Benihana - That is the way I have been trying to live my life. What's done is done, so you might as well look on the Bright side!!!
Dan, I've been doing some extra water changes lately and I havn't been adjusting my Alk for it. The way i add my salt to my mixture bucket is 2 scoops of ReefCrystals and 2 of Iinstant Ocean. This way w/ my 30 gallons is get an alk of 10-11. But I've been dosing some Zeo Additives to help brake down some Nitrates and It requires a lower alk of around 8. I havn't been testing at all lately and once I say the RTN i tested the ALk and it was 11... So Im thinking the spike did it, so im slowly working my alk back down.
Then I just got a text that my pH was 7.51 at home!!! I just refilled my co2 and aparently opened my needle valve too much and it dropped my pH WAY to low. It normally runs low anyway but that is bad low. My wife is home now and says everything still looks good...