!!!

Mark, were you aware of the guy selling an interruptus on craigslist in sac a week ago???
Im between fresno and Modesto...

I've spent a lot of time on Highway 99. LOL
I'm working in Honolulu right now, but I've spent a lot of my life tileing LDS churches in alot of towns on 99.
Baker, Modesto, Fresno , Turlock, Manteca, Elk Grove, Sacramento, Gridley, Lodi, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some right now.

It brings back old memories.
No Way! That is crazy. Yup, I live right off the 99!!!

Well Brad, If your every back this way, I would love for you to come by some time!!!

I've spent a lot of time on Highway 99. LOL
I'm working in Honolulu right now, but I've spent a lot of my life tileing LDS churches in alot of towns on 99.
Baker, Modesto, Fresno , Turlock, Manteca, Elk Grove, Sacramento, Gridley, Lodi, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some right now.

It brings back old memories.
Mark, were you aware of the guy selling an interruptus on craigslist in sac a week ago???

Yep ;) They have been on more and more lists. After seeing one at 8", I've lost interest in keeping a centropyge that gets that large.
I will definately! Mark, I was just in your neighborhood a little over a year ago, but didn't know you were that close. I tiled a new LDS church in Folsum. I wished I would of known where you lived then.
We dont have any contracts in Cali right now, but the way the economy is in SLC, I'm afraid I will be traveling quite often in the future.
What town are you close to Ryan?
I didn't know you were in Salt Lake! I was there last week for training!!! Crazy.

Im in Merced right on the 99...

Small world isn't it.
Next time you get in my part of the country, make sure you let me know also.
I have quite a few nice LFS's in Salt Lake that I could take you to.
I could keep you busy all day long. LOL
Guess what I just got.....


They'll be here Friday!!!

Oh yeah! I also got 10 new frags from a good friend that made me add/change some of the rock work!

I'll get some pics up friday w/ the new additions!