Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Thanks Mark :) !!!

Here are a few pictures of my Favorite new anthias. I've got 4 now and I want to add 6-10 more. I was looking through the best tanks of the world thread in the SPS forum and I realized I loved all the tanks with beautiful full SPS with but still an open aquascape, Beautiful Exotic fish, and lots of anthias... So I cant yet tell how many will be the right fit to leave me enough room for other fish including at least a few more wrasses...




And a cool picture showing my "special" Goldflake. He doesn't swim right at all. I thought he was a gonner months and months ago but he is still hanging in there. he doesn't swim with his tail at all and I've notices decreased mass around his tail. LIke how a paralized person looses muscle in their legs from lack of use. He swims upside down, does front flips and barrel rolls but once I put food in the tank he swims right again until the food is gone! He is Crazy!

And what is this one? I'm always one blue acro in my tank but I'm really bad at names. Most of my acros have blue tips, but none of them have a solid blue like yours.

Yeah, this has become one of my most favorite Acros! I love the big bushy polyps with the bright blue stem! This is the ORA Blue BottleBrush!