Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

I had the same thing happen to my Shawn Bennet Tri-color about a year ago....I still have a nice chucnk of it, but it was very depressing. On the bright side, there are LOTS of insurance frags in my local club :)

Very nice piece BTW
Man that sucks! Such a big colony, it's a shame to see it cut up. Any idea what caused the RTN?
Benihana - That is the way I have been trying to live my life. What's done is done, so you might as well look on the Bright side!!!

Dan, I've been doing some extra water changes lately and I havn't been adjusting my Alk for it. The way i add my salt to my mixture bucket is 2 scoops of ReefCrystals and 2 of Iinstant Ocean. This way w/ my 30 gallons is get an alk of 10-11. But I've been dosing some Zeo Additives to help brake down some Nitrates and It requires a lower alk of around 8. I havn't been testing at all lately and once I say the RTN i tested the ALk and it was 11... So Im thinking the spike did it, so im slowly working my alk back down.

Then I just got a text that my pH was 7.51 at home!!! I just refilled my co2 and aparently opened my needle valve too much and it dropped my pH WAY to low. It normally runs low anyway but that is bad low. My wife is home now and says everything still looks good...
Then I just got a text that my pH was 7.51 at home!!! I just refilled my co2 and aparently opened my needle valve too much and it dropped my pH WAY to low. It normally runs low anyway but that is bad low. My wife is home now and says everything still looks good...[/QUOTE]
i set my apex to shut down the calcium reactor set up if ph drops below 7.8
maybe you can do the same with your ac3
the current tank of the month ph is between 8.0 to 7.6
Benihana - That is the way I have been trying to live my life. What's done is done, so you might as well look on the Bright side!!!

Dan, I've been doing some extra water changes lately and I havn't been adjusting my Alk for it. The way i add my salt to my mixture bucket is 2 scoops of ReefCrystals and 2 of Iinstant Ocean. This way w/ my 30 gallons is get an alk of 10-11. But I've been dosing some Zeo Additives to help brake down some Nitrates and It requires a lower alk of around 8. I havn't been testing at all lately and once I say the RTN i tested the ALk and it was 11... So Im thinking the spike did it, so im slowly working my alk back down.

Then I just got a text that my pH was 7.51 at home!!! I just refilled my co2 and aparently opened my needle valve too much and it dropped my pH WAY to low. It normally runs low anyway but that is bad low. My wife is home now and says everything still looks good...
Hopefully you've got the cause and dropping the Alk corrects the problem and the PH drop doesn't hurt anything. Good luck.
How are the multibars doing? That has to be my favorite centropyge!

Anyways your tank looks great and sorry to hear about the chopping. Hope things stable back out for you.

Thank Dave.

The Multibars are still doing great. They have just finished their first week of Prazi! I'll give them a few days off and then start Copper and another round of Prazi.
Ryan, so was there any damage caused by the PH drop?

Nope :)

A few pieces from the Pink Jade are still alive so hopefully they will make it as well.

Also, I have the GoldFlake in a 20g Hospital tank with maracyn Plus in there. He is lookin a lot better. Much Much less awkward swiming and he still has 2 more days in the hospital tank!

Hopefully he will pull through!
Ryan, so was there any damage caused by the PH drop?

Dan, I have never really seen or heard that PH fluctations will cause damage to the corals. I think its more of a longer term residual efffect.
I was playing around with LightRoom and got a FTS. I wanted to post it before my new lights get here on Monday to compare.

Very nice Ryan :) Much better :thumbsup: Have you given any thought to blackening out the background?